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The Goddess Hunt

The Goddess Hunt (Goddess Test #1.5)(7)
Author: Aimee Carter

Be prepared to meddle in affairs that should have long been put to rest. No doubt they knew who Kate was by now; and if she were anywhere near Pollux when he’d become separated from Castor, her very life would be in danger. And once again, it would be Henry’s fault.

Even if she was not, even if fate was on their side, he had no doubt of where her loyalty on the matter would lie. She did not understand the rules of the Underworld. She did not understand the utmost importance of keeping to them. All she would see were two brothers who loved each other so much that they were willing to risk their very existence to stay together.

She would see their loyalty to each other, not Henry’s loyalty to his eternal responsibilities and obligations. And he would once again be cast as the villain, as he had been upon taking Ava’s life a second time. Now, however, there would be no easy fix.

“Do—” To his horror, his voice cracked, and he swallowed his unease. “Do you intend on upholding your initial ruling on the matter?”

“Regarding their separation? Of course.” Walter examined his fingernails, seemingly oblivious to the tension between them. He must have known though; he always knew.

“And Kate is involved.”


“You are asking me to help you knowing that it will damage my relationship with her.”

Walter arched his eyebrow. “My dear brother, as I have already said, I am not asking for your—”

“Yes, you are.” Henry stood. “You would not have alerted me to this development before its outcome is decided unless you needed me. Do not play games. Tell me what you need.”

Walter’s lips quirked into an annoyed expression, but to his credit, he rose as well and said calmly, “I need you to ensure that Castor and Pollux do not reunite. They will not stray far from the area without each other.”

“And how do you expect me to do that without threatening my relationship with Kate?”

He shrugged. “That is up to you, brother. I am only the messenger, after all. If you do not wish for the twins to be captured, then so be it. But I was under the impression that this was as important to you as it was to me.”

Henry clenched his jaw. Castor was rightfully a citizen of the Underworld, and every day he spent on the surface was another reminder of Henry’s failings as a kip lings aing. He had to be returned to his rightful place, and Walter’s pride dictated his need to ensure that Pollux no longer thumbed his nose at the council. “Which brother is Kate with?”

“Ella believes she is with Pollux,” said Walter, and Henry took a deep breath. He needed no other information. Whether it was the right thing to do or not, his hands were tied.

“Very well. I will find a way to keep the twins apart. But you have twenty-four hours—I will give you no more than that.”

Walter inclined his head. “I assure you it will be enough time.”

His brother walked down the aisle and back the way he’d come. Once he was gone, Henry exhaled and closed his eyes, and the still air of the Underworld changed to the breeze of the world above. He stood in a field near the edge of a Greek forest, and as he cleared his mind, he reached out, searching for the familiar.

Ah. There. He may not have had the hunting skills of certain other members of the council, but with close proximity, it was not difficult to find the others.


He pushed the thought outward, and for several seconds he heard only the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves. At last, however, a thought returned to him, and even without a voice, Henry could sense James’s wariness. Henry did not blame him, all things considered.

What do you want?

I would like to know where you are.

You really think I’m going to tell you?

Henry closed his eyes again, and this time he landed amongst the trees. I am not here to antagonize you.

Yeah? Sure could’ve fooled me.

Less time to receive a reply. James was much closer now. Is Kate with you?


Where is she?

I don’t know.

Henry clenched his fists. Yes, you do.

She’s safe. She’s with Pollux.

“Safe” and “with Pollux” are mutually exclusive.

Too bad. It’s her six months off, and you have no business going anywhere near her.

Henry closed his eyes, and this time when he opened them, James and one of the twins—Castor—stood only a dozen feet away. Their reaction was immediate; James stepped in front of Castor, who turned the color of chalk, and once again Henry and James were facing off. A villain and a hero. Funny how those roles were so interchangeable between them.

“You can’t have him,” said James, a distinct gravel in his voice.

“I will only ask you this one more time,” said Henry. “If you do not answer me, I will take Casey to a place where not even you will be able to find him. Where i

James pursed his lips, and his eyes hardened, but he said nothing. Of course he did not. To him, this was a challenge—a chance to win a battle in their never-ending war. Everything else came in second to him, even Kate’s safety. Even Kate’s life. James must have known that if there was a way to kill her and exact revenge upon Henry, Pollux would find a way to do it. Yet he did not care.

Henry drew a long, deep breath, forcing himself to keep calm. “Now is not the time to get into a pissing contest. Her very existence could be at risk if you do not tell me where she is—”

“She’s immortal now,” spat James. “And Lux isn’t the monster you think he is.”

“My brother would never hurt her,” said Castor, his voice quaking, but he had a steely look in his eyes that Henry admired. Courage in the face of his ultimate fear. No wonder the twins had the reputation they did.

“As I would never hurt you,” said Henry. Doubt flashed across Castor’s expression, but that came as no surprise to Henry. Castor trusted him as much as Henry trusted Pollux. “If anything happens to her, James, it will be on you.”

James rolled his eyes, and every fiber of Henry’s being screamed at him to blast him back to Olympus. But he kept calm, as he nearly always did. Despite what his brothers seemed to think, anger rarely led to resolutions.

“Very well. Then consider this your doing.” One moment Henry was in front of them, and the next he stood beside Castor and touched his shoulder.

James’s eyes widened, and he made a grab for Castor. By the time he reached him, however, Henry ensured he touched nothing but air.
