Read Books Novel

The Last Move

“Wet,” he said. “That for me?”

She gulped in air and nodded, unable to articulate a word.


He rubbed gentle circles, and she hissed in a breath as she fell back against the pillows. The sensations shot down to her core and grew quickly into a white-hot need that shoved her toward climax. But just as she was about to come, he drew his hand away.

“Not yet,” he said. “Not yet.”

He smoothed his hand up and down her leg and cupped her buttocks. He kissed her breasts, licking and teasing her nipples until they were hard peaks.

She tensed and slid her hand down along his belly until her fingers touched his erection. She wrapped her hand around him, enjoying the ripple of tension that swept over his muscles. If he wanted to torture her with excitement, she would do the same to him.

He paused and allowed her to move her hand up and down his shaft. He closed his eyes, tipping his head back, groaning as she teased the tip of his erection.

He pulled back, leaned down, and kissed her on her thigh. He began to lick her center. A whimper escaped her lips, and she knew she would not be able to hold off her orgasm much longer.

As if sensing this, he climbed on top of her, careful not to rest his full weight on her. His erection rested against her center, but he made no move to enter. Instead, he leaned forward and kissed each of her breasts and then slowly pressed more kisses along her belly. She nibbled her bottom lip, anticipating what would come next, but he pressed those lips to the scar on her thigh.

She was barely hanging on.

“You’re beautiful,” he said, and kissed her lips, then trailed his lips down her throat and over her breasts. He suckled each nipple until they were hard peaks. His hand trailed along her thigh as he straddled her. Their gazes locked as he entered her.

She wrapped her hands around his hips and pulled him toward her. He pushed inside of her, stretching her tight body and making her savor every sensation that was exploding in her body.

He moved inside her, slowly at first. Her breath quickened, and a whimper escaped over her lips. Her hand slid to her breast, and she squeezed the tender flesh. Desire and need swirled and collided around her until this time her body exploded with sensations.

Kate arched, and grabbing her breast tighter, let out a moan. He pushed hard once, twice, and then his body shuddered as he found his own release.

Mazur didn’t move immediately. He smoothed his hand over her ass, next cupping her breasts as his breath slowed. Finally he dropped into the spot beside her on the bed, curling close. He draped his arm over her body.

Without thinking she laid her hand over his. She was content to stay as she was and allow this moment to linger as long as it could. Mazur also seemed to be in no rush to end this moment. The two drifted toward sleep.

Kate ran toward the open field, the tracking hounds and police officers right behind her. The cool air burned in her chest and her side ached from the running, but she kept moving, pushing through the tall grass toward the outbuilding.

Inside the shed was the wooden box. Inside the box was Sara Fletcher. Naked and trembling, her pale body was desperately thin and skin raw with sores. Her hair was matted and twisted.

Sara didn’t open her eyes immediately, and her hands covered her face. When Kate touched her, she screamed and jerked away.

“It’s okay, Sara. I’m with the FBI. You’re safe.”

“I’m not safe,” she said. “I’m alive, but really I’m already dead. He killed me. And he’s going to kill you, too.”

Kate startled awake, her gut tight with regret, loss, and shame. Shadows slashed across the unfamiliar room, and for several beats she didn’t know where she was.

She’d not been good enough to save Sara.

Mazur roused. “You okay?”

The sex with Mazur had been great, but it had been a temporary fix to the problems she faced. As soon as they left this house, the hunt for William and Drexler would take over her life again. “Yes, I’m fine.”

He smoothed his hand over her back, and she flinched. He stopped rubbing but didn’t remove his hand from her skin. “Is this your idea of not getting weird?”

The sound of his voice and his touch settled her and chased away the doubts and regrets. “What do you mean?”

“You said you’d not get weird after sex. Withdrawing into yourself might be a little weird.”

She sat up in bed and leaned against the headboard. “Sorry. It’s the safest place I know.”

“Is it? Judging by what woke you up, I’d say differently.”

“I can control it.”

“Really? Even nightmares?”

She glanced toward him. The cross on the gold chain around his neck dangled. “You sound like a psychologist.”

“Aren’t all cops part shrink?”


“What was the nightmare about?”

Absently her fingertips went to the worn toy bracelet around her wrist. She wouldn’t be a coward now. Not in light of what Sara had suffered. “I was dreaming about the day we found Sara. As long as I live I’ll never forget her. She didn’t look human. But I wanted to believe that we had made it in time and that she would be all right.”

“Sometimes victims can’t be put back together again. No matter how hard we try.”

“I’m supposed to be so smart. I wasn’t good enough to find Sara Fletcher faster.”

“You did what no one else could do. You found her.”

“But it wasn’t enough.” She wanted to fly back to the funeral and pay her respects, but right now she felt too ashamed.

He rubbed his hand over her leg. It wasn’t sexual but an absent, familiar thing lovers did. And oddly, more personal than sex. She stiffened, uncomfortable with a touch that felt so intimate.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“It feels too personal.”

“And personal never ends well, does it?” There was a bitter bite to the last word.

“No, it doesn’t.” She looked down at his hand brushing her scar. “People like us don’t get happy endings.”

“Why not?”

“We see too much. It ruins us for the normal people in the world who don’t believe in monsters.”

“Maybe.” He ran his hand up her thigh. “Maybe we should stick to our own kind.”

She glanced toward the digital clock behind him. They’d slept for an hour. Soon they’d have to be back to work, but for now, they still had a pocket of time that was all their own.

She slowly climbed on top of him. This time she straddled him, and just a few strokes of her fingertips against the tip of his penis and he was hard and ready.

The last time he’d teased her. Now it was her turn to taunt him just a little. She lowered her lips to the tip of his erection and then took all of him into her mouth and throat. He hissed in a breath and ran his fingers through her hair.

“Jesus, for someone who comes across as repressed, you sure aren’t.”

She licked her tongue around his shaft, kissing and teasing. “We all have a hidden side.”

She saw his belly twitch and the muscles in his neck strain. She released him and positioned herself on top. Slowly, very slowly, she lowered onto him, filling herself and capturing him.

She moved up and down, cupping her breast.

“One hell of a hidden side,” he groaned.

Rage filled William as he sat by the monitor and watched Kate whore herself out to that cop. “Why are you cheating on me?” he shouted.
