Read Books Novel

The Hardest Fall

“Aww, but you’d really like mine.”

When I couldn’t find anything to dry my hands with, I wiped them off on my jeans as I watched their awkward interaction until her back hit my chest and she let out a squeak.

“That’s my cue.” I glanced down and saw that her head was tilted back and up. She was watching me intently. Even from that close, it was hard to tell what color her eyes were, maybe green with hazel specks around the rims of the pupils.

Realizing I was staring into her eyes and easily seeing how panicked she was, I frowned, took a step back, and glanced at JP. “Ease up on her, man. Come on, let’s head out.” Before I could step away, the girl faced me, grabbed my arm, and held on tight.

“No—you can’t leave,” she blurted out, surprising both JP and me. “I’m here for you.”

I raised my brows and sent JP a confused look. He just shrugged. He was still wearing that I’m so intrigued smile on his face as he very openly checked out her ass.

“I mean, I’m not here for you,” the girl explained, and my gaze went back to her. “But I came in here for you.” She squinted a little, her nose scrunching in the process. “You know what I mean? You probably don’t. I followed you in here because I really need to ask you something.” Her voice rose with panic, but she kept going. “When I say I followed you in here, I don’t mean I’m stalking you or anything like that because that’d be crazy. I don’t even know you, right?” She let out a nervous laugh, patted my arm awkwardly, and then seemed to realize she was actually touching me. She snatched her hand back and clasped them behind her as she took a step away. “Not that I’d stalk you if I knew you, but that’s not the point right now. I just…really, really need to ask you something before I make a fool of myself out there, and I thought what better way to do that than when he is alone…and I thought you’d be alone in here, and…”

I didn’t understand a thing she was saying, but before I could respond, JP jumped in. “So, you’re sending me away, huh? And here I thought we had something special.”

She looked over her shoulder at him. “Sorry. I didn’t see you follow him in here, and I didn’t realize this was the bathroom anyway. If I’d seen you, I would’ve waited outside. I had no idea guys did that going-to-bathroom-together thing. It’s sweet that you do though.” Her eyes met mine for a second before she quickly looked away and addressed JP again. “It’ll just be a minute, really, then you can come back and have him all to yourself.”

He arched a brow at her but otherwise stayed quiet.

She glanced at me, and whatever she saw on my face made her wince. “Sorry, that sounded bad, didn’t it? Not that being gay is bad or anything. I shouldn’t have assumed. My friend is gay, and I know how hard it is when people say the most stupid fucking things and how much he—”

JP laughed and shook his head. “You should stop while you’re ahead, girl. My offer still stands if you want to come find me after you’re done with my boy here.”

After that, he opened the door and left me alone with her. Crossing my arms over my chest, I relaxed against the sink.

She turned back to me, let out a long breath, and smiled nervously. “That was bad, wasn’t it?”

“The whole thing, or just the last part?” I couldn’t help myself; I smiled back at her. I’d had some girls do crazy things to get my attention so they could get in my bed, but I didn’t think that was what was happening here.

With a grimace on her face, she shook her head, eyes dropping to the floor. “I just assumed this was your room and you would be alone and then when I came in, you had your…ummm…and then he was in here with you…” She met my gaze then quickly looked away. “And your…thing was out, and then it all went to hell from there.”

Yeah, she was not the type who chased after football players.

Another nervous laugh and she was backing away from me toward the door.

“So, I’m sorry? And…thank you?”

My smile grew bigger. “For what?”

She rubbed her hands on her jeans, shook her head, and just appeared miserable as she looked anywhere but at me.

“At this point? If I’m being honest, I really don’t know. Thank you for talking to me? For not kicking me out? For letting me see your penis?” Her eyes closed on their own and she shook her head, took a couple steps back, and lifted her hands, palms out, pausing when her back hit the door. “I didn’t mean it like that—I wasn’t trying to see your penis or anything like that. I told you, I didn’t even know this was the bathroom. I mean, I assume it wasn’t your best moment, so why would I wanna see”—her hand gestured toward my crotch area—“your…that…but it looked like you’re a shower instead of a grower so that must be…good for you? Congrats? Not that you’d want a stranger to congratulate you on something like that, but you’re a football player, so maybe you like compliments?”

For a few seconds, the silence stretched between us and I was unable to hide my grin. Now that my dick wasn’t out and JP wasn’t with us to put the moves on her, I took in her features: straight brown hair that framed her face and reached just below her shoulders, pale skin, big doe eyes that were something between hazel and green—I still hadn’t decided—slightly plumper bottom lip, flushed cheeks from what I assumed was embarrassment. And then there were other things, like her C-cup boobs trying their best to rip through her tight t-shirt—I did have eyes, after all—her hourglass figure, and great fucking legs—not too thin, not too thick, just perfect for my taste.

I made sure to look into her eyes and nowhere else as I ran my hand over my short hair. Considering where my mind was going, I didn’t think it was smart to spend more time with her in a bathroom. “You remind me of my sister,” I said, completely out of nowhere, shocking both of us. “You’re a little shy, aren’t you?” She did remind me of Amelia. When she was nervous, she talked endlessly, too, did a lot of rambling. Even though she knew she didn’t make much sense, she couldn’t stop it. Being shy was the only answer that made sense.

She laughed and seemed to sag against the door. “You seeing me as your sister doesn’t bode well for me, especially if you knew what I was trying to ask—not that you should see me as someone who you would want to or could…just forget about that. What made you think I was shy? Wait. Wait.” She raised her hand. “I take that one back too. Don’t even answer that.”

Another awkward silence stole our words as I stared at her and she stared at my chest until someone pushed on the door and made her lose her balance.

A head peered through the partly open door. “Ah, sorry, dude! Didn’t know this was occupied.” He pushed the door open a few more inches to look around inside. “We’ll come in after you two are done.” After giving me a thumbs up, he slowly disappeared.

As soon as the door closed, my brunette—scratch that, the brunette let out a deep breath and focused her gaze on me. She appeared steadier, but based on the way she was tugging on her shirt—which had Smile for me written on it in big bold letters—I wouldn’t have bet money on it. Curious as hell, I waited for her to continue.
