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The Billionaire's Game ~ Kade

The Billionaire’s Game ~ Kade (Billionaire’s Obsession #4)(47)
Author: J.S. Scott

“And you miss football,” Asha added, knowing Kade missed being involved in the sport. “You have a lot to give, Kade. So much you could teach them. I think it’s a fantastic idea.”

“I’m not sure how much they want to learn from a guy who can’t even really run well anymore,” Kade replied in a self-deprecating manner.

Asha turned as she reached her door, gaping at him. She grasped a handful of his t-shirt to bring him closer, and stared up into his eyes.

He actually means that. He thinks he’s less now than he was before because of his accident.

“Do you really think those kids would care? To be taught by the great Kade Harrison would have any young boy who loves football incredibly excited. And you don’t need to be able to run.” Asha sighed, loosening her grip on his shirt, but keeping eye contact. “We had five kids beg for your autograph when we went to eat. You’re recognized by every kid aspiring to play football. You can be a role model for them. Football is more than just physical ability and you know it. It’s up here, too.” She took her free hand and tapped a finger to her temple. “You could teach them that, Kade, and nobody can do it as well as you.”

Kade put both his arms snugly around her waist as his lips began to twitch. “You don’t like football. How do you know?”

“I have a small confession to make,” she told him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I watched almost every one of your games for the last two seasons that you were playing. When you went to the office, I watched and learned from the recorded games at your house. You were incredible. I could almost see the wheels turning in your brain, your concentration and focus while you were playing. While a lot of the other guys were out there letting the testosterone fly, you were plotting, planning. I don’t think I ever saw you lose your temper.”

He grinned down at her, visibly pleased. “I couldn’t afford to lose my grip. Too much riding on me staying focused. But trust me, I have no lack of testosterone. I just couldn’t let it loose on the field. You really watched my games?”

“Believe me, I already know you have more than your fair share of male hormones, but you were in control. I was mesmerized,” Asha admitted. “And I learned a lot. There’s a lot of strategy in the game, and you’re a master at it. You still have all of that information, Kade. And I’m willing to bet you can still hit your target with your throwing arm. So please stop beating yourself up because of your leg. You have so much knowledge you could share with young players.”

“Damn right I can hit my target,” Kade told her gruffly, but he was still smiling. “I was a little hesitant because of my leg, but I want to do it.”

“Then do it. You’re still the great Kade Harrison. And I’ll bet your butt still looks amazing in those tight pants,” she told him teasingly. Really, she probably could bounce a quarter off his tight ass, and she couldn’t help but admire it every time she caught a glimpse of him from behind. Kade was still poetry in motion when he moved, even with an injured leg.

Kade laughed, a booming sound that echoed in the hallway. “I don’t plan on wearing the pants. I’ll be there to teach.”

“Well…damn,” Asha said, disappointed. “And here I was going to offer to teach some yoga for you at the camp if I could see that butt in a pair of those pants,” she teased.

“I’ve never seen you do yoga. I’ll wear the football pants if I can see you in a pair of those yoga pants,” Kade said hopefully.

Asha lifted a brow. “I don’t even own a pair of them.”

“I’ll get you some in every color,” Kade replied eagerly.

She swatted him on the arm playfully. “My neighbors were Indian and practiced both yoga and meditation. I learned from a very early age from them. I haven’t done it for a while, but like you, I still have the knowledge here.” She put a finger to her forehead.

“Believe it or not, I think yoga is incredibly beneficial for a football player. I did some yoga pre-season and during the off-season. It helped me maintain my range of motion and flexibility,” Kade told her with a wink. “I’d still love to watch you do it.”

“For your information, I usually do it when I’m alone and in my underwear or naked,” she informed him innocently.

“Scratch the yoga pants. I’ll go for that in a private viewing,” he told her with an evil grin. “And I’ll take you up on the offer to teach basic yoga to the kids, but I’m getting you a baggy pair of sweats for that. I don’t want my fellow players who are helping out to be checking out your ass. Football players can be horny bastards.”

Asha rolled her eyes at him, amused that he seemed to think that every man would look at her with lust in his eyes like he did. Honestly, no other man looked at her the way Kade did. “You’ll be a great teacher,” she told him truthfully, knowing that he’d also make a great father. He was a protective alpha male, but he also had such patience and kindness.

“Thanks,” Kade replied, lowering his forehead to hers. “So much confidence in my abilities?”

“Yes,” she answered quickly and adamantly. Really, she didn’t think there was anything Kade couldn’t do if he wanted to do it. He had a stubborn tenacity that would always make him succeed.

“Have I told you today how amazing I think you are?” Kade asked her huskily.

Asha’s heart skipped a beat. His low baritone was sincere, and he obviously did think she was exceptional, for some unknown reason. Somehow, it made Asha feel lighter, more carefree. “Nope. You haven’t.”

“Then let me tell you now. Asha…you’re an incredible woman, my incredible woman.” He leaned down and kissed her then, a kiss that was slow and languorous, making her feel valued and treasured. It was sensual, but it was an embrace that wasn’t meant to arouse. It was a sharing of emotions, a kiss of communication and intimacy.

It left Asha smiling, her feet still not on the ground for a very long time after she opened her apartment door and disappeared inside alone.

Chapter 16

“It looks incredible,” Tate Colter told Asha as he stared at the finished wall in his apartment. “It looks even better than I thought it would. I wish…” He trailed off, his comment unfinished.

Asha looked at Tate curiously, wondering what he was going to say. She’d finished his wall completely today, putting the finishing touches into the scene. “You wish what?”
