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The Millionaire's Games

The Millionaire’s Games(14)
Author: Helen Cooper

"That’s enough Monique." Richards voice was sharp. "You have no idea what you are talking about."

"I know enough." Monique’s voice was shrill. "And I thought you would have been smart enough than to hire her."

"Monique, I think you have said enough." There was a deathly silence to Richard’s voice and Louise felt his turn to look at her. "In fact I think you should apologize to Louise."

The car went silent and no one said a word. Richard turned on the radio and Abba was playing. David broke the silence and tapped Louise on the shoulder. "Did I ever tell you that I nearly got a role in Mama Mia?"

"No." Louise’s voice was low.

"Yeah, they told me I had the look and acting chops."

"Oh, so what happened?" Louise questioned him.

"Mama Mia, here I go again, my my how…" David started singing and they all burst out laughing. He had a horrible voice and was unable to carry a tune.

"Oh, so I think I understand now." Louise spoke through her laughter.

"Yeah, unfortunately Richard got the singing genes." David laughed. "Go in Richard, wow us all."

Louise looked at Richard in surprise; he didn’t seem to be the musical type. Richard caught her looking at him and he smirked at the look on her face. He changed the radio station and a Sam Cooke song came through the speakers.

"I was born by the river, in a little tent and just like the river…" Louise gasped at the beautiful timbre of Richard’s voice. He could have been a bestselling singer. His voice was soo smooth and silky.

"I told you he was great." David burst out. "Maybe we will get him to play guitar for us tonight as well."

"Don’t push your luck David." Richard belted out and Louise realized that they had arrived at the Salsa club. Richard pulled up to the valet and a smartly dressed young man opened the door for Louise and she got out of the car.

Chapter 10

Louise felt intimidated as soon as she walked into the club. There were sexy looking couples all around them swinging each other around the dance floor and not one of them looked like they were a beginner. To top it off, Monique was shimmying into the club like a natural and Louise could see a few men eyeing her up appreciatively.

"Hey, I hope Monique didn’t hurt your feelings." David whispered into her ear. "She can be a bit of a bitch sometimes." He grabbed her hands and drew her towards him when she didn’t respond. "But now it is time for me to teach you how to salsa."

"Maybe I should just watch and observe first." Louise held back from dancing until she saw Monique in Richard’s arms and saw them moving smoothly. "But I guess there is no time like the present." She watched David’s steps and started moving her feet. Back and forth, back and forth. She got the basic steps quickly and was soon enjoying herself as she and David moved to the Latin rhythms booming at them from the club. She was pleased when another young man tapped David on the shoulder and asked to dance with her. He danced smoothly and soon had her in whirls and twirls. She danced happily and felt her dress swirl around her. She accepted the drinks that came her way and soon found herself on an alcoholic and dancing high.

When Richard took her in his arms for a dance, she beamed at him, unable to hide her happiness at the face that he wanted to dance with her.

"Where’s moany Monique?" She laughed into Richard’s face. "I don’t think she would like to know that you are dancing with a ho."

"Monique is likely off somewhere enjoying being grinded against by some young Latin stud." Richard answered her smoothly.

"And you don’t mind?" She lifted her eyebrows at him.

"Not at all." He growled into her ear and drew her close to him. She could feel her heart beating faster as she felt his chest against her.

"What are you doing?" She gasped at him. "This isn’t salsa."

He bit her neck and drew her closer to him. He then whispered in her ear, "I figured we could create our own dance." His hands moved to her ass and massaged her butt cheeks and she wriggled against him.

"Stop. Someone might see." She gasped him, only half protesting in her drunken state. Her high had increased her senses and she could smell his sweat and cologne upon his skin beckoning to her. She wanted to make love to him on the dance floor and to forget that there was anyone around them. She looked into his eyes and his dark pupils seemed to stare right into her soul. They stared at each other as they danced close together and she felt like she was being hypnotized by his soul. Her hands started moving slowly up and down his back and she rested her head on his shoulder as he swung her across the room. She wasn’t sure how long they danced like that but she looked around the room to ensure that Monique and David hadn’t spied them. She saw David talking with some guys at the bar and she couldn’t see Monique anywhere.

She closed her eyes again so that she could get lost in the moment and the music. She felt her body heat rise as they moved around the room, their bodies closer and closer together. All of a sudden she found herself pushed up against a wall and they were swaying together in the same space. She opened her eyes and realized they were in one of the very dark corners of the room and completely surrounded by other dancers. The dance floor was completely packed and no one seemed to be bothered with what anyone else was doing. In fact, it was so dark that it was hard to even see what anyone was doing. She could barely see Richard right I’m front of her with the low light.

"Enjoying yourself." Richard’s mouth came closer to hers and she swallowed and nodded her head. She almost moaned with joy as she felt his lips come down on hers softly and sweetly. She could taste the sweetness of the grenadine from his drink on his lips and she licked them eagerly, trying to taste as much of him as possible. He groaned as she nibbled on his lips and thrust his tongue into her mouth. She felt him catch her tongue in between his lips and he sucked on it sensuously. Louise caressed his back and slipped her hands up his chest. He responded by reaching his hand up to caress her right breast. She pushed herself eagerly against his hand and was rewarded by his hand squeezing her breast harder. Richard started gyrating into her so that she felt his hardness pressed up against her. She moved her body sensuously against his and they continued kissing. After a few moments, Louise felt Richard’s other hand on her thigh pushing her dress up. She gasped into his mouth as she felt his hand slip between her legs. She drew her legs together to stop him from moving his hand higher but all that did was place more pressure on her mound as she trapped his hand between her legs and he continued to wriggle it. She unclenched her legs and she felt his hands at the side of her dress, pulling it up. She gasped as she felt the cool air on her ass and his hands squeezing her na**d butt cheeks.
