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The Liberation of Alice Love

The Liberation of Alice Love(69)
Author: Abby McDonald

“That’s one way of putting it, I guess.” Nathan folded his arms.

Alice blinked back and forth between the men. There was a definite sense of challenge in the air. “Do you play any sports at all?” she asked Nathan quickly, trying to dispel the strange tension. “You guys should get together for squash sometime—he’s always looking for new partners.”

“Aly and I used to play together, in university.” Julian added, “Did she say we’ve known each other since then?”

“No, Aly didn’t.” Nathan just looked amused. “It’s great, that you’ve been buddies for so long. Like brother and sister, right?”

Julian narrowed his eyes. “Not exactly.”

Alice frowned at him. “I think I’ll try and find Flora again,” she decided, starting to maneuver her way between them.

“Wait a sec.” Nathan stopped her, his hand closing softly on her arm. “I was going to ask, if you’re free next week at all.” He smiled down at her, ignoring Julian completely. “I’m off working a case this weekend, but we could get together, Wednesday maybe? Reminisce about our vacation.”

Alice felt a glow at the invitation, but before she could reply, Julian spoke up again. “We’ve already got plans, I’m afraid.”

She turned, thrown. “No, we don’t.”

“The Hitchcock season, remember?”

Alice blinked. “I hadn’t said I could make it yet.”

“Great.” Nathan threw a smile at Julian. “I’ll call you then.”

“But, Alice—”

Feeling increasingly caught between them, Alice searched for an escape. “Flora!” she called across the room. The slip of pink satin didn’t turn, but Alice had found her exit. “I’ve got to run,” she said brightly, pretending she didn’t notice the careful stares being exchanged over her head. “But yes, Nathan, call me about next week.” She smiled at him briefly. “And you have fun at that film,” she told Julian. “With Yasmin.”


She found Flora in the middle of a knot of people, Stefan beaming proudly at her side as the compliments flowed. “Hi.” Alice slipped beside her. “Isn’t this great?”

“Really great.” Flora smiled brightly. “It’s all perfect.”

“And what’s next for you?” a slim, bespectacled man asked eagerly. “Any new mediums, or product ranges planned?”

Flora shrugged prettily. “Oh, I don’t know. Whatever I feel like, I suppose!”

They all laughed, but Alice was studying Flora’s face carefully. Something wasn’t quite right. Flora seemed full of her usual bubbly enthusiasm, but Alice could sense an almost fierce self-control radiating beneath the angelic curls. She may be fooling everyone else, but Alice had known her too long to be deceived. Flora wasn’t happy.

“Sorry, everyone, but I’m going to have to steal my sister away for a minute!” Alice announced, steering Flora out of the circle.

“But I can’t,” Flora protested. “Everybody’s expecting—”

“They’ll wait,” Alice told her. “Besides, Nathan and Julian are about to start marking their territory around me, or something. Rescue me, please. I need you!”

“You do?” Flora started to smile.

“Absolutely. I need some air. We’ll only be gone a little while.” Alice was already pulling her out onto the street, away from the clusters of admiring fans and whatever it was that was making her so tense.

“So what’s happening with Nathan?” Flora trailed after her across the road. It was still light out, soft with dusk hues, and Alice quickly found them a low wall on which to perch, watching the trickle of passersby heading out to restaurants and local bars.

“Nothing’s happening,” Alice told her, before allowing herself a small smile. “Yet.”

Flora lit up. “Really?”

“Perhaps. I mean, I’d like it to, maybe…” Despite the cool flirtation she’d enjoyed all evening, Alice almost felt like an adolescent again, confessing her attraction. “But you can’t say anything.”

“Lips, sealed, I promise.” Flora mimed extravagantly. A passing group of rowdy teens blinked at her, clearly dazzled by the pink satin ball gown, but Flora just looked at Alice, oblivious. “So, do you like him? Did anything happen, in Rome?” She beamed excitedly, with a genuine enthusiasm she hadn’t shown in all the past hours of flattery.

“Yes…and no,” Alice confided slowly. “But I introduced him to Julian tonight, and now they’re in some kind of strange masculine showdown.”

“A duel?” Flora gasped.

“Not quite,” Alice laughed. “I don’t know…It’s not like him to be so protective. But I suppose it has been a while since there’s been any prospects around.”

“Since James,” Flora agreed quietly.

Alice looked up, surprised she remembered the last, and only man, to break Alice’s heart. “Right, not since him.”

“Maybe Julian’s realized that he’s madly in love with you, and can’t bear to see you with anyone else,” Flora sighed happily.

Alice laughed. “I doubt it. These things are never that simple.”

She gave Flora a careful look. “So…How are you feeling? It must be nerve wracking, having your new series up for everyone to see.”

Flora gave a small shrug. “Not really. I’m used to it by now, I think. And everyone’s said such nice things.” She swung her legs back and forth, pink kitten heels clattering against the wall.

“Yes, but you’ve been under lots of stress.” Alice tried again: “Maybe now you’ll get to relax a little. You could go on that holiday with Stefan you were talking about,” she said encouragingly. “Somewhere with white beaches and little umbrellas in your drink.”

“Maybe.” Flora shrugged, and then turned to Alice with excitement again. “So, Nathan. Tell me everything! I saw you off in that corner earlier, very private…”

Alice smiled. “No, we were just talking about the investigation. We’ve found an old address for her, in Bath, so I think I’m going to go out there and ask around.” She paused, suddenly remembering Flora’s hurt at being excluded from the Rome affair. “You, could come with me, if you want,” she added. “I mean, it would be nice, to have the company.”
