Read Books Novel

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club(72)
Author: Emma Holly

She turned to face him. The men had stepped into the white marble enclosure, towering and naked. Rebecca became a different sort of wet when faced with their male beauty.

“Wow,” she said, taking in their taut muscles and tall erections. “If you’re my groupies, I really rate.”

Trey’s smile was beautiful. “Zane and I wondered if you could stand company.”

“No,” Zane corrected, drawing Trey’s head around. “Not company. Not yet.”

“Not company?” Trey repeated.

Rebecca’s heart skipped a beat as Zane dragged a fingertip down the centerline of Trey’s water-beaded chest. Maybe Trey’s heart skipped too. He sucked in a gasp loud enough to hear.

“I think she’d prefer a show.” Zane’s attention followed his finger across Trey’s navel. “The show she secretly wanted to see that first morning when you and I shared the shower in here.”

Zane didn’t touch Trey’s erection, but it jumped anyway. “A show with just you and me?”

“Exactly.” Zane looked into Trey’s eyes. The mist was clinging to Trey’s lashes, the sparkle making him seem dreamy. “You and me making love to each other in front of her. She can watch as closely as she wants without being distracted.”

Trey’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. “You sure?”

“I’m sure.” Zane shifted his gaze to her. “That’s something you want, isn’t it?”

She’d been holding her breath without realizing. “Yes,” she said on an outward gust of air.

Zane smiled, his blue eyes simultaneously hot and affectionate. “I’d kiss you,” he said, “but I’m saving that for later.”

He kissed Trey instead, holding his face, and then his biceps, and then Trey broke and plastered the two of them front to front in a full embrace. The move shocked through Rebecca as if it had been done to her. This was how they’d kiss if they were alone—hungry and hot and hard. In the center of the spray, the men sucked each other’s tongues, their chiseled jaws and cheeks working. Trey was moaning long and low. Zane moved his h*ps against his lover’s, rubbing their thick erections side by side.

“Shit,” Trey gasped, yanking his head back for air. His hands clamped Zane’s bu**ocks to increase the pressure.

“Feel something you like, buddy?” Zane teased him.

He undulated his pelvis and Trey groaned. Something about the sound was so uninhibited, so personal that Rebecca took a step back. She wouldn’t have thought Zane was paying attention, but his left hand snapped out to catch her wrist.

“No,” he said, his face streaming with water, his lips reddened from kissing. “Stay close. You can . . . you can touch us if you want. We’re just not touching you right now.”

She heard the unsureness in his voice. Despite setting this in motion, he wasn’t completely confident about baring this side of him to her. “You’re okay with that,” she not-quite-asked.

“I want it,” he said roughly. “Like you wouldn’t believe. If you put your hands on me while I’m f**king him, I’m going to be so excited I might explode.”

Her heart pounded in her throat at his intensity. For a moment, she couldn’t speak.

“Would you like that?” he asked, actually worried by her pause.

“Oh yes,” she assured him with a ragged laugh. “Like you wouldn’t believe.”

“Me too,” Trey piped up, laughing like she was. “You have no idea the daydreams I’ve had that started just like that.”

The space between the marble walls was filling up with steam. Even so, she and Trey witnessed the hot flush that darkened Zane’s cheekbones.

Growling softly with longing, he bent to kiss Trey’s neck. His hands moved over Trey’s na**d body, self-consciously at first and then getting into it. Trey touched him back, writhing as Zane stroked him. Zane wasn’t afraid to manhandle him, pinching his ni**les and butt, giving his balls a tighter squeeze than Rebecca would have dared to use.

Given Trey’s fondness for a hint of pain, this cranked him to a very excited state. Zane’s kisses shifted to his sharp little ni**les, turning to love bites there. The marks he left on Trey’s chest were red. Rebecca suspected they’d linger.

Unable to help herself, she touched one. Trey whimpered his oh-that-hurts-so-good sound. Taking this as a signal, Zane began to go to his knees.

“No,” Trey panted, grabbing his shoulders to stop him. “I’m too close. You’ll push me over. Let me suck you instead.”

He dropped before Zane could stop him, water spray bouncing off his broad shoulders as he drove his wonderfully expressive lips down Zane’s cock.

Zane couldn’t hide how much he liked that. He forked his fingers into Trey’s hair and made a garbled sound. His neck fell back and his eyes closed with bliss. His h*ps pushed at Trey even as he tried to control his arousal by deepening his breathing. Trey took his thickened shaft eagerly. Maybe because he had a c**k himself and knew its mysteries, neither hesitation nor embarrassment marked the treatment he gave to Zane’s. He wasn’t deep throating him, but he had to be coming close. His hands gripped Zane’s hipbones, perhaps to prevent him from accidentally forcing the issue.

The slurping noise of his lips and tongue caused her sex to tighten.

“God,” Zane gasped, every muscle in his abdomen gone rigid. “That feels so good. I’m going to f**k your mouth too far.”

Trey pulled free with a pop. “Hold his base,” he said to her. “Squeeze your fingers around him as tight as you can.”

The order startled her, but she complied. Zane’s c**k was incredibly hard, not only pointing upward but also arching slightly back toward him. He moaned when her hand gripped him, and louder when Trey swallowed him down again. Rebecca shuddered as Trey’s lips bumped her fingers.

Zane had said they wouldn’t touch her, but he couldn’t resist wrapping his arm around her waist to hitch her close to him. His side was hot, his muscles bunched with tension. She guessed the squeeze she had on his base wasn’t tight enough. Cursing, Zane released his guiding hold on Trey’s head. He grabbed his own testicles instead, tugging his sac to keep himself from coming.

“Ahh,” he sighed as the urge relaxed. He rolled his h*ps into Trey’s mouth more smoothly. “God, Trey, that feels soo good.”
