Read Books Novel

The Last Move

The shadows played on the wall, swaying back and forth as if they’d come to life. For centuries, the civilized were taught to not believe in monsters, but she knew damn well they existed. The horror they wrought upon the innocent was unspeakable in sane company. Images of them always came home to roost at night when she was alone.

Her chest tightened, and she looked toward the prescription bottle she always set out on her nightstand. The sleeping pills had been a big help when she couldn’t shut her brain off after a case, but until last week, she’d been trying to wean off them. But as the muscles in her body begged for sleep, her mind still ran wild. Her skin tingled as if the shadows watched.

Clicking on the light, she reached for the bottle and took out one pill. Taking it felt like failure, but she knew she’d be good to no one if she were exhausted.

Kate swallowed the pill whole and with a deep sense of resignation lay back on the pillows. It took another thirty minutes for her mind to slow and her eyes to close, and when sleep reached out a welcoming hand, she accepted it even as she promised herself that next time she would not need the pills.

Mazur pushed through the front door of his house. The place was as he’d left it, fairly neat and tidy. There were a few pairs of Alyssa’s socks that she’d discarded without thought the last time she’d spent the night. He never could bring himself to pick up her shoes because when he saw them he thought of her.

As he unclipped his gun, handcuffs, and badge and put them in the top drawer of his credenza by the front door, he studied the pictures always waiting for him in the entryway. There were pictures of his brothers and his mom in Chicago and another of him holding Caleb and Alyssa.

As he moved down the hallway, his phone rang. It was Alyssa. “What are you still doing up, kiddo?”

“I can’t sleep.”

He shrugged off his coat, switching the phone to his other ear as he did. “Why’s that? Everything okay with Mom?”

“She’s on a conference call to New York.”

He checked his watch and frowned. The kid should be asleep. “How did the math test go?”

“I don’t know.”

He sat on the edge of his bed and kicked off his shoes. “Sure you do.”


“How easy?”

“Like a ten out of ten.”


“Catch the bad guy yet?”

“Not yet. But I’m working on it.”

“Still working with the Fed?”

He chuckled. “The Fed?”

“I keep up with the lingo. What’s he like?”

Since Alyssa was eight or nine, she’d asked questions about his work. At first she worried about his safety and the late-night hours. His answers were always honest, if not measured. In the last year or two, she’d become curious about the cases. “She’s interesting. Smart. Dedicated and a little quirky.”

“Quirky in a good or bad way?”

“Good way.”

“What’s her name?”

“Dr. Kate Hayden.”

“Let me check her out.” Alyssa typed on what he suspected was the laptop he’d given her last year. “Wow, she has dealt with some real bad guys.”

“I know.”

“She also plays chess.”

“She mentioned that. Said she doesn’t play anymore.”

“Wow. She was one of the best. Grand champion when she was in high school. Quit after her father died.”

“She mentioned her father died when she was a teenager.”

“She tell you he was shot in the street? So was she.”

“Really?” Jesus, she’d been a victim of violence. What had she said to him earlier? This life chose me.

“It’s on the Internet so it must be true,” she joked. “Can you tell me more about her?”

When he’d searched Kate’s name, he’d focused on her career, cases, and education, not her past. The more he learned about her, the more he wanted to know. She was a survivor, professionally accomplished, and attractive. He loosened his tie and glanced at the clock. “You need to go to bed, kiddo.”

She groaned into the phone. “See you this weekend?”

“It’s a date.”

When she’d been little, he’d kiss her good night. Since the divorce, most good nights happened over the phone. “Love you, kiddo.”

“Me, too, Dad.”

He ended the call and changed into jeans and a faded Bulls T-shirt. He grabbed a pizza box and went to the dining table that served as a makeshift office.

A computer search of Kate Hayden revealed much of what Alyssa had just relayed. A young man who’d gone to school with Kate had gunned her and her father down in the parking lot of the civic center where she’d attended chess practice. Her father had died at the scene, and Kate’s injuries were critical. The shooter was sentenced to fifteen to twenty years in prison.

The Internet search gave him the basics, but if he wanted the whole story, he’d have to pull the murder file. Her past was none of his business, but cops were nosy by nature. It kept them alive.

He imagined Alyssa seeing him gunned down and then getting shot herself. The thought made him sick. “Shit,” he muttered.

No wonder Kate was an odd duck. But though she was closed and guarded, she was direct. There were also traces of humor. And if she wore anything other than the severe black FBI suit that swallowed her whole, he could easily find her way too attractive.

Amused by the train of thought, he switched his focus back to the real priority: solving the Gloria Sanchez murder.

Martin Sanchez was hiding secrets, which led Mazur to focus on the man’s daughter, Isabella, who might know what had been happening in her father’s marriage. He searched the young woman’s name on the computer and quickly learned Isabella was accomplished in her own right. She’d graduated top of her class at Sacred Heart Catholic School, and she was now in her third year of prelaw. There was next to no information on Mr. Sanchez. He didn’t appear in any of the ads, nor was he at any of the charity events covered by the press. No scandals. However, two dead wives was more than enough for most people.

By all accounts, Gloria Sanchez had a solid family life, and she had made a success of herself. She had everything to live for. The cancer must have been a real kick in the gut.

“Could you have been killed at random?”

Mazur checked his email and discovered a message from Palmer. The subject heading was Financials. As he sipped his beer, he opened Palmer’s email.

Sanchez family and the car dealership were in real trouble. In the last year the company lost money steadily. In the last three months their bank accounts were on vapors. Checking on life insurance policy. JP

He reread the email. The best way to murder a high-profile individual was to hide the murder in plain sight.

Kate’s doubts about Sanchez might have hit their mark.

Blame it on a faceless serial killer who hadn’t been caught and no one was the wiser.

Raymond Drexler pulled into the gas station in southern Utah, knowing he’d have to ditch the truck he’d stolen a couple of hundred miles back. If it weren’t reported as stolen yet, it would just be a matter of time. He parked his truck in a spot hidden by the shadows. With luck no one would find it until morning.

Using his shirtsleeve, he wiped the steering wheel clean as well as the knob on the radio. He grabbed a small go bag he always kept packed. Better safe than sorry.
