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The Hardest Fall

I pulled her hair away from her neck, pressed my lips against her skin, and felt the vibration of her groan against my lips.

My body overheated from being so close to her, from having trouble deciding what I wanted to do to her first when we were alone—truly alone, not in a frat house surrounded by drunken idiots. Just thinking of the possibilities made my dick press harder against the fly of my pants.

Seven minutes more. This was mine. Ours.

As N.E.R.D.’s song “She Wants To Move” started in the background, not even realizing what I was doing, I opened my mouth, grazed her skin with my teeth, and gently sucked on her neck, not hard enough to leave a mark, but hard enough to make her lose a little bit of control and let me hear her moan again.

Instead of going in for more like I was desperate to do, I stood still and tried to clear my mind.

What the fuck are you doing, man?

I let go of her and her body stiffened.

“I should apologize for that…it was more than just a friendly kiss…but I can’t.”

“I don’t have a boyfriend,” she blurted out, head turned toward me, eyes focused on my chin, arms hugging herself as if she was about to fall apart and was barely holding herself together.

“What did you just say?”

“I don’t have a boyfriend,” she repeated slowly, this time meeting my gaze.

“It’s over? It’s done?” I asked in disbelief as something indescribable coursed through my veins.

“I…” She looked away and nodded. “Yes.”

Reaching for her hand, I turned her to face me, everything around us turning into a messy blur. I cupped her cheeks and rested my forehead against hers, not breathing. “When?” She opened her mouth to answer, but I cut her off. “Never mind. I don’t care.”

Nudging her nose with mine, I kissed the edge of her mouth as she let out a harsh breath.

“We need to talk, Dylan. I need to tell you what was going on. I don’t want you to think—”

“We’ll figure out what to do,” I murmured and kissed her cheek.

“What do you—”

“Are you drunk?”

“What? No. You need to listen to—”

“Then kiss me, Zoe.”

She pulled back, studying my face as her eyes slowly narrowed. “And lose the bet?” Her eyes dropped to my lips then back up. “You kiss me first,” she said, all breathless as her cheeks turned a pretty pink.

She was going to lose the bet.

I slipped my arms around her waist, caging her in, and smiled down at her. I felt light, relieved, exhilarated. “Are you scared?”

“What? Scared of you?” She snorted and then blushed.

My smile grew bigger and I hid my face against her neck. “You’re so damn cute, and you’re trembling,” I whispered in her ear. “Are you scared of kissing me?” A pause so I could press another lingering kiss on her neck. “Or are you scared I’ll kiss you?” Lifting my head, I met her big eyes. “I don’t give a fuck about the bet, I just need—”

Someone bumped into us and Zoe gasped loudly as she bounced against the wall to her right. She rubbed her shoulder as I pulled her behind me.

“Dude!” shouted a slick-haired fucker, looking at us with half-shut eyes. The girl hanging on to his shoulder giggled behind him.

“Get the fuck out of here,” I growled, and his bloodshot eyes widened.

“Take it easy, man. Every room is full. Didn’t know someone had already claimed this spot. We’ll find another corner.”

“Yeah, do that.”

When they left, I turned around to find Zoe leaning her forehead against the wall, eyes closed.

Stepping behind her, I rubbed the arm she had bounced off of. “You okay?”

Clearing her throat, she nodded but didn’t give me her eyes.

Instead of forcing her to face me, I slid my arms around her and pulled her hands away from the wall. I wasn’t ready for her to hide from me. I needed more.

More of her eyes on mine.

More of that shy, shaky smile I loved so much.

More of her touch.

More of her lips, her skin.

“Zoe,” I coaxed. Her forehead still pressed against the wall, she was looking down at our hands. My palms were open, her hands resting on top. This time she was the one to curl her fingers around mine and hold on tight.

Lost in our little bubble, I flipped our hands and pressed the backs of hers against the tops of her thighs. With no hesitation at all, I pulled her ass against my rapidly growing erection.

I was watching her so closely, every hitch of her breath, every drowsy blink of her eyes. It was easy to catch the moment she stopped breathing and time stood still.

Then she groaned, a low, sexy sound just for my ears, and it broke the hold I had on myself. I hadn’t realized there was no music in the background until that sound ripped through me. As I held her in place, it took everything in me not to grind myself against her ass, or better yet, just take her against the wall.

She pushed her ass back and I dropped my head to her shoulder with a growl.

“Dylan,” she moaned, triggering another thrust of my hips. Her skin was burning under my lips as I kissed the little spot right under her ear and felt her shiver.

Removing her hands from mine, she grabbed my forearm with one and placed the other on the wall. I kept my hands on her thighs and pushed both of my thumbs right under the edge of her jeans and her underwear so I could pull her tighter, so we could fuse together and become one bundle of need. She rolled her hips back against me.

“Fuck, Zoe. Don’t do that.”

I lifted one of my hands and gripped her chin, slowly turning it toward my lips. We were both breathing hard when my mouth touched the edge of hers. She let out a small groan and with another roll of her hips, my dick wanted out and in her.

Just when I was about to claim her lips and lose myself in what was probably going to be the best fucking kiss of my life, someone called her name and we both froze.

Zoe gulped.

Unfortunately for us, we heard the same voice again and had to reluctantly step away from each other.

Instead of turning around like Zoe had done immediately after the second call, I faced the wall and adjusted my dick before looking over my shoulder to see Zoe talking with Kayla. I took a deep breath, willed my heart to slow the fuck down, and turned to casually lean back against the wall. When Zoe came back, I took in her flushed cheeks and parted lips—all because of me, all for me.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, my voice all kinds of fucked up, and I realized it was taking a whole lot of effort to keep my hands to myself.

“Something…I’m not sure,” she replied, her eyes rising to mine for the first time. “She wants to leave, but Keith isn’t listening. Something is wrong with them. I need to go.”

I straightened from the wall. “I’ll come with you.”

Shaking her head, she touched my arm then quickly pulled it back.

“She won’t talk to me if you’re there. She called an Uber and I’m going to go with her.”

“You won’t come home?”

“I…I don’t know. I’ll text you if I can.”


“We need to talk, Dylan,” she said quietly, voicing exactly what was going through my mind. Yes, we needed to talk, badly, but first, we needed to do other things—quenching the thirst I had for her being the first item on the list.
