Read Books Novel

The Last Husband

The Last Husband (Forever Love #2)
Author: J.S. Cooper

Chapter 1


“Zane, I want you to look after your little brother, Noah, okay?” She looked at me with an intense look in her sky blue eyes. Tears were threatening to fall and ruin her mascara, and I could tell something wasn’t quite right.

“Yes, Momma.” I sucked on my strawberry lollipop with relish, as only a 6-year-old could do, anxious for her to let me go and ride my bicycle outside with my friends.

“You’re the bigger brother, so you’re in charge.” Her grip tightened on my hand and I winced. “I love you, Zane. Take care of Noah while I’m gone.”

“Can we go for McDonald’s fries later?” I asked hopefully, not appreciating the gravity of the situation. “And get milkshakes, too?”

“You know McDonald’s is only for a treat, my love.” She half-smiled, but the turn of her lips didn’t quite match the sorrow in her eyes.

“But, Momma,” I pouted with big, wide eyes. “Please.”

“I have to go, Zane. Your father will be back soon.” She kissed me quickly and held me close to her. “Remember I love you.”

“I love you, too, Momma.” I continued sucking on my lollipop, unaware that was going to be the last time I’d see my mother. But her words always stuck with me. “Take care of Noah.” That had been the only request she had for me. And I had failed. Love meant nothing if you couldn’t be there for the ones you loved. My mother had failed me and I had failed Noah. I didn’t want to fail anyone else.

Blinding bright yellow rays of light shone through the uncurtained windowpanes, and as I opened my dry, heavy eyes, an unfamiliar feeling of well-being filled my soul. For a moment, I wasn’t sure why the dream hadn’t awoken me with a heavy heart, but then I remembered that I was with Lucky, and she always made me feel all right. I grinned to myself as I thought about the almost bed-breaking sensual seduction of the passionate night before. I turned around carefully in the bed so I wouldn’t wake Lucky, and a feeling unlike any I had known before consumed me. It wound its way up from the tip of my toes, through the tendons in my legs, shuffled in my belly for a few seconds, and then exploded in my heart as I watched Lucky sleep. She slept as peacefully as I imagined an angel would, and I wondered at how this captivating and beautiful woman had given me a chance.

There was something about the way she smiled in her sleep that comforted me and made me smile back, even though I knew she couldn’t see the grin on my face. She smiled as if she was content, and somehow that made me feel happy. It delighted me that I could make her feel that way because she filled an emptiness in me that I never knew existed before.

I thought about how miserable I had been the few nights before without her in my bed. How my head had pounded when I had thought she was with that dog, Braydon. I had wanted to break something so badly just thinking about it. I had barely been able to sleep. In fact, I had nearly banged down Lucky’s door, and was ready to kill Braydon. Just thinking about him made my blood boil. I wanted to beat him up so badly. Braydon had consumed my thoughts for the last year and I was ready to see him locked away. When I thought Lucky was interested in him, I felt like I was going to explode. I’d been beside myself with jealousy and anger.

I watched Lucky sleep and I wondered what I would have done if she had slept with him. As a dart of pain pierced through me at the thought, I shook my head. A part of me knew that Lucky wasn’t that kind of girl. She wouldn’t have me in her bed one night and Braydon the next. She just wouldn’t do that. I knew I had to learn to let go of my fears and trust her.

I stroked her back slowly, tracing my finger from her neck and down her spine, and then ran it over her hips. Her skin was soft and delicate, and I grinned as she moaned and rolled over towards me. Her eyes opened slowly and her brown eyes squinted their anger at me for awakening her.

“Good morning.” I leaned forward and kissed her nose, unable to stop myself from touching her with my lips. She was like a drug to me, intoxicating me with her mere presence.

“I’m not awake yet,” she moaned, but a shy smile spread across her face as she closed her eyes again.

“What do you want to do today?” I whispered in her ear and she giggled as my breath tickled her eardrum. The sound of her giggles brought a smile to my face and I blew in her ear so I could hear them again.

“Sleep.” She brought her arms around me and pulled me down towards her and then buried her face into my shoulder and kept her arms wrapped tightly around me. “I just want to sleep.”

“But why are you so tired, my dear?” I grinned, relishing the feel of her naked body up against mine. Her skin was warm, silky, soft, and lush, and it was teasing me delicately as it caressed my hard exterior, making me think all sorts of naughty thoughts.

“You know why,” she said coyly.

“Hmmm.” My hands cupped her butt cheeks and brought her in closer to me so that she could feel my morning erection against her. “Are you saying you’re too tired for another round?” I wanted to take her then and there. I wanted to feel myself inside of her, moving with abandonment until she screamed out and moaned my name in pleasure.

“Yes, I am.”

“What if I tell you I’m taking you to London?” I said impulsively, not even sure what I was saying. The thought popped into my mind that maybe I could get her to join the mile high club.

“London?” She pulled away and looked at me with shocked eyes. “What are you talking about?” She looked bewildered, her expression reminding me of a lost baby bear, and I laughed.

“Would you like to go?” My voice was soft and I considered making my statement a real possibility. After the week that we’d had, maybe a trip was needed.

“I’d love to go one day.” She yawned as she nodded and I laughed before caressing her face. I ran my finger down the pink tinge of her cheek, and then took in her full appearance. I started laughing hard, unable to contain my gut-wrenching chortles.

“What’s so funny?” She frowned. “Is this some sort of bad joke? Are you punking me?”

“No, sorry. I just think you’re in need of some of your chia.” I laughed as I looked again at her frizzy mass of hair.

“Chia?” She looked confused for a moment and then realization dawned. “You mean Chi? Ass.” She hit my shoulder and ran her hands through her hair. “Welcome to the realities of dating a girl with curly hair.”
