Read Books Novel

The Hazards of a One Night Stand

The Hazards of a One Night Stand (Hazards #2)(17)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Cara is going to get it.”

“You know she didn’t plan this.”

“You sure?” I nodded toward where she giggled as Aaron leaned in to whisper something in her ear.

“Okay, she didn’t plan on Colt being with him.”

I let out a deep cleansing breath. “Let’s do this.”

“Hey, guys.” I mustered a one thousand watt smile and aimed it at Cara.

She shot me an apologetic look. “Hey. Look who we ran into on the way here.”

“I see. Good to see you again, Colton.”

“Very good to see you, Mallory.” By the look on his face, he was proud of himself for figuring out another way to annoy the heck out of me.

I picked up a wrap and met everyone at a table. Colt pulled out my chair for me.

“Thanks.” I needed to be polite. I just had to make it until Thursday when everyone would see me with Tanner. Then things could get back to normal, or better than normal.

“So what do you girls have planned for tonight?” Aaron asked, probably trying to get the conversation moving despite some very palpable awkwardness.

Cara replied immediately. “Nothing really. The pledges have a meeting, but that’s all Jana’s department. We’re free.”

“Okay, cool. You girls should come over.”

Colt scooted his chair closer, and I inched away. “I’m going to help Jana with the pledge mom duties. I know she could use the help.”

Both Juliet and Cara looked at me. “You are?”

“Yeah. It could be fun.” It would also buy me more excuses. Tanner or no Tanner, visiting the Kappa house wasn’t going to be top on my priority list for a while. “Looks like I’ll have to pass tonight.”

“Oh, that’s too bad.” Juliet nudged me.

“It is, isn’t it?”

Colt laughed. “That’s okay, babe. I wouldn’t have been there anyway. Aaron says we have tonight off.” The look he shot me was both triumphant and challenging.

Cara and Juliet laughed. Aaron looked completely clueless.

“I have to go get ready for class.” I put my bag on my shoulder and picked up my nearly untouched wrap. I had over an hour to burn, but I’d figure out how to fill the time once I got outside.

I half expected Colt to get up and follow me, but he didn’t.

“Bye. See you guys later.” I waved before walking out of the student center. Colt had already started talking to Aaron. Maybe things could still be normal. I mustered up all the optimism I had.

Chapter Nine

“Is there a reason for this sudden interest in new member education?” Jana sat cross legged on the plush carpet of the pledge room. A large pile of binders and papers sat between us. We were putting together the sorority history packets.

“I just think it could be fun to help with the pledges.” I finished a binder and set it aside.

“So it has nothing to do with any boys?” Her voice lilted slightly.

“Why would you ask that?”

“Just a hunch.” She pushed over another empty binder.

“A hunch?” I asked skeptically.

“It’s just that you’re usually inseparable from Juliet and Cara. I figured there had to be a reason you signed up to do this alone.”

“Juliet was the only one who signed up to help with rush prep.”

Jana smiled. “And she did it for a boy…”

“Good point.”

“So what’s up? Trouble with Tanner already?” She seemed more interested in my answer than normal. We were friends but not particularly close ones.

“No. We haven’t even gone out yet.”

“Not until Thursday, huh?”

“Yeah. Should be interesting.”

“I’m curious how it goes.” She stuffed another binder.

“Do you mind that I’m going out with him?” I had to clear the air. A date with Tanner wasn’t worth making things awkward in the house, or worse, hurting Jana.

“No. Of course not.”

“Okay…it just seemed like you might.” I watched her closely, trying to make sure her expression and body language matched her words.

“We broke up ages ago.”

“I just don’t want to upset you or anything.”

“You’ll be a better fit for him than me anyway.”

“What do you mean?” She had my attention.

“Ask me again after your date.”

“Oh, come on. You have to tell me.”

She shook her head. “No. I don’t want to put any ideas into your head. Enjoy dinner and we’ll talk after the mixer.”

“You’re not going to budge?”

“No. But if it’s not Tanner that has you here, then who is it?”

“Hmm?” I mumbled, concentrating on the pile of paper in front of me.

“Why are you here and not with your friends?”

“I guess word hasn’t spread that fast.”

“Meaning?” She set aside the last binder.

“I’ll tell you when you tell me about Tanner.”

She laughed lightly. “I guess we’ll both be guessing for a few days, huh?”

“I guess so.” I finished putting together the last of the binders.


“Hey, you look great.” Tanner grinned as he watched me descend the stairs. I’d gone with a short green halter dress with a pair of killer black stilettos. Shoes can make an outfit.

“Thanks. You look nice too.” His khaki slacks and blue collared shirt looked great on his lean, athletic frame. Tanner wasn’t quite as built as the other Kappas. I wondered if it was a result of his year abroad.

“Glad you think so.” He put a hand on the door knob. “Ready to go?”


He gestured for me to go first, so I waved at a few of my sisters hanging out downstairs and walked out onto the porch.

“I made us reservations at that new place that just opened next to Starbucks. I haven’t been there yet, but it’s supposed to be great.”

“Sounds good.”

We walked back toward the Kappa house. I wasn’t surprised when he stopped in front of a Lexus sedan. He seemed like a Lexus guy. Not quite as showy as a BMW, but a step up from what most college boys drove. The car was a few years old, and I had the feeling it was probably his mom or dad’s car first. His hand-me-down was much nicer than mine.

After opening my door for me, he went around to his own side and got in. “How’s life living in the house?”
