Read Books Novel

The Love Game

The Love Game (The Game #1)(36)
Author: Emma Hart

Tears sting my eyes, and I let them roll out, trickling down my cheeks. I fist his shirt in my hands and hold on tightly, the fear leaving me slowly.

“Come here.” He lifts me and carries me across the room, lying me down on the bed. He lies next to me, pulling my sobbing body into him. He tucks my face into his neck and holds me as close to him as I can get, so close we’re practically one person. The covers go over me, and he tucks them under my chin.

Braden rocks us slightly, and I slowly begin to calm. In here, in this room, I’m safe.

With Braden, I am safe.

I don’t know how long we lie here in silence, with him just holding me as if he’s never going to let go. I don’t think I want him to let go. I think I want him to keep holding me, to keep on keeping me safe.

I take a deep breath, and he kisses my forehead. I open my mouth to speak – to explain I guess – but he interrupts me.

“No, Maddie. Don’t worry. It’s getting late, you get some sleep.”

We must have been lying here for a long time.

“I can’t sleep in my jeans,” I mumble in a thick voice.

“Shit,” he mutters, kissing my forehead again and getting up. He goes to his dresser and passes me a shirt. “Here, wear this.”

I smile gratefully at him and quickly change, aware of his hot eyes on me. When I’m done, he strips to his boxers and climbs back into his bed. He puts his arm out.

“Come here.”

I move over and curl into him, resting my head on his shoulder. My leg hooks over his, and my arm rests over his waist. His arm holds me to him while the other strokes my hair in a rhythmic beat.

I relax, and it doesn’t take long for my thoughts to take over in my vulnerable state.

All the fighting I’ve done for the last two odd weeks has been futile. It’s been a defense mechanism to protect myself, keep me safe so I didn’t get hurt while I played the game.

But that’s the problem. I’ve been so busy playing the game, I didn’t notice when the game played me.

Somehow, the rules of the game have changed somewhere along the way without my knowledge.

Because I’m falling in love with Braden Carter.

Chapter Thirty – Braden

When she’s lying in my arms, like she is now, she’s vulnerable.

Only, I didn’t realize just how vulnerable she was until last night. I also didn’t realize how strong she was, how much fire is in her.

I look down at her. Her hair is fanned across my pillow, and her lips are parted slightly, her breath crawling over my bare chest. She looks peaceful when she’s sleeping, like there aren’t a thousand demons running around in her head and her heart. Like she isn’t protecting herself from anything and everything.

My hand moves from its resting place on my stomach, and I smooth hair away from her face. She sniffs and moves closer to me, causing me to pull her even closer. My lips press against her forehead, and she slides an arm across my stomach, her fingers brushing the bare skin above the covers.

I’m not sure when I started to care for her so much. It could have been the day at the beach when she told me about her Mom, or it could have been when she went crazy at that girl in the cafeteria – when she went badass. It could have happened during one of our crazy make out sessions, or maybe it was while I was pretending to focus in English while I played with her hair.

Or maybe it was there all along.

Maybe I always cared about her, and I just buried it under sex.

I don’t know. All I know is, now, I do care, and the game is becoming something more. It’s becoming more real than anything I’ve ever known. It’s becoming something I can hold on to. Something Maddie can hold on to.

I’m something she can hold on to.

“Good morning,” she says in a sleepy voice, yawning and rubbing at her eyes.

“Good morning, Angel,” I whisper softly. “How are you?”

She pauses for a second, her green eyes clouding over. “I’m not sure. I feel good, but I feel bad too.”

I kiss her forehead again, smoothing out her furrowed brow.

“I did the right thing yesterday, didn’t I?” Her voice is full of doubt as her eyes travel up to mine. “Telling him no? Not helping him.”

“I think so,” I answer honestly.

“He is my brother, though.”

“Hey.” I tilt her face up. “You had a reason for saying no. He’s obviously put you through something so bad that you don’t feel like you can help him anymore. That’s okay, Mads. He can’t keep taking without giving you something back.”

She nods. “You’re right. Everything he’s put me through….” She closes her eyes and shakes her head. “I won’t do it anymore. I won’t be a doormat.”

I stroke her hair because I don’t know what to say.

“I was five when I met Abbi. She was my first friend in kindergarten. We went through school together, right up until high school,” she says suddenly, breaking the silence between us.

“You don’t have to-”

“No, no, I do.”

“Okay, Angel.”

Her eyes glaze over, and a small smile plays on her lips. “We did everything together. We were literally attached at the hip. If Abbi started a ballet class, I did too. If I quit and tried gymnastics, Abbi did too. That’s how it was. Everyone said we must have been separated at birth because we were so alike, so attached to each other. I thought we always would be.

“When Mom died three years ago, Abbi was my rock. As my world fell apart and Dad got depressed, she was there to help me cope. She’d be there after school every day, cleaning and helping me cook. After Mom, I was the only one that could cook a decent meal – and since Mom had taught us both to cook, it made sense that she would help.

“But it changed when we started senior year. I knew that one day it would change. Maybe we wouldn’t go to the same college or one of us would get a serious boyfriend. Well, one of us got a boyfriend. It wasn’t me, and I didn’t expect Abbi’s boyfriend to be my brother.

“Pearce lost it when Mom died. He’d already been at high school for a few years when she was killed, so he’d been going to parties and stuff. He’d been trying out drugs, playing here and there, since he was about fifteen or sixteen, probably, so it was an easy vice for him to turn to. He sank deeper and deeper, going more and more into the habit, trying stronger and stronger drugs. Dad was too broken himself to stop him, and Pearce ate up his college fund from Mom doing drugs.

“So, yeah, I was surprised when Abbi and Pearce started dating. I mean, we were both honor roll students, so it was an absolutely cliché good-girl-falls-for-bad-boy scenario.” Maddie pauses, collecting her thoughts, and I carry on tracing my finger along her arm. “He seemed to treat her kind of well at first, I suppose. He’d be a jerk when he needed a fix, but he’d buy her flowers and stuff to apologize after. I tried warning her off, after all, I’d seen him spiral downwards, but she was determined she could save him.” She rolls her eyes. “Save him. It was the stupidest thing I’d ever heard. In my mind, the only person that could save Pearce was Pearce. I’d tried talking to him after Mom died to no avail. I tried over and over until I couldn’t do it anymore. Mom always said you couldn’t help someone unless they wanted helping. That was her mantra since she worked with addicts.
