Read Books Novel

The Hazards of a One Night Stand

The Hazards of a One Night Stand (Hazards #2)(38)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Oh.” My current location came to me. “We’re in your room.” I must have fallen asleep during the movie.

“Yes. That we are. And my roommate finally left… so I’d rather you stayed in my room.”

As my eyes adjusted, I made out Colton. He was shirtless and leaning up against his pillows. The thought of staying the night with him sounded incredibly appealing.

I decided to text Juliet, grateful when she accepted the “I’m fine” excuse and moved on.

“When’s your roommate coming back?”

“Not for a while. He went to play World of Warcraft with some friends. That’s usually an all-night thing.”

“Didn’t he say he had a paper due?”

Colt laughed dryly. “That was just an excuse to annoy me. I had another talk with him while you slept.”

I ran a finger down Colt’s bare chest, making him shiver. “How sure are you that he won’t come back?”


“Okay, good.” I moved on top of him, straddling him while I looked down at his face. I hiked my dress up in the process. “You really shouldn’t look this tempting.”

He grinned. “Quit trying to make good things sound bad.”

“It’s true.”

“How is it possible for me to be too tempting? I’m already lying here half-naked for your complete enjoyment.”

“My complete enjoyment, huh?”

“Uh huh.”

I played with his belt buckle, watching as his eyes widened in anticipation. I took what for him was probably an agonizingly long time to release the buckle and move on to his button and zipper.

He put his hands on my hips. “Just know that if I’m available for your enjoyment, you’re available for mine.”

“I don’t know if I agreed to that.” I bit my lip.

“You unofficially did.” He shifted so he could pull my dress over my head. “You say I’m too tempting, what about you?”

I closed my eyes. “Didn’t you just say I’m available to you?”

“Yes, and you started to deny it.”

“How’s this for denying it.” I reached behind me and unclasped my bra, letting it fall off on the bed beside us.

He reached up and cupped each of my br**sts with his hands. “If this is how you’re going to argue with me, please do it all the time.”

I leaned forward, offsetting his hand as I lay down on top of him. Our naked chests against each other felt perfect. The only problem was his shorts were still in the way. He noticed the same problem, and lifted me just enough to start pulling them down.

Just as he had them nearly to his ankles, there was a knock on the door.

I rolled off him.

Colt ignored the knock and finished removing his shorts.

“Colt! Open up, man,” a male voice yelled from the hallway.

I put on my bra and reached for my dress.

Colt stilled my hands and didn’t answer.

“I know you’re in there. We have to go to the house. Don’t you check your phone?”

The house? It was another pledge. I pulled away from Colt and finished getting dressed.

“Give me five minutes.”

Whoever was outside laughed. “What are you doing, or rather who?”

I closed my eyes. Even though no one could see me, I was mortified.

“I’ll meet you at the house in five minutes.” Colt smiled at me.

“Sure. Uh, sorry to whoever just had their night interrupted.”

I groaned.

Colt laughed. “Want to stay here and wait for me to get back?”

“Yeah, no, thanks.”

“You know he’s probably waiting in the lobby, right?” Colt buttoned his shorts. “I’m sure he wants to find out who I have in here. I have no problem with him seeing us, but my guess is you do.”

“This is why we shouldn’t be here.”

“Hey. Come on. Just stay. It’s too late for you to walk home alone.”

“I can’t stay here. What if your roommate comes back?”

“He won’t. And even if he does, just wear clothes. I won’t be long.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“I am.” He kissed my forehead. “I’ll get back as soon as I can.”

It wasn’t until the door clicked closed behind him that I discovered a slight problem. I was eventually going to need to use the bathroom. Once the thought got into my head, of course, I needed to go. I also had no interest in using the restroom on his all boy floor. I paced his room a few minutes and then made a decision. I was walking back to my house. I’d text Colt and tell him I changed my mind. I still couldn’t believe I was in his dorm room. Had I lost my mind? Hooking up in a Freshman dorm?

With my mind made up, I grabbed my purse and walked out into the hall.

With purpose, I continued down the hall and into the stairwell. Colt wasn’t around to give me a hard time for walking down the stairs, but six flights takes a long time. I reached the lobby and realized another problem. The front desk still had my ID. I debated just walking out, but I needed it back.

“Hey, can I check out?” I smiled at the guy at the desk. It was the same one.

“Didn’t Colt check you in?”


“Well, he needs to be here to check you out.”

“Oh, come on. Please just give me my ID.”

“Sorry. You’ll have to wait for Colt.”

“Forget it.” I stormed out of the dorm and headed toward my house. The lighting by the dorms was great, but I was reminded of how late it was when I turned toward the Greek houses. I hurried, ready to get home. A light drizzle of rain started right before I reached the front porch. Perfect timing. I punched in the code and very happily walked upstairs. I used the bathroom and got changed for bed. At the last minute, I remembered to text Colt.

I went home. Please get my ID for me.

He didn’t reply right away which meant he was in his meeting still. That was an even better reason for having gone home.

I got into bed and turned out the light. Exhaustion had caught up with me.

I woke up with a start twenty minutes later when my phone rang. “Yes?” I answered when I saw Colt’s name.

“What part of stay here didn’t you understand?”

“I changed my mind.”

“And walked home alone. Lovely.”

“There were tons of people around.”

He sighed. “Listen, I can’t tell you what to do, and I don’t want to unless it comes to your safety, but don’t do that again. Please? Just promise me that?”
