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The Last Husband

The Last Husband (Forever Love #2)(23)
Author: J.S. Cooper

“Are you hungry?” She nodded to the plate in her hands and I laughed.

I was hungry all right, but I didn’t think she was talking about the same thing I was. There was something to be said about dating a woman who was a bit innocent, well innocent compared to the women I usually dated. Most of the time, I woke up to a woman riding me or giving me a blow job, not serving me breakfast in bed.

“Very, thanks.” I took the plate from her and my stomach grumbled at the sight of bacon, eggs, and toast. I guess I really was hungry. “Do you want some?” I mumbled between mouthfuls.

She laughed and sat next to me on the bed. “I had some cereal already.”

She stared at me and I tried not to watch as my shirt rose up her legs. Was she wearing panties under the shirt? My mind was once again off of the food in front of me and on her. I shook my head mentally and smiled to myself. Lucky would kill me if she knew I was thinking about the state of her underwear as opposed to the food on the plate.

“This is delicious.” I finished the last of the toast and licked my lips.

“I don’t burn everything.” She smiled, looking at my empty plate in satisfaction. “Did you sleep well?”

“Magnificently,” I said truthfully. “Can you pass me my phone, please?”

“Sure.” She grabbed my phone from the side table and passed it to me.

“I’m going to call the doctor.”


“To see if we’re going to be parents.” My heart skipped a beat as I realized just how real a possibility this was.

“We can just take a test.”

“I want us to be sure.” I dialed the numbers on the phone and waited for it to ring. “Hi, can I make an appointment for my girlfriend? We want to do a pregnancy test.” I spoke as soon as the receptionist answered.

“There are no appointments available today, sir.”

“I see,” I sighed. “When’s the next available? I’ll pay any price.”

“We have one the day after tomorrow at 9 a.m.”

“We’ll take it.”

“And your name is?”

“It’s for Zane and Lucky Beaumont.” I spoke without thinking and I looked up to see Lucky staring at me in amusement. “We’ll see you in a few days.” I hung up and pulled Lucky towards me. “We’ll know in a few days.”

“Yes, Mr. Beaumont.” She winked at me and I realized what I had said. I had called Lucky my wife—well, had given her my last name.

“Sorry about that.” Don’t get any ideas, I thought to myself hurriedly. I wasn’t sure how panicked I would feel if Lucky started pushing for marriage.

“No worries.” She smiled and gazed up at me. “Try not to look like you just struck a deer though.” She laughed and I kissed her hard.

“All I want to do is make love to you.” I reached into the shirt and started to undo the buttons.

“Uh uh.” She shook her head. “Let’s go and see the Johnsons today.”

“Can’t we go after a quickie?” I winked at her.

“No.” She laughed and jumped off of the bed.

“You’re so mean to me.” I laughed and watched her walk towards the door. “I hate to see you leave, but I love to watch you walk away, baby,” I called out in an Italian accent.

“You’re so cheesy, Zane.” She paused at the door and grinned at me. “Now hurry.”


I looked at the text messages and missed calls on my phone and quickly put it in my pocket before Lucky saw the screen. I thought back to our earlier conversation and how Lucky wanted me to share everything with her, but I knew that there were certain things I couldn’t share with her. Not if I wanted to keep her in my life. I wasn’t sure she would understand just how complicated everything was. How complicated I was. I knocked on the door and smiled when Mr. Johnson opened the door.

“Good to see you again, Mr. Johnson.” I shook Sidney Johnson’s hand and accepted his wife’s hug gratefully. “Thanks for having us back so soon. Lucky just had some questions for you before we shot the video.”

“I hope you don’t mind,” Lucky interrupted me. “I had a new idea I wanted to pursue that I think will make the documentary even better.”

“You can come over anytime you like, my dear.” Sidney smiled. “Betty and I are happy for the company. Our children are still in the Midwest, you see.”

“I’ve never been to the Midwest, though I’d love to go one day.” Lucky smiled and we followed the couple back to their living room.

“Maybe your young man will take you.” Sidney smiled at me and we all took a seat while Mrs. Johnson got the tea ready in the kitchen. “So what’s this new idea of yours?”

“Well, it’s mine and Zane’s.” She nodded at me and looked a bit guilty. “We both decided.”

“My dear, I’m sure Mr. Beaumont won’t mind you taking the credit for your own idea.” Sidney laughed. “I mean, the first time he contacted me, he had no clue what was going on.”

“Oh.” Lucky looked at him in surprise and I stifled a groan. Here we go again, I thought. I debated speaking up now or waiting to see exactly what Sidney was going to say.

“When I asked Zane why he was interested in residential segregation, the phone went silent.”

“I think he took on the project because it was his brother’s.” Lucky’s voice was soft and she smiled at me sweetly.

“I see.” Sidney looked at me and I knew that he knew there was more to the story. There was an awkward silence and I cleared my throat.

“So, Lucky, I uh, I kind of heard you talking about history and civil rights in the diner one day.” I smiled at her, hoping she wasn’t going to freak out. “So I decided to create this project with the hope that I could convince you to work on it.”

“What?” Lucky’s eyes popped open and Sidney laughed.

“I say that’s the sign that a man really wants you.” He grinned at me. “Good man, Zane. I always knew you were a man who went for what you wanted.”

“Thanks.” I smiled at him and looked at Lucky to make sure she wasn’t too overwhelmed. Maybe I should have told her about the documentary when she found out about the party. I just didn’t want her to think I was going to be a total creeper. Or the lengths I had gone to get to know her better. Or—if I was honest with myself—the lengths I had gone to get her into my bed. I’d never tell her that part, though. Women didn’t understand that men thought with their small head first.
