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The Hazards of Mistletoe

The Hazards of Mistletoe (Hazards #4)(37)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

He kissed me hard on the mouth before moving his lips down to leave kisses all over my body. At the same time, his hand moved between my legs. A light breeze stung, but it was nothing compared to the sensation of his mouth and hand. I reached up and grabbed him.

“Don’t read into the fact that I have a condom in my wallet.” He fished one out and unwrapped it, all while keeping most of his body hovering above me to block the wind.

“We’re about to have sex on the beach. I kind of assumed you had one.”

His laugh died out as he kissed me again, this time with more hunger. “Here’s to ending my blonde virginity.” He thrust into me, and I gasped.

His lips moved to my neck as he continued to thrust. The sand was hard and uncomfortable beneath me, but I didn’t care. All I cared about was the guy on top of me—and inside me.

“Chase.” I tested out saying his name again now that I knew how it felt to have our bodies connected.

He grunted and continued to move faster and harder. I wrapped my legs around him, wanting him closer. I held onto his back with one hand while I buried the other in his dark brown hair. My body responded so well to his, everything felt hot and right, and then I felt out of control. I held on tighter. I’d never felt so aroused and euphoric in my life.

“Cara.” He groaned my name before his entire body shuddered. He stayed on top of me for a second before rolling off.

“Wow.” I quickly got dressed, unable to get the grin off my face. After a year and a half with Aaron, I’d never had sex that good. Chase was still lying on the sand watching me.

I bent down and kissed him on the lips. “Thanks, Chase. Great meeting you.” I wasn’t going to ruin a good thing by making him awkwardly attempt to let me down easy. I took matters into my own hands.

“Wait.” He struggled into his clothes. “Aren’t you going to give me your number?”


He buttoned his pants. “Because we just had sex. Hot sex might I add.”

“Which is why we’ll leave it that way. I’ll always be your first blonde.” I blew him a kiss before running back toward the party. I checked my phone. No missed call from Gabriella. Maybe she hadn’t even noticed I was missing.

I walked back inside the house, hopping into line for the restroom. I was positive I looked like a complete mess.

“There you are!” Gabriella grabbed my arm and jumped into line next to me. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”

I tried to compose myself. “Where’s your friend?”

“Oh. He left. With someone else.”

“That sucks.”

“Yeah, but it’s fine. I wouldn’t want to ditch you anyway.”

I looked away and smiled.

“What?” She pulled up her long dark hair into a bun.


“Well, you seem better. Did the party work the way I thought it would? Did it show you there’s life outside all that Greek crap you’re into at school?”

“It’s not crap. I love my sorority.” Delta Mu and my sisters were the only things I had left at school.

“Fine. At least admit your fixation with frat guys is dumb. Especially that jerk you were with. There are so many better guys out there.”

I tuned her out as we waited and thought about my hook up with Chase. Had I really just had sex on the beach?

The Hazards of Sex on the Beach is available now!

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Keep reading for a preview of T.A. Foster’s holiday romance, A Very Grey Christmas.

A Very Grey Christmas

T.A. Foster

I was getting ready to spend the single most important holiday of the year alone. Completely and utterly alone.

That meant he wouldn’t be there Christmas Eve. No making Christmas cookies, or listening to my dad sing off-key while my mom bustled around wrapping last-minute gifts. No decorating the tree. No midnight Christmas kiss.

No waking up in Grey’s arms. We were actually going to spend our very first Christmas in different states.

That was until Grey gave me the most unexpected gift of my life.


I zipped the side of my suitcase and slouched beside it on the bed. I knew it wouldn’t be the same if I didn’t go. How could it? I had spent every holiday with my parents for twenty-one years. I couldn’t buck the trend for number twenty-two, even if it meant Grey stayed behind.

That meant he wouldn’t be there Christmas Eve. No making Christmas cookies, or listening to my dad sing off-key while my mom bustled around wrapping last-minute gifts. No decorating the tree. No midnight Christmas kiss. No waking up in Grey’s arms. We were actually going to spend our first Christmas in different states.

I latched the side of my carry-on. I wasn’t taking a chance on losing the presents I had purchased for everyone back home with an airport snafu. I learned my lesson over spring break. They were packed tightly in my bag, wrapped in layers of Bubble Wrap. My boots were also tucked inside. They were the most special gift Grey had given me, and I wasn’t about to check those with my regular luggage.

“You ready, darlin’? It’s time. If we don’t get on the road, you’re going to miss your flight.” Grey stood in the doorway.

My heart split in two. I couldn’t do this. What in the hell was I doing?

“What’s wrong?” He strolled to the bed and sat next to me.

“I-I don’t want to go. I can’t leave you here by yourself for Christmas. I don’t know what I was thinking.” I buried my face in my palms.

He brushed the hair off my shoulder. “Don’t worry about me. I’m going to have dinner with Mac and Renee. I’m sure Connor will light the bonfire. He usually does that on Christmas night. It’s a little island tradition.”

Heavy tears slid down my cheeks. “But that’s not the same.” Spending Christmas with Connor sounded depressing and bachelor-like.

“Eden, I’ve never had big Christmases. I’m going to work and I’ll be plenty busy. It’s not a huge deal to me. But it is a huge deal to your parents that you’re home with them. So, let’s get going, or your dad is going to have a reason to be pissed at me. I’ve never met the man. I don’t need a criminal record before I see him face to face.”

I turned toward him, not caring that my face was streaked with mascara. “Won’t you reconsider coming with me? Please, Grey.” We had talked about it twenty times, but I wasn’t ready to give up, even in the eleventh hour.
