Read Books Novel

The Hazards of Mistletoe

The Hazards of Mistletoe (Hazards #4)(22)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“At least you’re not crazy then.”

“Oh we both know I’m crazy.” She nuzzled closer. I was sure it was because of the cold, but I tried to pretend it was because she wanted to stay close.

“Oh, one more thing.” I reached into the bag I’d left with Harry and pulled out two thermoses. “Hot chocolate?”

“A sleigh ride and hot chocolate? You’re making me nervous.”

“Why?” I asked stupidly even though I already knew the answer. She was thinking of the last time I did something bordering on romantic.

She didn’t move to take the thermos. “We’re not going there.”

“We’re going to have to eventually.”

“But not tonight.” She sighed.

“Fine, but at least try the hot cocoa. It’s the good stuff.”

She accepted one of the thermoses and sipped it. “Wow, this is good.”

“Of course it is. I made it.”

“You made this?” She asked incredulously.

“Are you that surprised?”

“Yeah, actually.”

“Don’t be. I have many skills.”

She laughed. “Glad you haven’t lost your confidence.”

I had. I’d completely lost it, but being so close to her again brought it back. I could almost forget how far I’d fallen.

We rode around in silence for a while. She seemed content sipping her hot cocoa and sitting snuggled next to me. There was nowhere else I’d have rather been.

“Thanks for this.” She broke the silence.

“You’re welcome. Enjoying yourself?”

“Yeah.” She shifted beside me. “It’s pretty much perfect.”

“Does that have anything to do with the company?” I waited with baited breath.

“I don’t mind it.” She looked away and out at the snowy landscape.

“Savy?” I said her name softly.

She looked back at me, and some of her blond hair blew into her face. I brushed it away, and I couldn’t help myself. I pressed my lips against hers lightly, and I waited for her to respond. She didn’t at first, but I refused to give up. I moved my lips against hers, and eventually she started to move hers too. She opened her lips, and I took my chance.

She stilled as I first pushed my tongue into her mouth, but her surprise didn’t last for long. She reached up and tangled her hands in my hair, as I pushed her flush against me. My whole body heated, wanting her and needing her closer. I forgot about Harry as I pulled her onto my lap. An entire year of pent up desire took over, and I couldn’t control myself. I let my mouth devour hers, needing to suck up every ounce I could.

“We can’t do this.” She broke the kiss and moved off my lap.

“We just did.” I couldn’t get the goofy grin off my face.

“It shouldn’t have happened.” She brushed her gloved hand over her lips as if to brush away the remnants of me. That action was like cold water poured over my head.

“No. Don’t be like that.”

“You can’t tell me what to do. You can’t tell me how to feel.”

“I know. But I know how I feel.”

“I don’t get it.”

“You don’t get it because you won’t let me explain.”


“What?” I leaned closer, still trying to handle her change from hot and heavy to cold as ice.

“You can tell me tomorrow.”

“Okay.” I reached over and took her hand in mine. She didn’t pull her hand away. Brushing off my kiss or not, she had kissed me, and now she wanted to see me again. I’d stirred up something in her, and I was going to do everything in my power to make sure I didn’t let what little effect I had burn out.

Chapter Ten


Dazed. There was no better way to describe how I felt as I stepped off the sleigh in front of the condos. I’d just gone on a sleigh ride with Glen, and we’d kissed. Really kissed. I’d liked it. I’d liked the feel of his hands on me, and his lips against mine. And worst of all, I wanted more of it. I wanted more of Glen. I wanted to know everything, and I wanted there to be another explanation of why he’d rejected me the year before. I wanted there to be a chance. Because knowing there was even a small chance of getting Glen back in my life made me whole in a way I hadn’t felt in ages.

“Thanks, that was fun.” I smiled as we stood outside. My words said nothing of the emotions running through me.

“Can I walk you in?”

“I’m fine.” I wasn’t sure I could handle much more. My emotions were a mess, and I needed time to process things.

“But I want to make sure you get home safe.” His eyes were so full of emotion, and I was positive they matched mine.

“How about I text you.”

“You still have my number?”

“Yeah.” I looked away.

He took my hand. “You’re still in my phone. Of course.”

“There’s no ‘of course’ about it.”

“Yes there is.” He leaned in and brushed his lips against mine. “Good night, Savy.”

“Goodnight.” I turned and walked into the lobby. I paused in front of the large Christmas tree. I’d been in such a funk I hadn’t admired it yet that year.

“Isn’t it beautiful?” An older, gray-haired man said from his seat in front of the fire.

“It is. I love all the colors. They usually only use white lights.”

“Sometimes change is good.”

“Yeah. Sometimes it is.” I nodded. “Have a nice night.” I walked over to the elevator. What a crazy and unexpected night.

Before I could even open the door to our condo, it was yanked open. I half expected to find Dalton on the other side, but it was my dad.

“Have fun on your sleigh ride?” He didn’t even let me walk inside before starting in.

“Dalton told you everything?”

“Everything? I don’t know about that, but he told me Glen wanted some time with you.”

“Do we have any egg nog?” I pulled off my jacket and walked toward the kitchen.

“We’re not done with this conversation, but yes we do. Gina loves the stuff almost as much as you do.”

“Ok, great.” I poured myself a glass from the fridge. I hadn’t had any since the previous Christmas Eve, but I was feeling it again.

“So how was the sleigh ride? You tried to step around the question.”
