Read Books Novel

The Hard Way

"I’m not sure if he’ll agree to. I don’t think he likes you."

"I’m not crazy about him, either. But this is business. Make him an offer."

"What can we offer him?"

"Tell him we’ll take Lane’s crew off the board if he helps us out with one small piece of information. He’ll take that deal. Ten minutes with us in a coffee shop will get him more than ten years of talking at the U.N. One whole band of real live mercenaries out of action forever."

"Can we deliver that?"

"We’ll have to anyway. Sooner or later it’s going to be them or us."

They walked back to Pauling’s office by their previous route in reverse. Saint Luke’s Place, Seventh Avenue, Cornelia Street, West 4th. Then Reacher lounged in one of Pauling’s visitor chairs while she played phone tag around the U.N. Building, looking for her friend. She got him after about an hour of trying. He was reluctant but he agreed to meet in the same coffee shop as before, at three o’clock in the afternoon.

"Time is moving on," Pauling said.

"It always does. Try Brewer again. We need to hear from him."

But Brewer wasn’t back at his desk and his cell was switched off. Reacher leaned back and closed his eyes. No use fretting about what you can’t control.

At two o’clock they went out to find a cab, well ahead of time, just in case. But they got one right away and were in the Second Avenue coffee shop forty minutes early. Pauling tried Brewer again. Still no answer. She closed her phone and put it on the table and spun it like a top. It came to rest with its antenna pointing straight at Reacher’s chest.

"You’ve got a theory," she said to him. "Haven’t you? Like a physicist. A unified theory of everything."

"No," Reacher said. "Not everything. Not even close. It’s only partial. I’m missing a big component. But I’ve got a name for Lane."

"What name?"

"Let’s wait for Brewer," Reacher said. He waved to the waitress. The same one as before. He ordered coffee. Same brown mugs, same Bunn flask. Same hot, strong, generic taste.

Pauling’s phone buzzed with thirty minutes to go before the Pentagon guy was due to show. She answered it and said her name and listened for a spell and then she gave their current location. A coffee shop, east side of Second between 44th and 45th, booth in the back. Then she hung up.

"Brewer," she said. "Finally. He’s meeting us here. Wants to talk face-to-face."


"He didn’t say."

"Where is he now?"

"He’s leaving the morgue."

"It’s going to be crowded in here. He’s going to arrive at the same time as your guy."

"My guy’s not going to like that. I don’t think he likes crowds."

"If I see him balking I’ll talk to him outside."

But Pauling’s Pentagon friend showed up a little early. Presumably to scope out the situation ahead of the rendezvous. Reacher saw him out on the sidewalk, looking in, checking the clientele one face at a time. He was patient about it. Thorough. But eventually he was satisfied and he pulled the door. Walked quickly through the room and slid into the booth. He was wearing the same blue suit. Same tie. Probably a fresh shirt, although there was no real way of telling. One white button-down Oxford looks pretty much the same as another.

"I’m concerned about your offer," he said. "I can’t condone illegality."

Take the poker out of your ass, Reacher thought. Be grateful for once in your miserable life. You might be a general now but you know how things are. But he said, "I understand your concern, sir. Completely. And you have my word that no cop or prosecutor anywhere in America will think twice about anything that I do."

"I have your word?"

"As an officer."

The guy smiled. "And as a gentleman?"

Reacher didn’t smile back. "I can’t claim that distinction."

"No cop or prosecutor anywhere in America?"

"I guarantee it."

"You can do that, realistically?"

"I can do that absolutely."

The guy paused. "So what do you want me to do?"

"Get me confirmation of something so I don’t waste my time or money."

"Confirmation of what?"

"I need you to check a passenger name against flight manifests out of this area during the last forty-eight hours."


"No, commercial."

"That’s a Homeland Security issue."

Reacher nodded. "Which is why I need you to do it for me. I don’t know who to call. Not anymore. But I’m guessing you do."

"Which airport? What flight?"

"I’m not sure. You’ll have to go fishing. I’d start with JFK. British Airways, United, or American to London, England. I’d start with late evening the day before yesterday. Failing that, try flights out of Newark. No hits, try JFK again yesterday morning."

"Definitely transatlantic?"

"That’s my assumption right now."

"OK," the guy said, slowly, like he was taking mental notes. Then he asked, "Who am I looking for? One of Edward Lane’s crew?"

Reacher nodded. "A recent ex-member."


Reacher said, "Taylor. Graham Taylor. He’s a U.K. citizen."

Chapter 53

THE PENTAGON GUY left with a promise to liaise in due course via Lauren Pauling’s cell phone. Reacher got a coffee refill and Pauling said, "You didn’t find Taylor’s passport in his apartment."

Reacher said, "No, I didn’t."

"So either he’s still alive or you think someone’s impersonating him."

Reacher said nothing.

Pauling said, "Let’s say Taylor was working with the guy with no tongue. Let’s say they fell out over something, either what they did to Kate and Jade in the end, or the money, or both. Then let’s say one of them killed the other and ran, on Taylor’s passport, with all the money."

"If it’s the guy with no tongue, why would he use Taylor’s passport?"

"Maybe he doesn’t have one of his own. Plenty of Americans don’t. Or maybe he’s on a watch list. Maybe he couldn’t get through an airport with his own name."

"Passports have photographs."

"They’re often old and generic. Do you look like your passport photograph?"

"A little."

Pauling said, "A little is sometimes all you need. Going out, they don’t care as much as when you’re coming in."

Reacher nodded and looked up and saw Brewer coming in the door. Big, fast, energetic. Something in his face, maybe frustration, maybe concern, Reacher couldn’t tell. Or perhaps the guy was just tired. He had been woken up early. He hurried through the room and slid into the booth and sat in the same spot the Pentagon guy had just vacated.

He said, "The body in the river was not the guy in Patti’s photograph."

"You sure?" Reacher asked.

"As sure as I’ve ever been about anything. Patti’s guy is about five-nine and athletic and the floater was six-three and wasted. Those are fairly basic differences, wouldn’t you say?"

Reacher nodded. "Fairly basic."

Pauling asked, "Did he have a tongue?"

"A what?" Brewer said.

"A tongue. Did the floater have a tongue?"

"Doesn’t everybody? What kind of question is that?"

"We’re looking for a guy who had his tongue cut out."

Brewer looked straight at her. "Then the floater ain’t yours. I was just at the morgue. He’s got everything except a heartbeat."
