Read Books Novel

The Love Game

The Love Game (The Game #1)(46)
Author: Emma Hart

Her hips begin to sway with the beat of the music. They move side-to-side and her breath is heavy on my neck. Her whole body rubs against me, and when her hips grind against mine, I hold her in place against me. My rock solid dick presses into her hip and stomach. Her breath catches. Her hand moves to my hair, and she fans her fingers in it, holding me to her.

She moves again, and her leg rubs my thigh. I move my hand from her ass and grip her thigh, guiding it to hook around my hip. She lets me. I reposition myself so I press against the center of her pelvis and she gasps. I encourage her to move again, to the beat of the music.

She does. Shy Maddie has gone, and in her place is a Maddie I didn’t know existed. As her hips writhe against me, I clench my teeth. I want to push everyone out the way, hold her against the wall and f**k her. Hard.

Her breathing quickens against my neck, and her leg clenches.

“Braden,” she whimpers. “No….”

“Yes.” I kiss her neck, cupping her ass with both hands. I move my hips against her, and she whimpers again, burying her face in my neck.

“Come on, Angel,” I whisper against her skin. “Let go.”

She does.

I lean back and capture her lips with mine as her body tenses all over. She quivers in my arms and I swallow her cry, sweeping my tongue through her mouth.

“Upstairs,” I mutter. “Fucking now.”

I pull her through the crowd on shaky legs. Need for this girl is overtaking me and I’m pretty damn sure I can’t hear a thing apart from the pounding of my own heart.

I press her against my bedroom door and kiss her deeply. She winds her hands into my hair as I feel blindly for the handle. She slips her hand into the front pocket of my jeans, brushing my dick, and extracts the key. I take it from her and pull away for a second to put it in. I turn the key, pull it out, and turn the handle.

My lips meet Maddie’s again greedily as she walks backwards through the door. I push the door shut, and her hands have moved down. She rips my top over my head. I grab the hem of her dress – thanking her silently for wearing one – and pull it off her. She pops open the button of my jeans and falls backwards to the bed. I barely stop to pull my clothes off.

Absently, I open the drawer, grab a condom, roll it on, and peel Maddie’s underwear away from her. I lean over her, and she opens her legs, instantly wrapping them around my waist. She reaches out and positions me, her hips off the bed.

I move into her in one swift movement, hissing at how slick and wet she is from her orgasm downstairs. She wraps her legs tighter around me, and her hips meet me thrust for thrust. She scratches at my back as hers arches into me.

She tightens and relaxes around me as we move hard and fast. Sweat slicks our bodies. She digs her fingernails into my skin to keep hold of me as she begins to cry out. I clench my teeth, and she screams out my name. I move again, faster. I grunt out her name and collapse on top of her, absolutely exhausted.

Her heart pounds against her chest, against my chest. I lift my head and kiss her slowly.


“Mmhmm,” she replies in a sleepy voice. She smiles slightly and shuts her eyes again.

I chuckle and pull out of her, taking off the condom and throwing it in the trash. “C’mere.”

I pull the covers back, and she scuttles under them. I climb over her and pull the covers over us, pulling her into my arms, both of us oblivious to the music pumping downstairs.


“What, Angel?” I run my fingers through her hair.

“I…. Never mind.” She shakes her head and curls into me. I sigh and kiss her temple, holding her tighter.

Yeah, I think. I love you, too.


I wake to the smell of coffee and hair tickling my face. I open my eyes and look straight into Maddie’s grinning face. She’s straddling me, fully clothed and looking fresher than possible.

“Good morning!” she chirps, leaning forward and pressing her lips to mine.

“Mm,” I mumble, my hands sliding up her thighs. “Can we wake up this way every day? Maybe a little less material, though?”

She laughs and rolls to the side, flopping onto the mattress. She grabs a take-out cup from the nightstand, and rolls back, resting it on my stomach. “For you.”

“You’re very happy this morning,” I say, studying her. “Not that I mind.”

She grins again. “Dad called early – I think he forgets the time difference sometimes – and told me about his doctor’s appointment on Friday. Doc changed his medication again. Dad’s not happy but they should help him more, give him more of a drive to do things, so I’m happy. I think that when he’s used to it he’ll be happier.”

“That’s awesome news.” I grin and lean over, kissing her gently. Her dad isn’t someone we’ve spoken about a lot, but I know how important he is to her. I know, like with everything else, she’ll tell me more when she’s ready.

She nods happily, her curls bouncing around her face. “Yes!” Her face drops a little. “They’ve tried so many times but nothing works. But it’s not really a case of mental health with Dad, it’s more a case of a broken heart. You can’t cure a broken heart with anything but the love that broke it in the first place. He’ll always be a little broken, I think.”

“Hey.” I lean round her and put the coffee down, propping myself up on my elbow. “It’s okay to be a little broken, Maddie. Your Dad is a little broken for your mom but is a lot whole for you.”

She brightens suddenly, leaning forward and touching my cheek. “Thank you,” she murmurs, brushing her lips against mine. “How do you always make me feel better?”

I drop down and grab her waist, pulling her on top of me. She sweeps her hair to one side, letting it fall down over us like a fiery curtain.

“It’s because I like seeing you happy.” I sit up, tightening my hold on her. Her arms wind around my neck, and she smiles shyly.

“Maybe I like being happy.”

“Good.” I dip my head and kiss her, tracing the seam of her lips with my tongue.

“Hey,” she mutters, pulling back. “I have work to do.”

“A work-out?” I grin wolfishly.

Her lips twitch upwards. “No. Schoolwork, Braden. Remember that?”


“Maybe you should try to.”

“When I could work you instead? No thanks.”

She laughs and shoves me backwards, dropping down and kissing me one last time. “Get your lazy ass out of bed.” She jumps off the bed and grabs her purse from my desk.

I roll out of bed and run across the room.
