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The Da Vinci Code

Across the room, Sir Leigh Teabing watched with confidence as Langdon gazed out the window as if under a spell.

Exactly as I hoped, Teabing thought. He will come around.

For some time now, Teabing had suspected Langdon might hold the key to the Grail. It was no coincidence that Teabing launched his plan into action on the same night Langdon was scheduled to meet Jacques Sauniere. Listening in on the curator, Teabing was certain the man’s eagerness to meet privately with Langdon could mean only one thing. Langdon’s mysterious manuscript has touched a nerve with the Priory.

Langdon has stumbled onto a truth, and Sauniere fears its release.Teabing felt certain the Grand Master was summoning Langdon to silence him.

The Truth has been silenced long enough!

Teabing knew he had to act quickly. Silas’s attack would accomplish two goals. It would prevent Sauniere from persuading Langdon to keep quiet, and it would ensure that once the keystone was in Teabing’s hands, Langdon would be in Paris for recruitment should Teabing need him.

Arranging the fatal meeting between Sauniere and Silas had been almost too easy. I had inside information about Sauniere’s deepest fears.Yesterday afternoon, Silas had phoned the curator and posed as a distraught priest. "Monsieur Sauniere, forgive me, I must speak to you at once. I should never breach the sanctity of the confessional, but in this case, I feel I must. I just took confession from a man who claimed to have murdered members of your family."

Sauniere’s response was startled but wary. "My family died in an accident. The police report was conclusive."

"Yes, a car accident," Silas said, baiting the hook. "The man I spoke to said he forced their car off the road into a river." Sauniere fell silent." Monsieur Sauniere, I would never have phoned you directly except this man made a comment which makes me now fear for your safety." He paused. "The man also mentioned your granddaughter, Sophie."

The mention of Sophie’s name had been the catalyst. The curator leapt into action. He ordered Silasto come see him immediately in the safest location Sauniere knew – his Louvre office. Then he phoned Sophie to warn her she might be in danger. Drinks with Robert Langdon were instantly abandoned.

Now, with Langdon separated from Sophie on the far side of the room, Teabing sensed he had successfully alienated the two companions from one another. Sophie Neveu remained defiant, but Langdon clearly saw the larger picture. He was trying to figure out the password. He understands the importance of finding the Grail and releasing her from bondage.

"He won’t open it for you," Sophie said coldly. "Even if he can."

Teabing was glancing at Langdon as he held the gun on Sophie. He was fairly certain now he was going to have to use the weapon. Although the idea troubled him, he knew he would not hesitate if it came to that. I have given her every opportunity to do the right thing.The Grail is bigger than any one of us.

At that moment, Langdon turned from the window. "The tomb…" he said suddenly, facing them with a faint glimmer of hope in his eyes. "I know where to look on Newton’s tomb. Yes, I think I can find the password!"

Teabing’s heart soared. "Where, Robert? Tell me!"

Sophie sounded horrified. "Robert, no! You’re not going to help him, are you?"

Langdon approached with a resolute stride, holding the cryptex before him. "No," he said, his eyes hardening as he turned to Leigh. "Not until he lets you go."

Teabing’s optimism darkened. "We are so close, Robert. Don’t you dare start playing games with me!"

"No games," Langdon said. "Let her go. Then I’ll take you to Newton’s tomb. We’ll open the cryptex together."

"I’m not going anywhere," Sophie declared, her eyes narrowing with rage. "That cryptex was given to me by my grandfather. It is not yours to open." Langdon wheeled, looking fearful. "Sophie, please! You’re in danger. I’m trying to help you!" "How? By unveiling the secret my grandfather died trying to protect? He trusted you, Robert. Itrusted you!"

Langdon’s blue eyes showed panic now, and Teabing could not help but smile to see the two of them working against one another. Langdon’s attempts to be gallant were more pathetic than anything. On the verge of unveiling one of history’s greatest secrets, and he troubles himself with a woman who has proven herself unworthy of the quest.

"Sophie," Langdon pleaded. "Please… you must leave."

She shook her head. "Not unless you either hand me the cryptex or smash it on the floor." "What?" Langdon gasped." Robert, my grandfather would prefer his secret lost forever than see it in the hands of his murderer." Sophie’s eyes looked as if they would well with tears, but they did not. She stared directly back at Teabing. "Shoot me if you have to. I am not leaving my grandfather’s legacy in your hands."

Very well.Teabing aimed the weapon.

"No!" Langdon shouted, raising his arm and suspending the cryptex precariously over the hard stone floor. "Leigh, if you even think about it, I will drop this."

Teabing laughed. "That bluff worked on Remy. Not on me. I know you better than that." "Do you, Leigh?" Yes I do. Your poker face needs work, my friend. It took me several seconds, but I can see now that you are lying. You have no idea where on Newton’s tomb the answer lies. "Truly, Robert? You know where on the tomb to look?"

"I do."

The falter in Langdon’s eyes was fleeting but Leigh caught it. There was a lie there. A desperate, pathetic ploy to save Sophie. Teabing felt a profound disappointment in Robert Langdon.

I am a lone knight, surrounded by unworthy souls. And I will have to decipher the keystone on my own.

Langdon and Neveu were nothing but a threat to Teabing now… and to the Grail. As painful as the solution was going to be, he knew he could carry it out with a clean conscience. The only challenge would be to persuade Langdon to set down the keystone so Teabing could safely end this charade.

"A show of faith," Teabing said, lowering the gun from Sophie. "Set down the keystone, and we’ll talk."

Langdon knew his lie had failed.

He could see the dark resolve in Teabing’s face and knew the moment was upon them. When I setthis down, he will kill us both.Even without looking at Sophie, he could hear her heart beseeching him in silent desperation. Robert, this man is not worthy of the Grail.Please do not place it in his hands.No matter what the cost.

Langdon had already made his decision several minutes ago, while standing alone at the window overlooking College Garden.

Protect Sophie. Protect the Grail. Langdon had almost shouted out in desperation. But I cannot see how!

The stark moments of disillusionment had brought with them a clarity unlike any he had ever felt. The Truth is right before your eyes, Robert.He knew not from where the epiphany came. The Grailis not mocking you, she is calling out to a worthy soul.

Now, bowing down like a subject several yards in front of Leigh Teabing, Langdon lowered the cryptex to within inches of the stone floor.

"Yes, Robert," Teabing whispered, aiming the gun at him. "Set it down."

Langdon’s eyes moved heavenward, up into the gaping void of the Chapter House cupola. Crouching lower, Langdon lowered his gaze to Teabing’s gun, aimed directly at him.

"I’m sorry, Leigh."

In one fluid motion, Langdon leapt up, swinging his arm skyward, launching the cryptex straight up toward the dome above.

Leigh Teabing did not feel his finger pull the trigger, but the Medusa discharged with a thundering crash. Langdon’s crouched form was now vertical, almost airborne, and the bullet exploded in the floor near Langdon’s feet. Half of Teabing’s brain attempted to adjust his aim and fire again in rage, but the more powerful half dragged his eyes upward into the cupola.
