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The Dare

The Dare (The Bet #3)(19)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

"I thought you liked your job."

"I do! I just…" She started twirling a piece of her hair. "I just… sometimes, I just wish for the Cinderella story. I want the happy ending, I just want… more."

"More isn’t always better, Beth. Remember that. It’s easy to watch from the outside. Especially when you’re lonely. Hell, it’s easy to assume people have the perfect life. You make up a fantasy about how lucky they are and how perfect they are. But truth? Life sucks. It’s freaking difficult. Most couples bleed and fight and burn to stay together. That’s what it takes. It isn’t a fairytale. And I don’t think that’s what girls want in the first place. They may say they do. You may say you want easy, but believe me when I say you want hard. You want a guy to fight. You want him to be willing to go to battle for you. Don’t for one second envy a situation you know nothing about. Instead, be at peace with where you’re at in life and know that when the right time comes, it will happen. And when it happens, it’s going to be hard, and you’re going to have to ask yourself if it’s worth it."

"Do you think it is?" she asked in a small voice. "Worth it?"

Sometimes I hated my own honesty. "Most of the time." I swallowed and looked away, feeling guilty about what I was hiding from her. "No. I don’t think it’s worth it. And even if it were, I can say with absolute certainty that I wouldn’t stick around to find out."

"Whoa," Beth said. "Brutal. But honest."

"Who says politicians can’t be honest?" I joked aloud even though my heart thumped in betrayal. "I hope I didn’t let you down. I just don’t think I’m made that way." Lies. All lies. I had been made that way, at one point, but people change. Things happen.

"What way?"

"Like Prince Charming." I elbowed her. "Walking straight into love just seems like a bad gamble to me. It doesn’t make sense. Why willingly walk into a situation where the odds aren’t in your favor? Why take the chance that things won’t end up happily ever after? Why not just do what you’re good at and be successful? To me, success makes me happy, I don’t need another person in my life to know that I’m a good person. And I don’t need approval from the opposite sex to feel like more of a man."

"So…" Beth smirked, "you’re okay with dying alone?"

"If I don’t get assassinated first," I teased.

The boat approached a dock. That was quick. Someone walked toward the boat and helped tie it up. A line of Tiki huts lit up the front of the shore. Things didn’t look abandoned, but it wasn’t as if there were tons of tourists.

"She sure took us a long way just for dinner," Beth said.

"That’s because you aren’t here for just dinner," the captain answered. "Your bags will follow in the next boat with your grandmother. Everything has been taken care of. Enjoy your stay."

"Stay?" we repeated in unison.

"For six days." The captain scratched his head and checked his clipboard. "Yup, says here you have Romeo and Juliet Honeymoon Suite. And wedding be, oh yes, Saturday. Now is there anything else you needed?"

"Wedding!" Jace yelled.

"Chill, hang loose, man." The captain laughed. "I love pulling that trick on tourists. Gets ’em every time. No wedding. But you do have the suite. It was the only hut available."

"Hut?" Beth annunciated the T with vengeance.

"Sure." The captain smiled. "Though here on the island we just call them fertility huts."

"Holy shit. Grandma’s trying to get you knocked up." I chuckled. "Not gonna happen."

Beth’s gaze snapped to mine; her eyes narrowed.

"Not because I wouldn’t want to sleep with you. I mean, I think we can both say it was… fantastic." If only I could remember just how fantastic. Kill me now.

"Up you go!" The captain grabbed Beth and hoisted her onto the dock. "Just keep walking straight until you reach the main lobby."

The minute I followed suit and stepped onto the deck, the captain grabbed me and whispered, "Keiki, keiki, keiki."

Was he saying kinky or keiki?

"What the hell are you doing?" I pushed him away.

"Cursed." The captain slapped my back a few times then tugged my ear.

Swear, I almost kneed him in the nuts.

"Keiki, you have keiki, and you’ll be happy for all eternity. Six days." He smiled. "For six days you will be cursed with her scent, her laugh, her walk, her smile. If, at the end of the six days you decide to walk away, the curse be broken, and you not feel pain from her parting. If you choose her as your mate, you be blessed."

My mouth dropped open. "Are you high?"

"Keiki." The captain nodded and slapped my back again. "Good luck, my friend. Aloha." He put a large necklace over my neck and kissed my cheek.

I reared back, ready to push him into the ocean when Beth yelled my name. The breeze picked up as I turned to face her.

And my heart froze in my chest.

Her green eyes were glowing in the moonlight. My body reacted like she was my universe, it was as if everything around me faded and all I saw was green.

Green eyes.

Beautiful eyes.

The wind picked up again as the smell of coconut floated through the air. I could taste it on my tongue. Hell, I could taste her. Damn, I wanted her. I wanted her so bad that my body was having trouble functioning.

Shit! The man, the beads, the curse. I turned to yell at him for putting his voodoo crap on me, but the boat was already gone.

When I turned back around, Beth was smiling.

And I knew.

She would pull.

I would fall.

And in the end I would walk away.

Because she deserved better, and I didn’t believe in second chances, even when it came to the one who got away.

Chapter Eleven

"We don’t have alcohol on the premises." The agent rubbed his forehead again and groaned. "And even if we did, I’d use it before I’d give it to you."

"Well, that’s rude." Grandma sniffed.

"Can you help me at all? Can you give me anything? Any information?"

"Yes." Grandma sighed. "I suppose I can, but it will cost you."

"Bribery? Of a government agent?"

"I kidnapped a US senator. You said so yourself. Do you think the law applies to me? Furthermore, do you think I care?"

"Ma’am, I can say with absolute certainty, that you are under the illusion that no law or rule applies to you."

"Why, thank you! How sweet." Grandma leaned back in her chair. "Where shall I start?"
