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The Millionaire's Games

The Millionaire’s Games(21)
Author: Helen Cooper

“Hey.” She smiled up at him, trying to hide her pain. “What are you guys doing here?”

“Monique and I had to go to France to do a shoot for the commercial and we figured we could come over to London for the day to surprise you and Richard.” He grinned at her. “I figured you deserved a break and shouldn’t have to work on a Sunday.”

“Oh thanks.” She smiled weakly at him; not bothering to tell him how wonderful Richard had been to her the day before.

“I know what a slave-driver my brother can be.”

Louise wondered if she should tell David that she knew that Richard wasn’t really his brother but decided against it. It didn’t really matter. Just like she didn’t. She walked with David to the table and noticed that Monique’s hand was resting on Richards’s leg. The redhead looked as beautiful as ever and Louise felt an overwhelming hatred overcome her.

“Good Morning.” Richard smiled up at her with a strange look in his eyes and she turned her head away. This was her punishment for sleeping with a man in a relationship. No matter what type of relationship it was, she had no right to think it would become more. He had already told her where he stood.

“Morning.” She smiled weakly at him and blanched at the look of superiority that Monique gave her.

“Sleep well?” Richard’s eyes sparkled at his own words and Louise felt like slapping him.

“Not particularly. There was something hard and irritating in my bed.” She spat back at him. He squinted his eyes and frowned.

“We’ll have to talk later and see if we can sort it out.”

“That’s fine. I’ve already taken care of it.” She looked away from him and reached for the teapot so that she could drink something.

“I see.” He looked at her questioningly, like he didn’t have a clue what she was talking about and she ignored his look. She knew she was the fool who had fallen in love with someone who had promised nothing more than sex.

“Good.” She spoke sharply and noticed that both Monique and David were looking at her curiously. “So breakfast looks yummy.” She spoke lightly attempting to change the subject.

“It is delicious. I love English breakfasts.” David answered her eagerly while cutting into his sausage. “They eat soo heartily here.”

“Yes, they do.” She smiled at him, happy that it wasn’t just Monique who had come to London.

“So did Richard tell you the good news?” David spoke casually as he ate.

“No. What good news?” She looked over at Richard who was glaring at David.

“Nothing.” Richard’s voice was deep and he looked at her pleadingly as if begging her to change the subject.

“Go on Richard. Don’t be embarrassed.” David laughed.

“Leave it David.” Richard’s voice was harsh and he attempted a smile to soften his words.

“But honey, I think she should know.” Monique’s voice was sweet as syrup as she reached over and grabbed his hand. She turned to look at Louise and gave her a superior look. “The jeweler called me yesterday morning to say that my ring was ready.”

“Ring?” Louise’s voice reflected her confusion.

“Well, he called me by mistake.” Monique’s laugh tinkled. “He was meant to call Richard and not me but he got confused. You see Richard had my name engraved in the engagement ring he got me. They didn’t realize he hadn’t proposed as yet.” She laughed again.

Louise felt the color drain from her face as she heard the words. “Engagement ring?”

“Of course, he hadn’t proposed as yet but I rushed here to tell him yes right away.” Monique laughed happily. “I didn’t have it in me to pretend that I didn’t know of his intentions.”

Louise looked at Richard and his gaze was dark. She didn’t know what she was thinking or feeling but she knew that her heart was literally breaking inside of her.

“Well congrats.” She sputtered out. “I’ll be right back.” She jumped up and ran away from the table. She wasn’t sure where to go, she knew that she couldn’t go back to the bed where she had just spent the night with him, so she ran out of the hotel. She heard Richard’s voice behind her and she looked behind her.

“Louise, wait.” He was running behind her and she rushed into the street looking the wrong way before she ran across. She remembered too late that she was in England and not the States and that she should have looked the other way for traffic. She felt the car hit her before she screamed and saw Richard’s face filled with horror before she fell crashing to the ground.

Chapter 15

The doctors were milling around her as she lay there in semi-consciousness. She heard them talking about transient global amnesia with a man but she wasn’t sure who they were talking about. She faded in and out for the next couple of days until she woke up and saw two men in the room with her.

“Doctor?” She smiled weakly as she spoke to let the doctor know she was awake.

“Louise,” the talk dark doctor came rushing towards her. “Thank God, you are awake.” He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead and she frowned. Why would a doctor kiss her?

“Yes, doctor.”

“Louise,” the man frowned. “I’m not a doctor. It’s me Richard.”

She looked at the man blankly. The name meant nothing to her. She looked to the other blond doctor for help. He walked towards her slowly with a worried look on his face.

“Hi Louise.” The blond guy smiled.

“Hi doctor.” She looked at him hopefully and he frowned.

“It’s me Louise. It’s David.” He looked into her eyes, hoping his name would ring a bell and Louise felt a bubble of panic fill her.

“Where’s the doctor?” She tried to sound calm but she couldn’t stop the sharp tone from her voice.

“Let me get him.” The man named David rushed out of the room and the other man, Richard just stood there staring at her.

“I’m sorry Louise.” He looked at her with pain in his eyes and Louise felt sorry for him. She had no idea what he was sorry about but she didn’t want to see anyone looking so hurt. She closed her eyes so that she could block out the strange man who affected her so much. She fell asleep and awoke to hear the two men whispering to each other.

“I had no idea Richard. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay David. It’s my own fault. I should have broken up with Monique a long time ago.”
