Read Books Novel

The Love Game

The Love Game (The Game #1)(4)
Author: Emma Hart

I huff. “Fine. It starts tonight.”

Megan flashes me a grin, green pen in hand. “Stage two, next week, is Public Appreciation and Attachment.”

“Which translates to what, in my terms?” I frown.

“Hand holding, public kissing, exclusivity.”

I snort. “You guys have a hell of a lot of faith in me, you know.”

“Stage three, week three,” Kay continues. “Almost Sex and Public Knowledge Relationship.”

“Everyone will know?”

“Well, yeah.” Lila raises an eyebrow at me. “Humping and dumping will be so much more satisfying if everyone we know, and then some, knows.”

“It seems a little… Harsh.”

“You have to be cruel to be kind, baby girl,” Kay says.

“They’re right,” Megan agrees without looking up from the paper. “I don’t much like the idea of hurtin’ him, but he needs to sort his head out. If he’s this bad five weeks into college, I dread what he’s gonna be like in two years. He needs to get a clear message and soon.”

“Why not just talk to him?” I try. “Why go to extreme measures?”

“Because Braden Carter only understands things in extremities.”

“Okay, so say this works.” I tap my finger against the bed. “And he does fall in love with me. I’ll hump and dump him and then what? You know he won’t leave it. He’ll fight to get me back. What do I do then?”

Everyone stops, and Megan sits back, putting the end of the pen in her mouth. Kay tilts her head to the side, and Lila chews her thumbnail.

“I didn’t think about that,” Megan says quietly. “If Bray has one thing going for him-”

“Besides the obvious?” Lila snickers.

“Besides the obvious.” Megan smirks. “It’s that he goes after what he wants. Girls, I hate to say it, but Maddie has a point. If he falls in love with her and she walks away, he’ll go bat shit crazy trying to get her back. He won’t let her go easily. If at all.”

My eyes widen.

“But what if Maddie falls in love with him?” Lila asks. “What if she can’t hump him and dump him?”

“Please.” I shake my head. “Braden embodies everything I hate. He’s arrogant, egotistical, and a pig. I’m not likely to fall in love with that.”

“But he’s also funny, really caring, and beneath his man slut exterior, he’s the kind of guy you’d take home to meet your mom.” Megan sighs. “I know him, Mads. If he wants something he’ll do whatever it takes.”

“So we remind her every day of why she hates him.” Kay shrugs.

“It might not be enough.”

“It will be,” I reply firmly. “It will be.”

“Okay, back to the original issue. If he falls in love.” Lila rocks back and forwards, swinging her legs.

“Then we deal with that when it gets here.” Kay shrugs. “I don’t know what else we can do.”

Ugh. “Okay, what’s the last stage?” I ask.

“Stage Four, Hump and Dump.” Megan writes it and underlines it with a flourish. “I don’t think I need to elaborate on that one.”

“No,” I agree. “You don’t need to.”

I look over her shoulder at the colorful piece of paper on the floor. It’s split into four, color coordinated, and every stage is explained. I sigh, wondering what the hell I’ve let them talk me into this time.

Chapter Four – Braden

I rub my face with the bottom of my shirt. The high fall temperatures aren’t football-playing weather for most of the guys in this house, even I struggle sometimes and I’ve played it since I could throw the damn ball.

“Break,” Tony Adams calls. “Please?”

I shake my head. “You’re a f**kin’ wimp, Adams.”

“Sorry, I’m from Maine and not used to these desert temperatures.”

“We don’t live in the desert, idiot.” Kyle slaps the back of his head and we head back to where all the girlfriends – and Maddie – are sitting.

“Fuckin’ may as well be,” Adams grumbles. I shake my head, grab a bottle of water and head over to Megan and the girls with Ryan.

”Ladies.” I smile at Maddie, and she smirks.

“Turn down the charm, Casanova.” Megan laughs and tugs me to sit. “No one here is interested.”

“Except me.” I wink at Maddie.

“Yes, Braden, we all know about your vested interest in yourself,” Lila says and rolls her eyes.

“Ryan, control your girl,” I joke.

“Watch it, Carter,” Lila retorts. “Or I’ll control your ass to Timbuktu.”

I grin and catch Maddie’s eye. She’s laughing silently, looking hot as hell in a short sun dress that shows off long lean legs.

“So, Maddie.” I lean back.

“So, Braden,” she replies, looking up at me through her thick curly eyelashes.

“Move your ass,” Kyle says, sitting in next to me. “Hey, guys, Maddie.” He nods towards her.

“Kyle.” She smiles widely at him and my hackles rise a little. I knew the guy was rude, but f**kin’ hell.

“How are you, gorgeous girl?”

“Good, you?”

“Better for seeing you, that’s for sure.” He winks and she smiles.

I narrow my eyes slightly, and Megan nudges me.

“Jealous, Bray?”

I snort. “Of Kyle? Yeah, right.”

“Okay,” she whispers disbelievingly. “But you’re turning into a walking green-eyed monster.”

“Whatever, Meggy.”

“Seriously, Bray, if you wanna talk to her, just talk. She won’t bite.”

“I might like it if she does.”

“You’re such a pig!” She shakes her head. “I can see you’re interested in her, so just ask her out.”

“I don’t do dates, Meggy, you know that. If I decided to take her somewhere, I have no idea where.”

“You’d take her out?” She grins.

“I’m not saying yes or no,” I reply. “But I might consider it.”

“Starbucks. She likes their blueberry muffins.” She smiles, satisfied and amused. “Just let her get to know you. Not walking horn-dog Braden, the real Braden.”

“Maybe.” I look back at Maddie, and she’s looking at me and Megan with her eyes slightly narrowed. She shakes her head, and I glance at Megan questioningly. She looks away, and I shake my head. Girls. I’ll never f**king understand them.

A date. Why didn’t I consider that shit when I agreed to Aston and Ryan’s plan last night? Why did I think dates wouldn’t come into it? Of course they f**king would, and they are.
