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The Hazards of a One Night Stand

The Hazards of a One Night Stand (Hazards #2)(54)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

I took two steps back and knocked into the counter. “I’m with Colt now.”

“I know.” He seemed torn once again. “But that’s not just because he’s the closest thing you thought you could get to me, right? Because if that’s the case, you should let him down easy and come back.”

Anger filled me. Was he that conceited? Was his opinion of me so low that he thought I’d do that? “I’m with Colt because I want to be.”

“I don’t believe you. I don’t believe you can switch your feelings off for me that easily.”

I coughed. “Switch them off easily? You dumped me almost two years ago. No. You didn’t just dump me, you shattered my heart into five million pieces and it’s taken me years to put them back together.”

“And I regret that every day, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try again. We were always so good together.”

I closed my eyes, using every ounce of strength to stop the tears that threatened to spill. “I’m with Colton. I want to be with Colton.”

I heard the door open and within moments Colt’s arm slid around my waist. “What are you doing here, Jack?”

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to see my girlfriend. You can understand why I was more than a little surprised when Mom told me you’d come over here.”

“She was mine first.” Jack’s sneer had me leaning into Colt’s side.

“And you gave her up years ago. You told me you didn’t mind if we dated.”

“Because I never expected it to go anywhere.” Jack stepped toward us. “I figured you’d get over your stupid crush and that maybe it would give me a chance to see her again.”

“What?” I stuttered out in shock. “You thought that my dating Colton would someone end with us back together? Are you crazy?”

“Maybe. Maybe I am crazy, crazy about you.”

Colton laughed dryly. “Oh. This is just great. I finally get Mallory and now you’re trying to sabotage it because you can’t handle me having anything you don’t. You’re such an ass**le.”

“I’m the ass**le? You’re the one who stole my girlfriend.” Jack lunged for Colt. I pulled away, feeling completely helpless to do anything to ease the situation, but I had to try.

“Stop it! This is ridiculous.”

Neither listened, and I was close to panicking. Luckily Reed picked that moment to intervene. Evidently he’d come over with Colt. He stepped between them, pushing each of the brothers to the side. “I think Mallory’s trying to tell you both something.” He nodded to me.

“This fight is stupid.” I turned to Jack. “We had our chance, and it didn’t work. I’m not going to feel bad about my decision to date Colt, because I know you’re not in love with me.”

Jack glared. “How can you say that?”

“Because I know it. You’re just jealous, and even though I’m not the kind of girl who could make a guy act crazy over her, that’s exactly what’s happening.”

“What do you mean you’re not the kind of girl a guy would act crazy over?” Colt had calmed down, and he’d once again taken his place at my side. “You’re exactly the kind of girl to do that.”

Reed laughed, and that seemed to ease the tension a little. “Yes, Mallory can make us all a little crazy.”

I rolled my eyes. “Thanks, Reed.”


“Jack, I think you should leave.” Saying those six words felt empowering.

“Are you sure? Is this really what you want?” Jack’s shoulders slumped.

“Yes.” The tables had turned, and as much as I hated to hurt him, I knew I was doing the right thing.

“Whatever. Have a nice life.” Jack stormed out of the kitchen.

Mom, the girls, and Aaron walked in right as I heard the front door close.

“Wow. That was intense.” Juliet gave me a “oh my god” look.

I turned to Colt. “I’m sorry.”

He pulled me into a hug. “Stop apologizing.”

“Should you go after him? He’s your brother. I don’t want you guys fighting. I’m not worth it.”

He looked me straight in the eye. “Of course you’re worth it. Don’t ever doubt that. And Jack had his chance. I asked him more than once if he was cool with us dating and he told me he didn’t care at all. He can’t suddenly change his mind now. There’s no going back for us.”

For a moment I forgot about our audience. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his head down to mine. Our lips had just met when my mom cleared her throat.

My friends laughed.

“Oh. Sorry.”

“Why don’t you guys go pick up some ice cream for everyone, we’ll stay here.” Mom gave me a smile and nodded toward the door.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, but don’t be gone too long.”

Colton didn’t waste any time. He took my hand and led me out the front door and to the car.

He pulled out of the driveway, picking up my hand as soon as we reached the street. He parked the car around the corner. Neither of us said anything. I unbuckled my seatbelt and climbed over the console onto his lap. His arms slid around my waist, and I leaned down to kiss him. Our lips said everything we couldn’t say with words. The fight with Jack changed things. I was completely ready to move on, and Colt was exactly the guy I wanted to do that with.

We stayed that way for close to twenty minutes when common sense dawned on me. “We probably need to get that ice cream.”

“Ten more minutes won’t hurt anyone.” Colt’s lips returned to mine, and I never wanted them to leave.

Chapter Twenty-Three

The rest of the weekend in Gasden went well enough. My friends seemed to really enjoy my town, and it was fun to be back home with Colton. He was in such a great mood the whole time, it’s like being home brought out the kid in him again. I didn’t run into Jack again, and Colt told me he left. He assured me everything was ok between them, and based on his good mood, I knew he was telling the truth. Reed and Aaron were a hoot, and they made the bonfire and obligatory social occasions more fun than I expected.

A bunch of big sociology papers and econ exams kept me busy during the weeks after Fall Fest, but I still managed to find time for Colt and my friends. It was much easier to do when I wasn’t hiding the truth from everyone. Before I knew it, Thanksgiving was only a few weeks away.
