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The Hazards of a One Night Stand

The Hazards of a One Night Stand (Hazards #2)(27)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Yeah, I bet. You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth. You’re just like him.”

I tried to ignore the pang her words caused. Isn’t that exactly what I wanted everyone to think? I gave myself a second to calm down before replying. “Are you okay?”

“I’m sorry.” Her face softened. “I shouldn’t be lashing out at you.”

“It’s okay.”

“There you are.” Tanner put an arm around my waist. “I haven’t seen you in ages.”

“I think I’m going to head out with Jana.” I shot her a look. I didn’t want to spill about the fact that she was drunk. I hoped she played along. I figured she didn’t want everyone at the party thinking she was too plastered to get home herself.

“I brought you here, I’m bringing you home.” He tightened his arm around my waist.

“It’s not a long walk.”

“I’ll walk both of you.”

“Are you sure?” Jana asked sweetly. She was being much nicer to him than she was to me.

“Definitely.” He gave her half a smile before leading me toward the door.

None of us said much of anything on the way back to the house.

“Thanks for walking me back.” Jana quickly hurried inside when we reached the porch. I’d give her time to sober up and then try to catch up with her. Was she upset with me for dating him? Or was it more she was still mad at him for ending things with her? I’d have to find out later.

“I had a great time tonight.” His breath was warm on my face.

“I had fun. Thanks for inviting me.” I pushed away thoughts of Jana for the moment. I needed to end the evening even if it wasn’t quite ten o’clock.

“Thanks for coming.”

I smiled, ready to end the circular conversation.

He gave no warning before his lips met mine. They moved quickly, and he didn’t wait long before pushing for access to my mouth. I gave it, more out of surprise and curiosity than actual desire. I felt nothing. He groaned, and I knew I needed to break the kiss. We were on different wave lengths. When I pulled back, he had a grin on his face.

“I better go.” I moved toward the door.

“In a hurry?”

“Just tired.”

“I’m sure it’s been a hard few days for you.” His words were kind, which made the fact that all I wanted to do was get to my room even worse.

“It has.”

“I’ll call you.” He leaned over to kiss me again, but I moved.

“No good night kiss?” He looked disappointed.

“You just got your good night kiss.” I punched in the code. “Good night.”

“Sweet dreams, Mallory.” He watched me intently, and I knew he was hoping I’d change my mind and kiss him again.

“You too.” But not too sweet, I thought to myself.

My room was empty when I got upstairs. Juliet and Cara were probably at the Kappa house. I imagined Tanner going home and gushing over how great the night went. What was I going to do now? First, I get outed for hooking up with a pledge, on a farm no less, and now I was going to have to break things off with a senior. Maybe I’d have to find a new frat to hang out with. Like that was an option. Delta Mu did everything with Kappa.


You up? Colt’s short text message brought me out of my thoughts. I’d had good intentions of getting up and hanging out with some of my sisters downstairs, but I hadn’t moved at all since changing into comfortable clothes and lying down on my bed.

Yeah. It’s only eleven.

Want to hang out?



I just got home from a date.

You went home. That’s the important part.

Very funny. I’ll see you in class on Monday.

I’ve got a pint of Miss Lawson’s Pralines and Cream.

How? My stomach growled just thinking about my favorite ice cream from home. It was homemade and you couldn’t buy it anywhere else.

I’m hooked up. Come on down?

I walked over to the window. Colton was standing on the sidewalk holding up the ice cream.

You look like a weirdo.

I’m a weirdo with good ice cream. Come on.

All right. Friends ate ice cream together, didn’t they?

I zipped up a hoodie over my tank, not for warmth but because I was too lazy to put on a bra. I figured the ice cream was cold and would keep me from overheating. Charleston in August is hot. Some people call it oppressive, I call it wonderful. I love the heat.

Colton grinned when he saw me. I couldn’t contain a smile of my own when I saw him standing there in his worn out Gasden Gladiators t-shirt and cargo style shorts.

“Is there a reason for this visit?”

“Do I have to have a reason if I come bearing this?” He held up the paper bag with the ice cream.

“I suppose not.” I reached for the bag.

He held it away. “Let’s go somewhere else. Your porch gets too much traffic.”

“We don’t need privacy.”

“Do you really want to be seen stuffing your face with ice cream?”

“I won’t be stuffing my face.”

“It’s Miss Lawson’s Pralines and Cream.” He tapped the bag. “You’ll be stuffing your face.”

He was probably right. Miss Lawson’s ice cream was dangerously addictive. “Where do you suggest we go?”

He got that twinkle in his eye, and I knew I was in trouble.

“Oh no. What are you thinking?”

“Just come with me.” He took my hand, and despite my better judgment, I let him pull me along. After everything with my dad, and worrying about letting Tanner down easy, I was ready for a distraction.

I pulled my hand from his as we crossed over to campus. He gave me an annoyed look but didn’t say anything about it. The night was warm, and the sky was clear. I couldn’t have asked for better weather.

“Here we are.” He stopped in the middle of the practice field.

“Are you serious?”

“Of course.” He sat down, opening the bag and pulling out the ice cream and two spoons.

I sat down next to him, tugging down my shorts a bit so they covered more of my legs before settling on the grass.

“This is your idea of a good spot?”

“It’s quiet. What more could you want?” He handed me a spoon and opened the lid.

I dug in, taking a big bite. “Mm. No one makes ice cream like this.”

“I know.” He finished a bite.

“Did you bring up a chest of it or something?”
