Read Books Novel

The Hazards of a One Night Stand

The Hazards of a One Night Stand (Hazards #2)(44)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Hello? Is someone in here?” Claire asked. I thought I’d die. That should have made Colt stop, but it didn’t. I couldn’t see his face, but I’m sure I would have slapped him for the look on it.

I let out a whimper as he pushed me further.

The mystery guy laughed. “I think we should go somewhere else. Someone else already found this spot.”

“We have to find out who it is.”

Seriously? Was Claire crazy? I’d never want to catch people hooking up.

“I bet they don’t want to be found.”

That comment made Colt laugh for some reason. His body shook behind me. I used his distraction to pull away enough to offset his hand. I quickly retied my top. If we were discovered, I wasn’t about to flash some unknown guy.

“Come on, let’s check out the pool house,” the guy tried to distract her again. I wondered if it was because he was in a rush to get laid or because he didn’t want to embarrass someone.

I let out a deep sigh of relief as the door slammed closed. If I wasn’t imagining it, he’d slammed it especially hard to let us know they’d left.

“Oh my god. That was close.”

“Yeah. I couldn’t wait much longer.” Colt’s lips were on mine again, and his hands quickly got rid of my top again.



“We were almost caught. We have to go.”

“What’s the chance they’ll come back?” He dropped my top on the ground. “Besides, there’s no way I’m going out there like this. Don’t move.” He grabbed a condom from my bag.

I waited with my arms crossed over my chest.

“None of that.” He pushed down my arms, and made quick work of my bikini bottoms. “No hiding with me—ever.” He placed me on the edge of the hood of one of the cars.

“You really want to have sex here?”

“No. I need to have sex with you here.” He undid his swim trunks and unwrapped the condom.

Before I could think about how crazy we were being, he was inside me. I was ready for him, and I pulled him closer to me. I wanted him deeper. I wanted all of him.

His movements rocked me, but I refused to scream. I pushed my lips against his shoulder, trying to muffle the sounds as he moved faster and faster. He knew what pace to go. He knew exactly what I wanted, what I needed.

I tangled my fingers in his hair as his mouth closed on my breast. His teeth grazing me in the process.

He reached his release just when I thought I couldn’t take anymore.

We leaned against each other, panting for a moment before either of us spoke. He kissed my earlobe. “Don’t even try to call that friends with benefits.”

“I won’t.” My heart beat out of my chest, and I was almost too shaky to get my swim suit back on.

“You okay, babe?” He smiled.

“How did you get that good?” I watched as he got back into his swim suit. “And don’t say practice.”

He laughed. “It’s not about me being good. It’s about us being good.”

“How are you so confident about that?”

“Because I’m confident about my feelings,” he touched the place between my triangle cups, “and yours.”

“You can go on out. I need a minute.”

He shook his head. “I’ll wait.”

“No. You should go. Aaron might be looking for you.”

“You’ve got two minutes.” He kissed my cheek. “If you’re not out by the pool, I’m coming back for you.”

“I’ll be there.” I wrapped my arms around myself, still trying to get my heart rate back to normal.

Chapter Twenty

The night after the pool party, we met for our weekly house meeting. I’d barely made it downstairs in time after getting myself stressed out over some econ concepts that were on my next test. I figured a break from the books would help. Turns out econ was the least of my problems.

“Girls, we need to talk.” Morgan paced the front of the room. She’d taken control of the meeting before the president could even call the meeting to order.

“About what?” Danielle asked, settling into her usual spot on the couch. She was one of the seniors, and they got first priority on the good seats for meetings.

“It’s come to my attention that one of you may have been doing something inappropriate in my father’s garage last night.” She looked at all of us, and my stomach dropped. Did she somehow know? Had Claire told her? I hadn’t told anyone about what happened with Colt and I, and I wasn’t planning on changing that.

“What’s the big deal?” Jana asked. “So someone had a good time.”

“The big deal is my parents get back from their cruise in a week.”

“So?” Cara looked up from her cell phone. From the expression on her face, Aaron had sent her a dirty text.

“So? I told them we were only having girls at the party. They are going to flip.”

“How would they know?” I hoped the answer was they wouldn’t.

“Do you realize how expensive my dad’s car collection is?”

“Not exactly…” I sat up a little straighter. I was getting a bad feeling.

“Hundreds of thousands of dollars. Which is why the garage is under constant video surveillance.”

What? No way. She couldn’t be serious.

Morgan sighed. “So if anyone was stupid enough to fool around anywhere near the cars, I’m in serious trouble.”

“Then just grab the discs or whatever. Delete the drive. If the sister doesn’t fess up, we’ll find out anyway.” Claire had no idea how unhelpful she was being. Or maybe she did. She had been all about finding us.

“That’s the problem.” Morgan balled her hand in fists. “I can’t get access to them. Dad has it all set up in some complex system.”

My stomach dropped. I was so screwed.

I could barely pay attention to the rest of the meeting. We discussed some upcoming social events, and I excused myself as soon as I could. By eight o’clock, I was hiding under the covers.

“Uh, Mallory?” Cara asked quietly. “What are you doing?”

“Trying to decide how much worse my life can get.”

“I knew it.” Juliet sat by my feet.

“Knew what?” Cara asked.

“She’s the one who hooked up in the garage,” Juliet whispered.

“No way. She wouldn’t have done that.” Cara’s voice was strong and didn’t hold a hint of disbelief.
