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The Heir

The Heir (The Selection #4)(62)
Author: Kiera Cass

“I have missed you so!” she cried, her accent making each word sound like a surprise.

“I have so much to show you. I asked Mom and Dad to make you a permanent suite so you will always have the best room when you come.”

“Oh, Ahren! So generous for me!”

He turned, grinning from ear to ear, suddenly recalling my presence. “You remember my sister, of course.”

We curtsied to each other, and she rose elegantly. “Your Highness, so nice to see you again. I bring gifts for you.”

“For me?”

“Yes. Here is a secret,” she said, leaning in. “You can wear all of them.”

I perked up. “Wonderful! Maybe I’ll have to use some of it at the party I’m throwing for you tonight.”

She gasped and placed both hands on her chest. “For me?” She turned her blue eyes on Ahren. “Really?”


It was strange to see him with this look in his eyes, like maybe he was in the middle of an act of worship, prepared to sacrifice anything to please Camille.

“Your family is so good to me. Let’s go. I’m dying to see your mother.”

I tried to keep up with them on the ride back to the palace, but Ahren spoke mostly in French for her benefit, and since I had chosen to master Spanish, I was completely in the dark. Once we got home, Mom, Dad, Kaden, and Osten were all waiting on the front stairs for us. Positioned on the edges of the steps, trying to be inconspicuous, were several photographers.

Ahren exited first, holding out his hand to help Camille. When I scooted over and reached for him, it turned out he’d already run off with Camille, who was rushing into my mother’s arms.

Mom, Dad, and Kaden all knew French and were greeting her warmly. I walked over to Osten, who looked like he was itching to climb on something.

“What are you up to today?” I asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Go find the Selected guys and ask them awkward questions. Report back.”

He laughed and went running.

“Where’s he off to?” Dad asked quietly.


“Let’s all go inside,” Mom announced. “You should nap before tonight. Eadlyn’s been working so hard on this party, it’s going to be wonderful.”

I’d thought of everything. The music was live—suitable for slow dancing—and there was a mix of foods, both from Illéa and France, as well as some of those delicious apple fritters Henri had made for me. I couldn’t wait for him to see.

Mom looked radiant as always, and Dad didn’t seem quite so worn-out. Josie was right at home, and I was pleased because for once she hadn’t stolen a tiara. Kaden was like a little ambassador, walking around the room and shaking hands.

I was, of course, staying close to the happy couple, which was both captivating and draining. Ahren looked at Camille like she hung the sun in the sky every morning. It was beautiful, the way he watched her, enchanted by every breath that came out of her mouth. But I felt strangely detached from it all because no one had ever done that for me, and I’d never done that for anyone else.

I found myself jealous of Camille. Not for having the unwavering love of my brother—which I knew to be one of the steadiest forces in the world—but because everything about her came so effortlessly.

What had the French queen done to raise her like this? Camille was delicate and sweet, and yet no one would think to try and walk all over her. I kept up with international affairs, and I knew her people cherished her. Last year on her birthday an impromptu party started in the streets in her honor and lasted for three days. Three days!

I thought my education was fair and well-rounded, which meant one thing: my shortcomings had nothing to do with how or what I was taught but with me alone.

The realization forced me to step away from her and Ahren. Standing near her only made me feel worse. Before I could get too far, Ean was in front of me, holding out his arm.

“Long time, no see.”

I rolled my eyes. “I see you every day.” I laced my arm through his all the same.

“But we don’t get to speak. I’ve been wondering how you’re doing.”

“Excellent. Can’t you tell? I’m running around like a crazy person trying to date while being accused of faking it all, and my brother is in love with a perfect girl, and I know eventually she’s going to steal him away.”

“Steal him?”

I nodded. “When they finally do get married, which will require her mother’s express approval and a lengthy engagement to plan what will surely be the most ostentatious wedding anyone has ever seen, he’ll have to live in France with her.”

“Hmm,” he said, leading me to the dance floor and placing a hand on my waist. “I can’t do much about your brother, but, if he does end up leaving, you still have someone you can always depend on.”

“Would you happen to be speaking about yourself?” I teased, swaying to the music.

“Of course,” he replied. “My offer still stands.”

“I haven’t forgotten it.”

As I took in the room with all its trappings and important guests, it was hard to deny just how well he fit in with the crowd. Ever since Ean had arrived, he’d carried himself with a kind of poise that few people possessed. If I hadn’t known better, I would have guessed that he grew up in a palace as well.

“If there’s any truth to that article, you don’t have to torture yourself with these little boys. I will be everything you could ask for in a husband. I will be faithful, kind, and a true helper. I will never demand love from you. And I will be more than happy simply to live by your side.”

I still couldn’t understand his motivation. In some ways he could do so much better.

“I thank you again for your offer. But I haven’t given up on the Selection yet.”

Ean cocked his head to the side, smiling slyly. “Oh, but I think you have.”

“And why is that?” I tried to match his know-it-all attitude as best as I could.

“Because I’m still here. And if you were really hoping to find love, I can’t see why you would keep me around.”

We were both grinning at the audacity of his statement as I stopped dancing, pulling my hands away slowly. “I could send you home right now, you know.”

“But you won’t,” he assumed, that impish grin still plastered to his face. “You know I can give you the one thing you really want, and you’re the only one who can give me what I want.”
