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The Bite That Binds

The Bite That Binds (Deep In Your Veins #2)(6)
Author: Suzanne Wright

Resting his forehead against mine, he exhaled heavily. “Just promise me one thing. Promise me you won’t Merge with anyone.”

Although vampires each only had one gift, Bestowers like Antonio could impart power to another vampire and, thus, allow them to develop another gift. He had done this for me once as a reward, and had done it twice for Jared. “It’s one of my gifts—”

“And it’s a dangerous one. The last time you used it, you nearly got too overwhelmed by power, and I almost lost you.”

I grabbed the lapels of his matrix-style leather jacket. “Look, it’s sweet that you’re so determined to protect me, but I’m a big girl.”

“Yes, and you’re my girl. I want you safe and here with me. Promise me.”

“I only use it as a last resort.”


A sly thought came to me. Ordinarily, I wasn’t a sly person, but when needs must…“I’ll make you a deal. You tell me about Magda, and I’ll promise not to use that gift at any time tonight.”

He narrowed his eyes. “That’s a shitty deal.”

“It’s the only one you’re getting. You close yourself off from me all the time, Jared. It’s not fair. I trusted you with all my shit. Now I’m asking you to do the same.”

After a long moment, he nodded and took a seat on his corner leather sofa. It was a minute or so before he finally spoke. “Evan and I already knew about vampires before we Turned. One night on our way home, we were walking down an alley, and we saw this guy chomping on some girl’s neck. He heard us coming and looked up; his irises were glowing amber, and his fangs were showing.

“He told us to turn around, to forget what we had seen and take another route to where we were going. I could feel the power, the push in his voice, but…I don’t know, it just didn’t work. The same went for Evan. I know now that he’d obviously had the gift to hypnotise, but for whatever reason it hadn’t worked on us. The vampire realised and started laughing. He seemed fascinated with us, and we actually became friends.”

Sensing his reluctance to go on, I perched myself on the sofa beside him and nudged his knee with mine. He gave me a put-out look but continued.

“Evan and I went to a club with him one night. It was a place where a lot of vampires went. Magda was there. I’ll be honest, I was a little mesmerised by her. It was mostly because of the natural glamour that comes with vampirism, I guess” – Hmm, not feeling good about Magda right now – “but it was never more than sex to me. She told me she loved me, but I hadn’t felt the same. I’d thought I cared about her at the time, though. In truth, I’d really just been kind of…I don’t know…a little infatuated with her.”

Did that make me feel a little better? No. Although I’d never been a possessive person, I could be quite possessive with Jared and I even had my jealous moments. This was to be one of those moments.

“She said that she wanted to Turn me. I probably should have considered it. My job bored the hell out of me and it didn’t exactly pay well. My apartment was a shithole. I owed a serious amount of money to some seriously bad people. But there was Evan. I wouldn’t have left him like that. And, although I’d thought I cared about her, I still hadn’t wanted to give up my life for her. So I said no. She looked pissed, and I thought she was going to Turn me anyway. Instead, she told me to spend the next day thinking it over. But I hadn’t changed my mind, so I didn’t go back to the club that night.

“It was later that same night that I got a call from Evan’s cell. Only it wasn’t Evan. It was Magda. She’d Turned him, Sam. She’d Turned Evan against his will. She said she’d done it for me, so that I’d have Evan when she Turned me. But she hadn’t done it for me, she hadn’t loved me. She’d done it out of spite because I hadn’t gone back to her – I knew it, she knew it. But how could I have said no? It was my fault that she’d done it to him, how could I have left him alone to live that life? So I let her Turn me. She could have just Turned me and left Evan out of it, but she hadn’t because she’d wanted to hurt me. She used Evan to do it.”

Feeling his pain and guilt, I straddled him and cradled his face with my hands. “Evan would never blame you.” The brothers were too close for that.

His arms immediately went around me. “I know. But the dumb f**ker should. Instead, he jokes how weird it is that in both our human life and vampire life we were born on the same day, yet both times he was born an hour before me.”

That was typical of Evan; he could find humour in just about any situation. “What happened after that?”

“Once he and I had a good hold on our bloodlust, we left her.”

“Has she ever been in touch?” I couldn’t envision her letting him leave without a struggle.

“In the beginning, she tried to track me down. But when none of the vampires she sent ever returned to her – courtesy of my gift of electrokinesis – she stopped sending any. So I haven’t seen her since we left, and that was the way I’d wanted it to stay.”

“I guess Sebastian’s right. She won’t be happy about us.”

“No, she won’t. And I don’t want her near you.”

“You don’t need to protect me from her.”

He started playing with my hair, stroking it and combing his fingers through it. “I know that. You’re stronger and more powerful than she is. But I also know she’ll try to play mind games with you. It’s what she does. And she’s good at it, because her gift is to sense a person’s fears and insecurities. Underneath your bitchy streak, you have the biggest heart, and I don’t want her playing with it. She’s toxic, Sam.”

Well now I understood why he was so concerned. Admittedly, he had good reason to be. I’d met someone with that gift once. In a bitch’s hands, it could be very destructive.

“She’ll feed your insecurities, and she’ll do her best to come between us. I don’t want that.”

“I get why you want to keep her away from me and I grant you that, yes, her gift is notable. But so are both of mine. If she tries to play with me, I’ll make sure she’s sorry she did it.”

He grinned. “So bloodthirsty…I love it. And yes, you can take care of yourself.” His smile turned apologetic − falsely apologetic. “Having said that…Although you don’t need me to protect you from her or anyone else, I’ll always do it. I’ll kill anyone who tries to hurt you. Make your peace with it.”
