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The Billionaire Bad Boys Club

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club(88)
Author: Emma Holly

“That was so f**king hot to watch,” he confessed.

Rebecca smiled. “I bet Trey would like us both to watch him.”

She leaned to the side so Trey could lean in, which he seemed happy to do. This was better than a ringside seat. She was so close to the action she could feel Trey’s exhalations fanning Zane, could practically count how many degrees their temperature had gone up. A bead of pr**cum squeezed from Zane’s championship hard-on.

“Keep steadying him,” Trey directed her. “Zane, don’t move your hands from where they are.”

Trey licked him like she had, then brushed him with his lips. When he swallowed him halfway down, both men moaned with pleasure.

She guessed it got to them more than they planned.

“Fuck,” Trey said, pulling free shakily. He moved his hands to lacy sides of her panties. No, he’s not, Rebecca thought, but he did, making a growling noise as he ripped them off.

“What are you doing?” Zane panted.

“Can’t resist.” Trey caressed her thighs to urge them wider. “She is too damn sweet.”

Air fluttered across her na**d pu**y a second before blazing hot skin nudged her. Trey pushed, and groaned, and filled her inch by arousing inch. Oh he was thick, stretching and throbbing as he went in. She couldn’t control her neck arching back. Luckily, that wasn’t required of her.

“Jeez,” Zane breathed, admiring her reaction.

Trey pushed into her to his balls and pulled down her low neckline. Her br**sts spilled free, sharp-tipped and shaking. Trey covered them with both hands and rubbed.

Again the men groaned like they were the same person.

“So pretty,” Zane said as Trey pulled her ni**les out.

If she’d had breath left, she’d have said the same when Trey leaned across her shoulder and slid his mouth down Zane’s shaft. He got Zane wetter than she had, sucking him harder and more noisily. He undid the waist fastening to Zane’s trousers, exposing more of him to work on. Rebecca decided that was good. His drawn up scrotum was perfectly in reach.

Zane made a pleasure-pain noise when she squeezed it.

“God,” he moaned, h*ps twisting to get closer to both of them. His body arched like they had it on a rack. It seemed to be a good rack. He didn’t ask them to stop until he couldn’t stand anymore.

“Please,” he said then. “I need a breather.”

Trey drew back and panted, his c**k hard as stone inside her. Zane wasn’t the only one on the edge. Trey hadn’t moved in a while. With a reluctant groan, he pulled out of her.

“Me?” Zane asked.

“You,” Trey acquiesced.

Zane released the rail and held out his hands to her. His burning eyes told her if she took them, she’d pass control to him. She was ready for that. Actually, she was eager.

He lifted her to her feet.

“Arms around my neck,” he said.

She put them there, and he boosted her by the bottom—which thanks to Trey was now bare. She hooked her stocking-clad legs around his waist.

“Jacket pocket,” he said to Trey. “Right side. There’s something in there for you too.”

“Look at me,” he added, when she would have turned to see.

Trey reached between their bodies to roll on Zane’s rubber. Pleasure shifted Zane’s facial muscles, but his gaze stayed on her.

“The other thing,” Trey said. “Is it for you or her?”

Her eyes felt as wide as saucers. Zane studied them calmly.

“For her,” he said. “No reasons she shouldn’t get a taste of what this feels like for us.”

Whatever this was—and certainly she could guess—Trey decided her dress ought to be peeled off first. This left her in the black stockings and garter belt, plus the key on the golden chain. Probably she looked like a French sex slave. Zane bit his lip and smiled.

“Rub your br**sts on my shirt,” he said.

The cloth was smooth, the starched pleats supplying the perfect chafe for her tight ni**les. She guessed Zane liked the friction too. The vein at his temple pulsed more quickly.

“Ready?” he asked like he really hoped she was.

“Yes,” she said, meaning it all the way through her.

His strong hands tightened on her bottom, pulling her sex up and over him. The trip back down was with him inside her.

She adored the groan he let out for that.

She almost didn’t notice the rustle of Trey taking off his shirt. Bare and warm from the waist up, he returned to nuzzle the back of her neck. His c**k felt like it was sheathed.

“Don’t be scared,” he whispered.

His heart pounded into hers through his chest. Both men’s did, the wall of powerful male on either side of her more exciting than anything they’d done to her before.

“You wouldn’t mind if I was a little scared,” she whispered shakily to Trey. “You’d like it a tiny bit.”

His laugh was a broken breath on her shoulder. He enjoyed that she’d busted him.

“It’s the edge,” he said, hands smoothing around her thighs to the place where her pu**y and Zane’s c**k joined. “Riding it makes sex better.”

His touch explored their meeting until they squirmed with longing. Breathing even harder, Trey returned his caresses to her back and then his hands left her. She heard something squirt and twitched in reaction. Trey was lubing his erection, running his fist up and down. His body was close enough that his knuckles bumped her spine.

“That feels good, doesn’t it?” she asked.

“It does. But not as good as this.”

The lube trickled down her crack. He smoothed it with two fingers over her anus, which itched pleasantly as he rubbed.

“Rock her on you,” Trey said to Zane. “She needs to be more relaxed.”

Zane rocked, and she couldn’t help moaning. She might be nervous, but—God—she wanted this. Her body craved an orgasm. Satisfied with the change Zane’s small motions had effected, Trey positioned his c**k to enter her.

“I’ll only give you what you can take,” he said.

Taking him was easier than she expected, perhaps because they’d prepared her, or maybe she simply trusted Trey that much. He pressed into her, all the way, with only a few back and forth attempts.

“God,” he said, one arm around her waist while the other still gripped the rail. His body trembled with excitement. “You okay?”

“More than,” she said breathlessly.

Both her passages were throbbing, both stretched and hot and electrified. A current seemed to pass in waves between the men’s erections. She was nearly too full, but she loved the sensation. Surrendering to it, she reached back to hold Trey’s head.
