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The Billionaire Bad Boys Club

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club(58)
Author: Emma Holly

Zane moved in while she gaped. His reflection was nearly as flushed as hers. “See how beautiful you are?” he murmured in her ear. “How enticing?”

He stood between the shin rests that spread her thighs. He was close enough that filling his lungs with air caused his chest to brush her back, close enough that head of his erection bumped the top of her ass. He reached through the various bars and straps to stroke the pebbled skin around her right nipple. The feathery touch drew more hot fluid from her.

Trey’s intake of breath was harsh as he spotted this. Forcing his gaze upward, he looked at Zane instead of her. “Is the height all right?”

“Perfect,” Zane said. “I can slide my c**k right into her from here.”

A shiver crossed Trey’s shoulders. Did he want Zane to slide his c**k into him? “I’ll shift the mirror,” he said, his voice gone thick. “I don’t want to block Rebecca’s view when she’s going down on me.”

“Good,” Zane said. “I’ll want to watch that too.”

The mirror hung on a wheeled track. Trey pushed it to a new position, gauged the angles, and then returned to her. He was breathing harder, a thin sheen of sweat gleaming on his bronzed skin.

“Here are the rules,” he said, not quite evenly. “You make me come, and then Zane lets you. As long as I hold back, he doesn’t bring you off. Obviously, you can only use your mouth.”

Was it rude to point out this could be short game, given how wound up Trey was?

“My mouth can’t reach you from here,” she said instead.

Trey climbed onto the frame with her.

There were places to put his feet she hadn’t noticed before, and also a subway style strap for one hand to hang onto. Once he’d gripped it, Trey’s c**k was level with her mouth. This close, his erection filled her field of vision, rock hard and juddering. All she saw of his tattoo was the dragon’s tail.

Trey cupped the side of her head with his free hand. “I can pull out if you push me too close to the edge. Because you’re bound, you won’t be able to stop me. As you might have guessed, I’ll need the advantage.”

His self-deprecating tone caused her to crane to see his face. Did he think she judged him for liking this? How could she, when her body had been creaming since her first sight of the contraption? She’d told him this bondage worked on her. Hadn’t her words gotten through?

Words didn’t always, of course. Sometimes convincing someone required action.

Behind her, Zane ran his hands across her shoulders and down her arms, across the leather that secured her elbows to the metal cuffs on her wrists. He caressed both her and what held her captive.

“I think we ought to start,” he said.

She trembled, knowing the men wouldn’t stop unless she told them to. Maybe she ought to tell them. Maybe this was too much for an uptight control freak like her . . .

She forgot every doubt the second Zane’s prick nudged into her pu**y.

Her tension gave way like wax melting. His c**k completed her bondage, its solid length going in the key that dissolved her fears. The reaction was primitive. Irrational. Some big male taking her didn’t make her safe from anything. At the moment, logic had no power over her. Zane was stretching her limits, clearly worked up like Trey. When he moaned his pleasure for the penetration, the sound rang through her soul.

Oh yes, she thought. This was what people meant by surrender.

“You like that?” Trey rasped.

Until Zane answered, she wasn’t certain whom Trey was talking to.

“She’s hot around me,” he said. “Tight. Wet. You should try her mouth and see if it’s as nice.”

“I will,” Trey said. “After I do this.”

With his hand still cupping her face, he swung his groin forward. His erection settled against her cheek, extending from her jaw to her temple in a hot line. His skin was velvet, the throbbing hardness within it reminding her how alive this part of him was. As if his c**k were another hand, he caressed her face with it: one side, the other, sighing as she turned her head to rub it. Pulses shook within her lips as his hardness brushed them, but her mouth was relaxed. Trey liked the feel of it. He dragged his c**k up and down its fullness, tugging at the seam with his flare. It was a tease that made her shiver and him impatient. His hold grew infinitesimally harder against her jaw.

“Take me,” he ordered hoarsely. “Open those sexy lips for me and suck.”

She didn’t want to resist. She opened and his c**k pushed in. He didn’t try to overwhelm her, but he wasn’t tentative. God, he was thick. Her mouth stretched around him, watering, adjusting. Her tongue wanted to taste and rub all of him, but settled for the inches it could reach on the strut underneath his glans.

She looked sideways, seeking him in the mirror, only to have his gaze meet hers there. Like her, he wanted to see the whole picture: her corseted and strapped to the rack, hanging from the straps of leather with Zane’s c**k buried deep inside her. His prick held her prisoner, a spike she didn’t have the means to escape. Above her, his long muscled arms gripped the rack for leverage. His abs were taut, her bottom soft and tilted to give him access to her sex. Every part of Zane was bigger than she was, causing her to seem extra feminine. The strange thing was, she felt extra powerful. Sexier. Maybe irresistible. Her forward lean caused her br**sts to dangle X-ratedly.

Trey took in every bit of this—lips parting, breath hastening, totally turned on by what he saw. The journey of his eyes complete, he returned his gaze to where his erection breached her mouth. There it stopped like he was frozen. This visual might have been crudest, but she knew they both liked it. Trey’s huge hard-on pulsed in the mirror and on her tongue.

“Fuck,” he breathed. “Rebecca.”

He sounded awed, as if she were doing him a favor rather than giving in to her own desires. She knew what she wanted then: to show him how much she accepted him, to prove it with tenderness and care. She crooned to him, the snug circle of her lips drawing back along the careful distance he’d pushed in. When she pulled free, she kissed his trembling tip.

She felt she loved him. Maybe the feeling would fade, but it existed in that moment.

“Come in again,” she said huskily. “Fuck my mouth nice and slow.”

Trey wasn’t likely to do it rough. Not to a woman anyway. Never mind his dominant streak. If she knew him at all, he’d err on the side of caution.

She wasn’t mistaken. He moaned softly and pushed back in. As if it were a signal, Zane started moving his c**k inside her too. Her pu**y clenched around his hardness, and that drew a groan from him. The sound was deeper than Trey’s. Zane seemed more in control than his lover but not by much. Caught between them, sensing them straining to rein in their bodies’ natural urges, she realized something new.
