Read Books Novel

The Historic Neighbor from Hell

He threw his head back and laughed. “Lord Dumford a friend? No! The man quotes bible verses for fun. I couldn’t imagine a fate worse than spending an hour in that man’s company.”

“Thanks. Your words have been really comforting,” she said dryly, earning another chuckle from him. He couldn’t remember the last time that he’d felt so relaxed in another person’s company. He normally kept his guard up, refusing to allow anyone to get the better of him.

“I’m sorry,” he murmured before asking, “Why then are you allowing him to court you?”

She sighed heavily. “I’m afraid my parents aren’t happy with my state of life. I’m twenty-three and while they feel that I should be married by now, I don’t. I’ve turned down every suitor who’s asked for my hand. They’re afraid they’ll end up with another spinster on their hands.” They also didn’t want her inheritance left in her control, but there was no need to tell him that .

“How many men have asked for you?” he asked. He knew that it wasn’t proper to ask, but he somehow knew that she wouldn’t mind. She didn’t seem the type. She seemed honest and forthright. It was a welcome change.

Her face scrunched up delightfully. “Fifty-five.”

“Fifty-five men have asked for your hand and you’re only twenty-three? Good lord!”

She shrugged indifferently. “I’m easy to get along with.”

He liked that. He liked that she didn’t refer to the fact that she was incredibly beautiful or to a dowry that she might have, although he was sure that some of the men who’d asked were after both. If she had a decent dowry, she would be a well sought after target with her beauty.

“I believe it.”

Her hand found his. She gave it a small squeeze before releasing it. “I’m sorry. You came out here looking for some solitude.” She flicked her hand casually in the air. “I’ll leave you.” She reached down at her other side and picked up a small book with a well-worn leather cover.

“What are you reading?” he asked. It hadn’t escaped his notice that she’d brought a book to a ball. “You sneak off a lot, don’t you?”

She gave him a sheepish smile. “I’m afraid that I do have a tendency of making myself scarce.”

He noticed the dance card on her wrist. It was full, which didn’t surprise him.

“And the book?”

She held it up and shrugged. “It’s one of my favorite plays. It helps me relax. I had a feeling that I would need it tonight by the way that my mother and sister were behaving.”

He couldn’t quite make out the words from the worn cover. “Which play?”

Her whole face lit up. She obviously took great joy from her book. “’As You Like It’ by Shakespeare. It’s my absolute favorite,” she said dreamily.

Robert groaned. “I’m going to have to kiss you now.”

Chapter 7

Elizabeth didn’t have a chance to respond before his lips were touching hers. She couldn’t think as he brushed his lips softly against hers, the gentle caress taking her by surprise. Her hands automatically went to his chest. She was prepared to shove him away so that she could leave before someone found them and she was forced into a marriage that she didn’t want when something occurred to her.

What if this was her only chance to know what it was like to be with a man, a man that she actually wanted? She didn’t want to live her life full of regrets. She didn’t want to wonder what she’d missed out on by never marrying if that’s what her future held. Right then she decided that if she was going to live her life as a spinster, then she was going to enjoy this moment with….whatever his name was and give into this overwhelming attraction that she felt for him. After a moment, she allowed herself to relax and to enjoy his kisses and the sensations that were teasing and tormenting her body as she lost herself to his touch.

He brushed his lips over hers once, twice and once again. Her mouth was soft and sweet, but it wasn’t enough. He ran the tip of his tongue over her bottom lip. She gasped in surprise, opening her mouth ever so slightly, but it was enough for him. He tilted his head to the side and deepened the kiss.

Elizabeth didn’t know what to think when his lips moved against hers except that somehow for some reason it felt right, perfect. His kisses weren’t frantic or sloppy. They were sweet. When he teasingly slid his tongue inside her mouth she was too stunned at first to react to the invasion. Then slowly she began to melt in his arms. Her hands slid up his chest, enjoying the feel of hard muscle beneath his coat until they found his shoulders.

He groaned as he pulled her against him, enjoying himself until his damn conscience nagged at him. As wonderful as it felt to kiss her, he knew by the unpracticed strokes of her tongue and lips that she was innocent. He pulled back and looked into her eyes, praying that she wouldn’t end this. This had to be her choice, because he sure as hell wasn’t about to stop this if he had a choice in the matter.

For a moment, neither of them moved. They watched each other, panting slightly as they waited for the other to put a halt to this insanity. Slowly, he moved in, giving her a chance to stop this even as he prayed that she wouldn’t. When his mouth touched hers again it was anything but timid. This kiss was hot, wild, and possessive. Words were beyond them. Robert pulled her closer until her br**sts were pressed more firmly against his chest.

Elizabeth ran her fingers through his hair, enjoying the soft feel of it. He moved his mouth away from hers, nibbling on her ear and neck. He slipped his fingers beneath the top of her gown and slowly pulled down the material, taking her shift down as well until her br**sts were bared to him.

Still neither spoke.

He ran his tongue from her neck down to her br**sts, leaving a wet trail behind that had her toes curling. Elizabeth moaned as she ran her hands down his back, encouraging him to continue when she should be pushing him away and running as fast as her legs could carry her back to the safety of the ball. He ran his tongue in a circular motion around one taut nipple before he pulled the hard pebble into his mouth, effectively killing any thoughts she might have had of ending this.

He reached up and cupped her other breast. He weighed it in his hand, squeezed it, and ran his thumb around the firm nipple. He held the breast up for his mouth and, after one last lick of the nipple he’d been worshipping, his mouth greedily accepted the offering. He licked and sucked the large breast until she was moaning louder and digging her fingers into his shoulders, desperate for more.
