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The Liberation of Alice Love

The Liberation of Alice Love(102)
Author: Abby McDonald

Alice carefully collected herself again. “Well, he was useful when it came to bailing me out in Rome. Carina doesn’t send her regards,” she added.

Ella looked astonished. “You got arrested?!”

“Everyone seems to find it an amusing prospect.”

“No, it’s just…” Ella looked at her more closely. “You look different. You seem different, too.”

“I’ve had a lot of life-changing experiences this summer,” Alice replied coolly. “Carry on.”

Ella paused, looking uncomfortable. “Then, well, you know the rest. I went to Rome, and then down the coast for a while under a different name, to put some distance between the identities. Then I flew here. I’ve been in town almost two months.” She looked up. “How did you find me, anyway?”

“You weren’t as clever as you thought you were.” Alice explained briefly about Rupert and the Angelique connection.

“That’s it?” Ella gave a wry laugh. “It’s always the unexpected things, I suppose. How is Rupert anyway?”

“Fine,” Alice replied, thrown by the genuine interest in her voice. “He’s in town actually, trying to find work. The usual audition circuit.”

“And Flora and Julian?”

“They’re all right too.” Alice watched her carefully, before adding. “At least, Flora is, I haven’t heard from Julian since the night he decided to hit on me.”

“No!” Ella snorted. “Idiot.”

“Yes, well…” Alice sighed. “I quit the agency too. Not that I had much choice; Vivienne heard I was setting up here in L. A. and flew into quite the rage.”

“I wish I’d seen it.” Ella grinned.

Alice smiled back without thinking. Then she caught herself. This was the risk, she knew, to be lulled back into their casual banter as if nothing had ever happened, but already, she could see how easy it was. After all, Ella was the same as she’d always been.

“So, what now?” Ella asked, uncertain, tracing circles on the tablecloth. “Was it true what you said, about not calling the police?”

“Would you stay, if it wasn’t?”

Ella glanced down. “Probably not,” she admitted quietly. “By now…I’m looking at a lot of time in prison. I won’t stick around for that. But I want to.” She gave Alice a sad sort of smile. “I like it here. I found a great apartment, and I’ve started some classes, to meet people—for real, not as targets,” she added quickly. “I’ve even got a kitten. His name’s Marmaduke.” She gave a doting smile.

“So you’re planning on staying, for good?” Alice paused, a little thrown. She’d been expecting a flimsy pretence of a life, just another name in Ella’s ongoing charade, but instead it sounded as if she was laying genuine foundations here, something permanent.

Ella nodded. “At least, I was. It all depends—”

She stopped midsentence, interrupted by an arm snaking around her from behind and an enthusiastic kiss landing on her cheek. “Angelique!”

They both started, but their new guest didn’t notice. He beamed across at Alice from beneath an ill-fitting baseball cap before turning back to Ella. “Great, you haven’t been waiting on your own. I’m so sorry,” he said, apologetic. “They’ve been keeping me hostage at the gates all day, I had to call in backup just to leave the house.”

He looked back and forth between them, waiting expectantly.

“Oh, sorry,” Ella finally said in a faint voice. “This is, an old friend from home. Alice, meet Chris.”

“H—hi.” Alice was lost for words for a moment, staring into the chiseled features that had adorned many a billboard and magazine cover.

“Great to meet you.” Chris shook her hand enthusiastically. “Anyway, we’re all over at the bar. Shall I get you some drinks?”

“Thanks,” Ella replied, her eyes not leaving Alice. “We’ll be over in just a sec. Girl talk,” she added, with a grin.

“Got it.” Chris winked, and then strolled off, apparently oblivious to the whispers and wide-eyed stares he left in his wake.

“You know Chris Carmel?” Alice asked in a hushed voice, the moment he was gone. Ella gave a delighted grin.

“I know!” For a moment they were united in disbelief. Ella beamed. “We met in Italy, just hanging out by the pool one day. He’s a great guy, really down to earth. Then I bumped into him again, when I arrived in town.”

“By accident or design?” Alice asked, quickly coming back down to earth. Of course: the photo at the hotel, that had pulled her even further down this path. She should have known an opportunist like Ella wouldn’t have let the screen god simply pass her by.

Ella gave a guilty grin. “Maybe I checked to see which parties he would be at. But it’s not like that,” she added hurriedly. “The rumors are right. He’s, you know, g*y.” The last word was mouthed silently, with a careful glance around. “Anyway, we were going to hang out tonight. There’s a whole group, industry mainly, but some ‘normal’ people too. They’re really nice.” She paused, giving Alice a hopeful look. “Do you want to? It would just be dinner and then a club or something.”

Alice was lost for words. “You’re inviting me out to…party?” She had to check, just to be sure of Ella’s nerve.

“We’ll talk more later,” Ella promised brightly, then she snapped her fingers, struck with a new idea that, of course, had nothing to do with her guilty conscience and the trail of lies she’d left in her wake. “Call Rupert, and have him come too. There are always all sorts of producers and casting people buzzing around Chris,” she added with a sage nod, as if she were already the agent she’d apparently been claiming. “It could be a great chance for him to meet people, start making himself known.”


Only moments ago, she’d been talking fearfully about prison, and now she wanted to go lounge around with movie stars? Alice couldn’t believe the nonchalance.

“What?” Ella caught Alice’s expression, quickly adjusting her own enthusiasm down to a more serious tone. “I know, we still have lots to talk about, but it’s hardly as if I’m going to bolt now. This could be a great chance for Rupert, and you too.” She added, getting to her feet.
