Read Books Novel

The Hazards of a One Night Stand

The Hazards of a One Night Stand (Hazards #2)(47)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Yeah, but why?” a pledge I was pretty sure was named Tom asked.

“I need to get the video footage of Colt and I from the garage at the pool party.”

“Footage?” Colt stepped toward me. “Why is there footage?”

“Oh yeah. I didn’t get a chance to share the great news. Morgan’s dad has his garage under video surveillance.”

All color drained from Colt’s face. “So everything we did last night was recorded?”

I tuned out the hollers of the other guys. “Yup. But on a good note, I think we probably put on one heck of a show.”

Juliet about fell over laughing. I must have lost my mind.

“You’re Tom, right?” The pledge who’d volunteered nodded. “Will you help?”

“Ah, sure. But does that mean I get to watch this video?”

“Not a chance.” Colt shot him a warning glance. “That is unless Mallory feels like sharing it.”

I nudged him.

“This is insanity.” Tanner groaned. “Not only did you hook up with a pledge, but you also got yourself caught on camera?”

“Yeah… I’m a piece of work, huh?”

Colton grinned. “You are. But you’re my piece of work, aren’t you?”

“I guess I am.” I took his hand.

“What do you need to break into the system, Tom?”

“Just my computer to start.”

I nodded. “Do you need time to plan this?”


“Then we’ll be back later.” I pulled on Colt’s hand.

“Where are we going?” Colt gave me a questioning look.

“To your dorm.”

“We’re going there because…” He grinned.

“We went public. I think I should at least get sex out of the deal.”

“I think I might be able to help you there.”

I led him out of the house. “I’d hope so.”


“Are you trying to kick me out again?” Joe asked.

“Yes. I need Colt, preferably naked, and I don’t think you really want to stay around and watch.” Had those words just come out? I was seriously out of my mind. It was like I was on a high.

“Well, if you’re going to be naked too, I wouldn’t mind.”

“I mind. Get out.” I pointed to the door. I’d been right about the perv part.

“Okay, okay.” He grabbed his laptop and walked out. “You owe me, Colt.”

“I know I do, but right now I don’t care.” He smirked.

“I don’t blame you.” Joe arched an eyebrow, watching me as I closed the door in his face. I locked it.

“That was pretty intense. You really want me that bad?” Colt stepped toward me.

“Hmm, it might be better to show you.” I pushed Colt back down on his bed before pulling off my tank top. He watched me with an amused expression as I slid off my skirt.

“I swear you get hotter every time I see you.” He reached toward me, pulling me onto his lap.

I happily straddled him, pulling off his t-shirt. “I’m glad you think so.”

“I know so.” He unhooked my bra and tossed it aside. His hands were cold on my br**sts, but I didn’t mind. I needed him touching me.

“I don’t know what made you finally decide to go public, but I like it.” He grinned.

“I’m done hiding. I’m done pretending. The only time I even like myself is when I’m with you.”

“Then you just need to be with me more.” He moved me so I was lying down on his bed. He quickly pulled off his pants and boxers and lay down next to me.

“I do. But I also need to be that person even when I’m not with you.”

“Where did all this wisdom finally come from?”

I kissed his shoulder. “Promise not to laugh?”

He hooked a finger on the side of my panties. “I’m not laughing.”

“Tanner told me he hooked up with another girl.”

“That made you want me?”

“I didn’t care that he did, but then I pictured it was you telling me the news. That made my stomach turn.”

“I’d hate hearing you were with anyone else. It was hard enough watching you with Jack before. Now that I know how amazing you are, it would be much worse.”

I rested my head against his chest. “I don’t want to be with anyone else. I want you. I really don’t care what anyone else thinks, and right this second, there is only one thing I want.”

“And what’s that?” He gave me a teasing look, slowly pulling down my panties.


“Hmm. I don’t know if I can arrange that.” He trailed kisses down my body.

“Yes, you can. That’s kind of your job as my boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend? Wow, are you sure you didn’t hit your head?”

I moaned, responding to the sensation of his lips against my skin. “Don’t you want me as your girlfriend?”

“I’ve considered you my girlfriend this whole time. You’re the one so concerned with terminology.”

“Well, then, boyfriend of mine. I hope you’re going to start clearing more time in your schedule.”

“I’d clear it all for you.” His eyes locked on mine, and I knew we weren’t just talking about sex. Colt was right from the beginning. Sex and friendship was completely different from a relationship.

“I think I’m ready for you to give me what I asked for.”

“I know you’re ready, but the question is whether I am.”

I grabbed him, stroking him gently. “I’d say you’re ready.”

He got up and grabbed a condom from his desk.

I waited impatiently for his return, feeling surprisingly comfortable in his dorm issued bed.

“You look really good in my sheets, pumpkin.” He hovered above me.

“Do I? Then why are you still so far away?”

“Far away, huh? Are you getting impatient? Normally, I’d think lack of sex would build up your appetite, but apparently when you get a little, you want a lot.”

“Are you trying to make me feel bad?”

“No. I like it. I also happen to like this feeling of power I have right now.”

“Power?” I tried not to whimper I wanted him so bad. He looked so good, and I was beyond ready for him.

“Yeah. You’d probably do anything to get me right now.”

“Oh, is that it? You’re on a power trip?”
