Read Books Novel

The Hazards of Mistletoe

The Hazards of Mistletoe (Hazards #4)(30)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

His eyes lit up. “I love you, too. I’ve been in love with you for longer than I knew what love meant, and it’s why I did what I did last year. Part of my feelings for you involve protectiveness, and I wanted to protect you from me.”

“I don’t want protection from you. I want you.”

“And you have me.”

“You have me too.” I ran my hand down his chest. “All of me.”

“You sure? We don’t have to do anything tonight.” I could see the struggle in his face. “I’ll wait as long as you want.”

“I’m completely sure.” I kissed him, hoping my lips could get across my message. He kissed me back, his lips warm as they moved against mine. He sucked on my lip, and I moaned. He eagerly moved into my mouth.

His hand slipped under my t-shirt, and he cupped my breast. I moaned again, loving the feel of his hand on me. I wanted more contact, so I broke the kiss, pushing him off and offsetting the covers.

He watched as I pulled the t-shirt up over my head. “You’re so beautiful.”

I lay back down as he ran his hands down my body. He hesitated at my panties for a moment, before slipping a finger underneath the elastic. “May I?”

“I already told you I was all yours.”

He pulled off my panties and took the t-shirt I still held in my hands. He tossed them both to the end of the bed. “You look fantastic. And I don’t know what everyone’s worried about. You haven’t lost weight, which is a good thing, but wow, you’ve been working out.” He ran his fingers over my abs.

“You can tell I haven’t lost weight?” Did he really know my body that well?

“I already told you I remember every inch of you.” He let his hands continue to roam my body. “After tonight I’ll also know what every inch of you feels and tastes like.”

“I’m hoping I’ll be able to say the same thing about you.” I reached into his boxers and took him in my hand.

He groaned. “That makes two of us.”

Chapter Thirteen


If it weren’t for her touch, I would have thought I was dreaming. That was the most logical explanation for how I had Savy naked in my bed watching me with those sexy doe eyes of hers as she stroked me in a way no woman ever had. It was gentle and let me know how much she cared.

I struggled to stay in control. I had to make tonight perfect, which meant I couldn’t enjoy her touch too much yet.

I stilled her hand. “As good as that feels, I need to concentrate on something else right now.”

“What?” She leaned up on her elbows slightly.

I hovered over her, making her lie back down. “You.”

I slipped my hand between her legs. She tensed, so I gently brushed my lips against hers. That did the trick. She relaxed and opened up to me. She was wet and ready for my fingers, and my body knew what else she was ready for. I tried to take in every bit of her response. Her eyes widening, her breath picking up, the way she seemed to try so hard to keep quiet, when all I wanted her to do was the opposite. “I want to hear how you feel. Please don’t hold it in.”

She moaned and opened her legs wider, and I loved knowing that I could make her feel so good, but also that I could make her feel so comfortable. My words meant something to her. She trusted me, and that was a trust I refused to ever break again.

“Please, Glen. I want you.”

Those same words had been uttered in my fantasies over and over, but hearing them for real was so much better. I unwrapped a condom and got myself positioned over her. I enjoyed the moment, embedding the expression of anticipation on her face into my mind where I could see it anytime I wanted. “I love you, Savy.” It felt so good to say those words out loud so freely, and it felt even better once I thrust inside her.

“I love you too, Glen,” she said in almost a whimper as I continued to move inside her. I started off slowly, wanting to make sure I didn’t hurt her. I gradually thrust in deeper until the full length of me was buried inside her. She wrapped her legs around me, and I continued letting her cries of passion fuel me.

“Glen!” Her body heaved, and I knew I couldn’t hold on much longer. I shuddered and reached my release. I’d never felt such satisfaction in my life. It went beyond the physical, and I knew that it was going to get better and better the more time we spent together.

I rolled off her and pulled her into my arms. “You’re amazing. Absolutely amazing.”

“So are you.” Tears spilled down her face.

“Are you okay?” I sat up as fear took over. “Did I hurt you?”

“No. Not at all.” She pulled me down next to her. “They’re happy tears.”

“Oh.” I ran my hand through her hair. “Those kind are okay.”

“How is this going to work now?” She rolled onto her side.

“We’re going to do this as often as possible.” I smiled.

“I mean after this week. I know you promised this wasn’t a temporary thing, but what happens when I leave?”

“Here’s what I think.”

“I’m listening.” She leaned up on her elbow.

“We’ve had years of experience doing the whole long distance thing. We talked and texted all the time and enjoyed our time together. Now it’s going to be normal that we do it. And we get to really enjoy our time together.”

She laughed. “True, but will it be more than once a year? Can we really make this work?”

“It will be way more than once a year. You think I can stay away from you that long?”

She grinned. “No, especially because there’s going to be no phone sex.”

“You say that now, I give you twenty-four hours after leaving.”

“Want to bet?”

“Only if you get something for losing, I want you to be properly incentivized.”

She started to giggle, and she pulled me down on top of her. “Maybe you can incentivize me more tonight.”

“Ready for more already?”

“You said we’re going to really enjoy our time together.”

“Oh, we are.” I kissed her, ready to enjoy every second of our night.


I woke up the next morning to the sound of Savy’s phone vibrating against my nightstand. We’d barely slept, so I picked it up quickly to silence it so it wouldn’t wake her up. I expected it to be her dad, but it was her friend Jade. From what Savy had told me the night before when I was asking her a billion questions about her life at college, she was a close friend. I set the phone down so she would leave a message. The phone buzzed and then it buzzed again with a text. My curiosity got to me so I glanced at the screen.
