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The Liberation of Alice Love

The Liberation of Alice Love(89)
Author: Abby McDonald


Alice seethed for the rest of the week. She’d taken her risk to become an agent—to prove she had some hustle in her, after all—but now Vivienne was never going to forgive her. It was becoming painfully clear that as long as she stayed at Grayson Wells, she wouldn’t see one ounce of respect.

“So, quit.” Nathan hugged her closer, landing a supportive kiss on her forehead as the taxi wove its way through evening traffic. “Tell the witch where to shove her broomstick, and just get out.”

“To go where?” Alice replied, already tired of a conversation she’d had two dozen times in her own head. “In case you haven’t noticed, the economy isn’t exactly booming. And without references…” She sighed. “Vivienne is claiming credit for everything I did with Kieran and Julia. As far as anyone else is concerned, I don’t have any experience.”

The cab drew up on the corner, and they climbed out, dashing through the rain toward the restaurant. “Look, let’s not talk about it,” Alice said, ducking into the tiny entrance. “Any mention of Vivienne is just going to keep me stressed. I want to just relax.”

“OK.” Nathan shook water out of his hair. He looked bedraggled but sturdy, and Alice sank against him for a quick hug, glad of his arms around her. “Whatever you want.”

“I’ll hold you to that.”


Inside, it was vivid and bright, with clusters of diners crowding in the small room, and the delicious scent of garlic and herbs already making her mouth water.

“So, I was thinking,” Nathan began, once their starters had been dispatched, and Alice was feeling somewhat closer to human.

“Yes?” she looked at him across the candlelit table; the food and intimate atmosphere all soothing her frayed nerves.

“Maybe the next time I have to skip town for work, you could come with me.” His grin took on a hopeful edge. “I do get to visit some interesting places.”

“Brussels?” Alice teased. “Zurich?”

“I was thinking more the Caribbean…”

Alice’s eye widened. “Really?”

“If you want to,” Nathan added, as if there were a possibility she wouldn’t. “But you’ve seemed so stressed lately, I thought it could be fun.”

“Um, yes,” Alice answered faintly. “I think white sands and palm trees could definitely qualify as fun.”

“Great.” Nathan seemed relieved, and it struck Alice that he might actually have been nervous about asking her. “Since, you know, we had such a great time in Italy and all.”

Alice laughed. “Ah, yes. Well, at least we know we travel well together!”

“Right, as long as I do the driving and you stay out of jail.” Nathan teased. “Now, if you’ll excuse me for a sec.”

He paused on his way past to kiss her. Alice exhaled happily, watching him go.


Alice was lost in thoughts of turquoise water and tropical drinks when she heard a familiar voice calling. “Ella, over here!”

She looked up, horrified, to find Nadia waving at her, peeling off her coat at the front of the restaurant. “Oh my god, where have you been?” Nadia plunged toward her through the crowd, eyes wide with concern. “I’ve been trying to get hold of you for ages. Your number says it’s out of service, and nobody’s seen you at the gym. I’ve been getting worried!”

Alice bobbed up out of her seat in shock. “I…”—she stuttered—“I’m sorry, I’ve been…busy.”

Nadia paused, her concern now making way for confusion. “But we had plans, that lunch—remember? You didn’t even let me know, to cancel.”

A rush of guilt swept through Alice. “I know, and I’m really sorry…” She swiveled her head to check Nathan was still safely out of sight. He was. Alice turned back. “Vivienne’s been a nightmare, at work,” she tried to explain, even though she knew full well there was no excuse for the surgical precision with which she’d cut Nadia out of her—or rather, Ella’s—life. “But I’ll call you with my new number, OK, and talk properly? I don’t want you keeping your date waiting.”

Nadia looked at her, puzzled. “OK,” she said slowly. “We’ll talk later. But you’re all right?”

Alice let out a long breath of relief. “Yes, I’m fine!” Or at least, she would be once Nadia was gone. “I’ll tell you everything later. And you can tell me who that guy is,” she added, mustering a gossiping grin.

Nadia softened. “I will,” she promised, matching Alice’s smile with her own—full of excitement. “Wish me luck!”

“Good luck.”

Nathan appeared beside them. He looked back and forth between the women. “With what?”

“Nothing!” Alice exclaimed, her heart rate increasing by another panicked level. “Um, this is a friend of mine, Nadia. Nadia, meet Nathan.”

They exchanged a polite greeting, Alice powerless to do anything except watch as the two parts of her life came crashing together.

“Great to meet you,” Nathan said, leaning on the back of his chair. “How do you know—”

“The gym!” Alice interrupted. “We met at dance class. Oh, look,” she exclaimed, sending a desperate look across the room. “I think your table is ready.”

“The gym?” Nathan raised his eyebrows, amused. “I thought you were allergic to physical activity.”

Alice gave a weak laugh. “I am. It’s an embarrassment.” She gave Nadia a nudge. “Hon, I think your date is—”

“Don’t be so hard on yourself!” Nadia laughed, turning to Nathan: “Ella’s one of the better ones; she’s improved no end.”

Alice froze.

“Oh, I nearly forgot.” Nadia beamed at Alice. “They’re doing a Dirty Dancing workshop next week. It was booking fast, so I signed us up! It should be fun, right?”

She nodded weakly, flicking her gaze over to Nathan. Perhaps he hadn’t heard that. It was loud, and she’d been speaking quickly, and—

“Ella?” His voice was low, but Alice could see the tension ripple in his jaw.

“I can explain,” she said quickly. “It was…just a fun little mix-up.”

He looked at her in disbelief. “You’ve been using Ella’s identity?”
