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The Hazards of a One Night Stand

The Hazards of a One Night Stand (Hazards #2)(3)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“I’m not supposed to be into younger guys.”

“I’m three months younger than you. I can’t help that my parents held me back a grade.” He leaned back against an old oak tree, pulling me along with him. The motion had me leaning into his chest.

“You’ve gotten hotter.” I couldn’t believe I’d said the words out loud. I also couldn’t believe I was thinking about Colton that way again.

He laughed once more. “So have you, although I wouldn’t have thought it was possible.”

I took another sip of my drink. “When did you get this cute?”

“Are you implying you haven’t been ready to jump me for the last five years?”

“I’ve never thought about it before tonight.” The words weren’t exactly true, but I hadn’t thought about it in a while.

“But you are thinking about it now?” He grinned, moving his hands even lower so they cradled my ass.

“Maybe.” His hands sent a thrill through me, reminding me of just how long it had been since a guy had touched me that way.

“That’s the second maybe you’ve given me. How am I supposed to make that into a yes?” He took the bottle from my hand and dropped it down on the ground next to his empty cup. The remaining liquid seeped out onto the dirt.

“I don’t know. It’s your job to figure that out.” I ran my now free hand down his chest. It was firmer and more muscular than I expected.

“My job, huh? I like the sound of that.” His lips tickled my ear. “I like the sound of anything involving you.” He took my hand and led me further into the grouping of trees. It wasn’t a dense forest or anything, but I knew he was looking for privacy. I didn’t object when he gently leaned me back into another tree.

I closed my eyes, ready to feel his lips and hands on my body. I was horrible at knowing what to do in those situations. I needed the guy to take control.

His lips brushed against mine as he rested his hand on my stomach. He slipped a few fingers underneath my shirt. “Am I earning a yes, or do I have more work to do?” he whispered with his lips right next to mine.

“You have more work.” I kept my eyes closed, taking in a breath as his hand moved further up my shirt.

He slipped his hand under the fabric of my built-in bra and cupped my breast. “I knew I liked this shirt.”

I moaned.

“Damn it, Mallory. I’ve waited a long time to get you to make that kind of sound for me.”

“You have?” I glided my hand under his t-shirt, happy to discover his chest felt even better without the cotton fabric blocking me.

“Yeah. I have.” He fondled my breast while his lips moved to my neck. His other hand started to move up my leg and under my skirt. I knew where it was headed.

I forced myself to open my eyes, remembering we could be spotted at any time. “Do you want to go somewhere more private?”

Even in the near darkness of the moonlit night, I could see his grin. “Yeah, let’s do that.” He took my hand again, and I let him lead me back around toward the old barn. Annie’s uncle only used the barn to store hay, so I didn’t worry too much when Colton started climbing into the hayloft. My head was foggy from the alcohol, but I knew I wanted to pick up right where we left off.

“How’s this for private?” He spread out a new layer of straw before helping me down and following right down beside me. He flicked the switch for the small naked light bulb hanging from the rafters.

“Much better.”

“Good.” He kissed me. With all the touching, we hadn’t fully kissed yet unless you counted the brush of our lips. It was a fast kiss, and before I knew it, his tongue was demanding entry to my mouth. I gladly let it slide in between my teeth. I nipped his bottom lip, eliciting a groan.

My hand found its way under his shirt as he lowered my straps and tugged down my top to completely expose my br**sts. He broke the kiss and pulled his head back to look at me.

“I’ve been dreaming about these for a long time.” He cupped each of my br**sts with a hand, making me slightly self-conscious about the way he studied me.

Thankfully, the alcohol kept my confidence up. “Don’t you want to see the rest of me?”

He exhaled sharply. “Of course.” He slid my top the rest of the way down, pulling it along with my jean skirt over my hips and off. He hooked a finger in the side of my panties.

“It’s only fair that I get to see you too.” I pulled his t-shirt over his head.

“Absolutely.” He fumbled with his belt, moving his hands out of the way so I could take care of the button and zipper on his jeans. He pushed up enough to kick them off. The evidence of his arousal revealed itself inside his red checked boxers.

“Now can I finish?” His hand moved back to my leg.

I nodded.

He removed my panties, tossing them next to the rest of our discarded clothes. “You’re like an angel, Mallory. You can’t be real.”

I laughed. “I hope that means you like what you see.”

“You know I love it.” He removed his boxers, lying down completely naked next to me.

“You’re bigger than I thought you’d be.”

“You thought I had a small dick?”

I giggled nervously. “I don’t know. I guess I didn’t think about it.”

“Yes, you did. You just told me I was bigger than you thought.” He kissed my neck, letting his hand settle on my breast again.

“I guess I did, didn’t I?” I reached out to tentatively touch him. Gradually, I got the nerve to take him in my hand.

He groaned. “That feels too good.”

“Should I stop?”

“Yes, but only because I want tonight to be good.” He kissed me, and moved his hand between my legs. Reflexively I closed them, nervous about the touch I knew was coming.

“Are you nervous?” His face became serious.

“A little.” I hadn’t had sex in well over a year. Even when I’d tried to have a random hook-up in college, it hadn’t worked, and I was desperately in need of some physical satisfaction.

“But you want this?” His expression was conflicted. He didn’t want to stop, but I knew he would in a second if I asked him to. He was good old Colton, the guy who’d been my friend for longer than I could remember, and we were about to have sex.

“I want this.”

“So do I.” He moved my legs apart gently, distracting me with his lips on my breast. I gasped as he slipped his fingers inside me.
