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The Last Boyfriend

The Last Boyfriend (Forever Love #1)(8)
Author: J.S. Cooper

“Yeah.” I nodded at Braydon, without even bothering to ask him what he had just said, and he laughed.

“You haven’t heard a word I just said, have you?”

I shook my head, feeling guilty, and he laughed even harder. “Lucky, you are a real refreshment to me right now.”

“Uh thanks.” I smiled quickly, not actually sure what he meant.

“I would love to take you out some time.”

“Oh.” I blushed, unsure of what to say in response. To avoid answering right away, I decided to straighten out my dress.

“Braydon Eagle, you sly dog.” The blonde ran up to the couch and sat on his lap. “I didn’t know you were here.”

“Hi Angelique.” He smiled and rolled his eyes.

“Why didn’t you call me back? I wanted you to come pregame with us.”

“I’m here now.”

“Didn’t you miss me?” She pouted and ran her finger across his cheek. I sat there uncomfortably and started to get up.

“Angelique, you’re making Lucky uncomfortable.” Braydon pushed her off of his lap, and she looked at me with distaste.

“I’m okay.” I attempted a smile, but Angelique flicked her hair and called to Zane.

“Zane, Braydon’s being rude.”

“I’m sure he is.” Zane walked up to Angelique and put his arm around her.

“Yes, he was.” She pouted. “Do something about it.”

“Don’t worry, I’m trying to.” Zane mumbled under his breath and I stared up at him. He frowned at me and I could sense that he was unhappy with me for some reason. We continued to stare at each other and I saw Braydon look back and forth at us.

“Do you two know each other?” His tone sounded odd.

“Yes.” I said at the same time Zane said, “No.”

My feelings were hurt that he pretended not to know me and I looked away from him and stared across the room.”

“Hello Braydon.” Zane’s voice was brusque as he acknowledged Braydon.

“Zane.” Braydon nodded, and I watched them both curiously as a silent message seemed to pass between them.

“Zane. Let’s go in the hot tub. Braydon, why don’t you join us.”

“I’m having a conversation, Angelique.” Braydon spoke to Angelique, but he looked at Zane.

“I’m sure she won’t mind.” Her voice sounded sharp, and I felt Braydon’s hand grab a hold of mine.

“Angelique, why don’t you and Zane go.”

“Don’t want me to interrupt your conversation with Lucky?” Zane’s voice was smooth with a slight undertone.

“What do you care?” Braydon frowned and gave him a challenging look.

“I don’t.” Zane’s voice was sharp and seemed to send Braydon a message.

“We met at the restaurant I work at.” I interjected into the conversation, trying to let Braydon know I wasn’t one of Zane’s many girls.

“You work at a restaurant?” Angelique looked at me disdainfully, and I could feel the dislike emanating from her eyes. She obviously didn’t like the attention being away from her.

“Come on, Angelique.” Zane pulled her away before staring at me for a few seconds. I watched as they walked across the room and exited, and I tried to exhale the disappointment that resonated through my body.

“Sorry about Angelique, she can be a bit of a bitch.” Braydon sidled up next to me and placed his arm around me.

“That’s okay.” I smiled briefly and tried to shift away from him slightly. “How do you know Zane?” I asked him curiously.

“Zane?” Braydon looked at me with a funny look in his eye. “I don’t honestly know him that well. I was friends with his brother.”


“Yeah. But I met them both through his dad.”

“His dad?”

“Yeah, his dad is Jeff Beaumont, the head of Paragon Studios.”

“Oh wow.” I felt faint at his words. So I had been right. Zane was a spoiled rich boy. Only he was richer than I had even imagined. No wonder he dated so many different women. He had the world at his feet.

“You didn’t know?” Braydon shook his head in disbelief. “You really are one-of-a-kind.”

“Thanks, I think.” I laughed, and Braydon joined in.

“Can I take you to lunch tomorrow, Lucky?”

“I, uh, don’t know.”

“I promise not to bite.” He held up some fingers. “Scout’s honor.”

“You were a scout?” I looked at him in surprise.

“No, but I played one in a movie when I was a kid.” He laughed, and I shook my head, feeling drawn to his boyish charm.

“Well, I guess that’s close enough.”

“So tomorrow?” He looked at me earnestly. “I know you don’t know me from Adam, but really, I’m a nice guy. I know most actors are portrayed as ass**les and players, but I’m not one of those guys.” He shook his head and grinned. “I feel like an idiot for just saying that.”

“Don’t.” I stared into his eyes and nodded. “I’ll go to lunch with you.”

“Yes!” He fist pumped and ran his hand over his head again. “Let me get your number, and I will call you in the morning.”

“Okay.” I smiled shyly and paused for a moment to think about everything. I wasn’t sure if Braydon was going to have all the qualities I was looking for, but I knew it was time to start dating again to find that perfect guy. I knew I couldn’t keep fantasizing about Zane. There was no way I could compete with someone like Angelique.

“Awesome.” He jumped up and grabbed my hands to pull me up. “Now, let’s go dance and have some fun.”


It was 2 am when I finally left the party. Braydon had practically begged me to stay the night, and he had even offered to share his bed with me. I had been flattered, but I had stayed firm with my nos. I had seen Zane watching us as we danced around the room and I felt self-conscious at his stares. I had half-hoped that he would cut in and ask me for a dance, but he never did.

I was grinning as I walked to my car and realized that I was truly happy that Leeza had invited me to the party even though I hadn’t seen her since that earlier appearance. Braydon seemed to be a really nice and fun guy, and I almost forgot he was a movie star as we danced around the room. Everything about the night had been perfect. Well, almost perfect. I had seen Zane a few more times throughout the night, and he had just stared at me blankly and a little coldly. It had made me feel uncomfortable and upset. Part of me wasn’t sure why he looked so displeased with me. Was he upset that I was hanging out with all his rich friends when I was just a lowly waitress? I had tried to make eye contact with him and smile, but he had just remained stoic and looked away from me every time. I tried to dismiss the hurt that coursed through my veins at his look, but I couldn’t quite eradicate the feeling.
