Read Books Novel

The Impact of You

The Impact of You(3)
Author: Kendall Ryan

She fixes her mouth in a tight line. “My name’s Avery.”

I’ve never met an Avery. The name is pretty, and unique – just like her. Her makeup is natural, subtle compared to the high sheen gloss of the blond’s lips from earlier. She’s pretty but not overdone.

“I haven’t seen you here before.”

“That’s because I don’t typically come to these things.”

She picks up her cup of beer, but doesn’t drink from it. It’s like she needs something to do with her hands. I know the feeling. I feel oddly clumsy and unsure around her – not something I’m used to.

I don’t need to ask why she doesn’t come to frat parties. It’s obvious this isn’t her scene. “Do you need another drink?”

She shakes her head. “Who am I kidding? I’m not going to drink this.” She dumps the contents of the cup into the grass before setting the empty cup beside her.

“Not a fan of beer? I think I could find you something else if you want it…”

“I’m not a fan of drinking, really.” Her voice is soft, like there’s some faraway memory pulling at her attention.

Now that I’ve turned to face her, I can’t look away. Her eyes are a mesmerizing shade of green and her hair looks faintly red when it catches the light. She has soft, delicate features, high cheek bones, a full mouth and pretty wide-set eyes. She’s lovely.

I drag a hand through my hair and turn away because I can’t seem to stop f**king staring at her. Stop being a creep, Jase. Instead I look out into the backyard – littered with red plastic cups, beer bottles and cigarettes butts.

“Why not?”

“It makes you do stupid things,” Avery says after several long moments.

I simply nod. She has no idea how close to home that statement hits. Did she do stupid things in her past, or is she basing that on the actions of the people inside?

“Why are you out here?” she asks.

“I needed some air. What about you?”

“The same, I guess.” She attempts a smile, but I can tell she’s just as out of practice at it as I am.

There’s something sad about her eyes, and it makes me want to kick the ass of whoever put that look there. Was it some drunk jerk that hurt her? Maybe that’s why she doesn’t like alcohol.

“I took last semester off,” I say, trying to keep the conversation going. “And even though I live in a frat house, I guess I’m not ready for the start of the new semester party.”

She looks over at me. “You’re a Delta Sig?”

I nod, glad that she doesn’t ask why I took last semester off.

She looks back out into the yard and releases a deep sigh.

This girl is different, and I’m completely thrown off my game. But I kind of like it. She refuses to drool all over me, and I respect her for that. I hate when girls who know nothing about me act as if we’re freaking soul mates. It’s such a turn off. But Avery seems different. I want to know her.


Jase remains silent beside me, and I can sense there’s something more on his mind than just escaping the party inside – only I have no idea what it is, or why he’s chosen me as company. I grin to myself thinking Madison will be proud that I’m out here talking to the Pretty Boy. And pretty, he is. It’s almost too much to handle having him this close and personal. He smells freakin’ incredible too, like a hint of spicy cologne and a trace of laundry detergent. I want to bury my nose in his neck and inhale, get closer to that delicious scent. Of course I do no such thing.

“What’s the most interesting thing about you?” he asks suddenly.

I am so not telling him that. His question is an odd one, but I go with it. “I was adopted.”

“Really?” His gaze flicks to mine.

Whenever I tell people, their eyes light up in wonder, like I’m suddenly special, different. I don’t know if they expect me to be from some cool foreign country, or maybe have celebrities as parents, but the truth is nothing like that. “Not from anywhere interesting. Just Colorado.”

“That’s cool. Have you ever been back to visit?”

“Nope. My dads wanted to take me there as a graduation present, but I don’t know…” I shrug. “I’d convinced them I didn’t want to go. I actually did. Desperately. But I felt guilty for wanting to. They got uncomfortable whenever I brought up anything about my birthmom, as if they thought they weren’t enough for me,” I finish. I have no idea why I’m unloading all this on a guy I just met. It seems Pretty Boy possesses the rare ability to coax the truth from me. Not good.

To his credit though, Jase doesn’t react at all to the two dads thing. He just nods and continues picking at the fraying string on his jeans, like he’s listening thoughtfully, both to the things I’m saying and what I’m not saying.

The truth is I’d never met my birthmom, but I’d always wanted to. Depending on the mood I was in, I would picture my mom as an elegant model, or during the tougher times of dealing with my adoption, as a homeless bag-lady.

My first impression of Pretty Boy Jase when I watched him inside with the blond was that he was your typical party-loving frat boy. Now, watching him silently pick at the hem of his jeans, I’m not so sure. He seems more comfortable sitting out here in the dark than being inside with his friends.

“So, what’s the most interesting thing about you?” I ask, returning his strange question. He chuckles softly, the timbre of his deep voice rolling over me like a seductive wave. “Hmm.” He considers my question for a moment, looking up at the sky. “I don’t know. But I kind of want to find out, you know?”

I nod. What a pair we make sitting out here alone in the dark. I’m running from my past, and he’s trying to discover his future. Either way, it seems we’re both over the idea of pointless partying. As the bash rages on inside, I find solace in the knowledge that I’m not alone.


I need to direct the attention back to her before I say something stupid. And the way her bright green eyes gaze into mine, who knows what I could admit to if pushed. “So why are you really out here hiding?”

Her eyes flick nervously to mine, like I’ve uncovered some big secret. Only I have no clue what it is. Avery straightens her shoulders and lets out a sigh. “I’m not hiding. I just needed a break.”

She acts like being at a party is work, but I can’t argue. I’d rather be out here with her too. For a moment she watches me from the corner of her eye. Rather than stare at her like I want to, I continue picking at the blade of grass I’ve pulled from the ground.
