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The Billionaire Bad Boys Club

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club(74)
Author: Emma Holly

Trey grunted and gave him a hammer strike.

“Fuck,” Zane gasped, his head lashing.

The last thrust seemed to have struck its desired target, but this wasn’t enough for Trey. He kneed Zane’s legs wider with his own. This seemed to restrict Zane’s ability to react. He was at the mercy of how deep and fast his friend chose to go. His powerful body struggled, though it also seemed to love the trap. The sounds he made were raw, the jerking of his c**k frantic. Trey released Zane’s hipbone to grab his balls, cupping them snug against his body. Though the men’s main anchor was Trey’s single handhold on the wall, Trey went at Zane so fast he could have been a machine.

“Fuck,” Zane said again, eyes squeezed, face strained. “Fuck, f**k.”

“Rub him off,” Trey panted through his wild thrusting. “Grab his penis now.”

Zane’s c**k was red with excitement, thick, strutted, like a horn pointing up from his abdomen. Trey’s thrusts were shaking it, but she grabbed it around the middle, wanking her fist as hard and fast toward the crest as she’d seen men do in  p**n  films.

Timing it perfectly, Trey added an extra oomph to his upward drives.

Zane’s mouth stretched wide a second before he let out a roaring shout.

His c**k convulsed in her hand. Semen shot into the shower’s spray, jet after jet, like he was coming for twenty men. He made a noise like this hurt. She would have stopped rubbing, but he slapped his hand around hers, milking his ejaculation to the last drop. He didn’t stop even after he started softening.

She guessed it hadn’t hurt. She guessed it had felt really good.

Zane’s breath wavered out on a sighing moan, his body bending forward again.

“Wow,” he said. “That was . . .” He swallowed and had to stop speaking.

Trey let out a little laugh. “I believe the phrase you’re searching for is ‘hell to the f**kin’ yeah.’”

He pulled out and dropped to the bench, his knees giving out temporarily.

He was nearly as hard as when he’d started. Weariness rather than an orgasm caused him to flag. Watching his prick stick up even as his head dropped with exhaustion clenched her pu**y on itself. She knew exactly how she wanted to work off the excitement the men had inspired in her.

“Phew,” he said. “You up for finishing this with me?”

Her eyes jerked away from his groin. Trey was looking straight at her. He laughed at her expression. “Yes, I’m talking to you. You’re the one I saved this for.”


“Absolutely. How many times does a man like me get to live out his hottest daydreams?” As many times as he wanted if the person he was asking was Rebecca. She didn’t know how to say this, and he held out his hand to Zane. “A little help here, please?”

Zane helped him to his feet and also to tidy up. Zane’s own hands shook with tiredness, but Trey liked his assistance. He squirmed as Zane re-dressed his erection. She suspected Zane was smoothing the latex a little better than it needed. When he stroked one finger around Trey’s balls, the caress was plainly gratuitous.

“That’s more help than I need!” Trey objected with a grin.

Zane grinned back. “You two put me out of commission. I want to make sure you’re up for doing both our parts with her.”

“Well, now I’m too up for it,” Trey said, his mood just as playful. He turned to her. “I hoped you’re primed, sweetheart. This isn’t likely to be my finest hour.”

Rebecca padded to him to twine her arms behind his neck. His hot green eyes were the only eyes in the world right then. She’d never forget their twinkle; never stop being grateful for having these memories. Seeing the emotions her gaze held sped up his breathing.

“Your finest two minutes ought to do it,” she predicted.

He took her at her word. His hands hoisted her bottom, his delicious mouth dropping to conquer hers. That was better than awesome. He had no idea how she’d hungered for his tongue.

“Mm,” he moaned at the ease with which his hardness slid into her. “Mm, Rebecca, you are ready.”

She couldn’t blush; she was too busy tightening her calves to pull her sheath down him. God, she needed this, needed his heated thickness stretching her sexual aches.

Maybe he sensed that. With another moan, he took two strides and flattened her into a wall.

She gasped with pleasure at how deep this drove his cock.

Trey’s body trembled against and inside hers. “I held back for this,” he whispered. “Zane was sweet as hell, and I wanted to go with him, but I held back to do this with you.”

He made her quiver—with his words, with his rock-hard body, with his breath-stealing willingness to share his soul. Rebecca’s body clamped around him, but he didn’t press in farther. Instead, he drew back, sucked air, and thrust in even more emphatically.

Rebecca’s nerves all moaned: oh my God. Possibly his did too. They groaned together, her nails digging into his gorgeous shoulders as he clenched her bottom. Neither of them could speak. Trey growled and gripped her tighter, his sea-bright eyes an inch from hers.

Now, said his lips as his erection throbbed inside her.

He didn’t stop again. He pulled back for ten strong strokes—all long, all hard, all intense beyond measuring. She knew Zane was watching; she heard his quickened breathing nearby but couldn’t look at him. His presence wound her up all the same. The sensations inside her pu**y approached pain as her body reached for its peak. At the eleventh stroke, she came with a cry so loud it echoed around the room.

Trey groaned back and poured his pleasure out. He came not only because of her but Zane. The storm of longing stirred up by taking Zane was now buffeting her.

When he stopped shoving into her and quaking, all of them were done in.

“I need a bed,” she moaned, squished between Trey and the silk-papered wall, which he was using to hold them up. “If you put me down, I promise I’ll try to walk.”

“You’re nice and warm,” Trey mumbled in complaint. “I don’t want to move.”

Zane added his two cents by swatting Trey’s bare ass.

“Nope,” Trey retorted. “Can’t get a rise out of me with those tricks right now.”

“Haha,” Zane said. “Let Rebecca down, and I’ll help you both into the bedroom.”

With a few more grumbles, Trey let her go. He could walk, it turned out—better than her anyway. Zane was left to bring up the rear. He flipped off the bathroom lights and began to shut the door.
