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The Naughty List

The Naughty List (The Naughty List #1)(39)
Author: Suzanne Young

But I wouldn’t let him.


Dear Mrs. Pugliese,

Thank you very much for your donation. SOS is a nonprofit organization, and your donations go directly to assisting others with their relationship needs by giving us the funding for the latest surveillance equipment.

Helping your daughter out of an unfaithful relationship was a joy in itself, but your money is much appreciated. We share your hope that Lynny will consider dating again in the future, even though she has taken a lifelong oath of celibacy. We understand your desire for grandchildren.

Once again, thank you for your generosity, and we wish you all the happiness in the world. Have a great day.


“SO THAT’S REALLY WHAT YOU WEAR?” CHRISTIAN asked, grinning as I approached his car. It was nice out tonight. Warm, clear. It was comfortable. The wind blew through my hair, whipping it out behind me as Christian held the door open.

“Well, we are undercover,” I said, climbing in the passenger seat. “You should have tried a disguise maybe.” Although he did look nice. Light blue sweater, khakis, very sexy cologne. I, on the other hand, was wearing my black turtleneck and leggings, along with a black down vest that I had lined with pockets to hold wiretaps and handheld audio equipment.

Christian laughed and closed my door softly before walking around his Honda. It was odd being in his car again. Almost familiar. Hm. I didn’t want any of this to be familiar. No. I wanted it to be decidedly unfamiliar. In fact, I was going to end this little adventure tonight. I would tell Christian that this was it. Over. Finished.

I was going to call his bluff.

The driver’s side door opened, and Christian smiled as he got in, glancing over my body as he did so. He may not have thought I noticed, but my peripheral vision had gotten very good. And he was checking out my C cups. Totally inappropriate.

“Well,” he said, starting the car. “Even though you’re dressed like a bank robber, you’re still the cutest thing I’ve seen all day.”

I chewed on the corner of my lip, maybe blushing a little. “Thanks.”

I gazed out the window as he pulled onto the tree-lined street, wondering where Aiden was. Wondering if he was thinking about me.

“Oh, by the way,” Christian said, snapping his fingers like he’d just remembered something. “I talked to Kira earlier, told her that we had this assignment covered on our own.”

I gasped, swinging to face him. “You did what?” He wasn’t serious!

He smiled, shaking his head. “It’s not like this is a major mission, Tessa. I’m pretty sure we don’t need a chaperone. Unless you’re worried that you won’t be able to keep your hands to yourself.”

Candy canes and unicorns! Had he lost his mind? “Pull over,” I said. Obviously, he underestimated the damage a size-seven sneaker could inflict.

“Come on.” Christian was laughing. “I can’t even joke around with you?”

“No. Not on assignment.”

He straightened his mouth, trying to be serious. “You’re right,” he said. “I need to get my game face on. I’ll be good. Promise.” He crossed his heart.

I watched him for a minute, and he didn’t pull the car to the curb. “Okay,” I said. “Let’s just get this over with.”



We were quiet as Christian continued to drive, bringing us toward the movie theater one town over. SOS had intercepted a call that Isaac Park was meeting a girl there tonight for the midnight showing. He thought he was crafty, but he had no idea that SOS had been on to him for days. And his girlfriend was a total sweetheart, too. Poor thing.

The parking lot was nearly deserted as we pulled in. Not many people went to a midnight movie during the week. Not wanting the car to get recognized, I had Christian park toward the back. After he turned it off, I took a minute to go through my backpack, making sure I had my camera with the night vision lens. Christian was smiling as he watched me twist on the cap.

“You couldn’t care less about the mission, could you?” I asked, sliding some of the pieces into the inside pockets of my vest. Theaters usually frowned at bringing in backpacks. He laughed. “Do you want the honest answer?”

I turned to him, not sure that I did. The streetlights filtered in, illuminating his face and throwing shadows over his eyes, making him look almost sinister.

“Check the time,” I said, feeling uneasiness creep over me. I didn’t want to be alone with him anymore. I wanted to hurry, and then go find Aiden.

Christian leaned his head back against the seat, staring at me. “We don’t have to go in,” he said quietly. He licked his lips, and I could see how hard he was trying to be smooth, suave. But he looked nervous.

My heart raced and I was completely uncomfortable. And yet there was a small part of me that was attracted to him. At least, to the attention from him. I’d been feeling so bad lately, so imperfect. And Christian was looking at me in that way—the way Aiden used to.

Christian’s hand moved from his lap and touched my fingers softly as they lay on the seat.

“Don’t,” I said quickly, moving my hand from under his. “You can’t touch me.”

He yanked his arm back, straightening up. “I’m sorry. I can’t help it sometimes. I find you fascinating.”

Was I a science experiment? Did he want to pin me down and dissect me?

I slid the camera into my purse and pushed the door open so hastily that I nearly fell out. I could barely catch my breath as I started speed walking across the parking lot barely able to catch my breath. Christian was immediately behind me.

“You’re freaked out, right?” he asked, sounding apologetic.

“No more talking,” I said. I didn’t care about the assignment anymore. I just wanted to get the pictures and leave.

We got inside the old-fashioned theater, and Christian rushed ahead to the glass-enclosed ticket booth. I let him buy the tickets as I scoped the scene.

“Do you want popcorn or a soda?” he asked as he came over to me, motioning toward the concessions. I curled my lip.

“Christian, this is absolutely not a date.”

“Right,” he said, smiling. “Forgot.”

I stared at him, not sure if I could trust him to stay undercover. We still had to find Isaac. It figured that he’d talked about seeing some horror movie. I hated them. I wasn’t easily scared, but I just felt so bad when people got murdered. It was gross.
