Read Books Novel

The Other Man

The Other Man(46)
Author: R.K. Lilley

“Help, Uncle, help!” Cam called out between giggling fits.

Heath pushed his huge dripping body out of the pool, and my jaw went a little slack with desire.

Iris noticed.  “Ew,” she said, though she was just giving me shit for fun, because she was surely used to it by now.  “You know that’s my brother you’re ogling, right?”

I ignored her, watching Heath playing with the boys.  He made a show of rescuing Cam, but as soon as he got low enough to the ground, the boys both turned on him, tickling, pushing him down, using every dirty trick in the book to try to pin him.

He let them, but only for a moment, straightening when he’d had enough, grabbing a kid in each big arm, striding across the lawn, and throwing them back in the pool, much to their squealing delight.

“He needs help,” Iris mused.

I looked at her, and it took me a moment.  I followed her stare to see that she wasn’t talking about Heath.

She was talking about Dair’s friend, Turner.

He was chatting with Dair and my older boys, the four of them huddled together.  I couldn’t catch any of what they were saying from here, but it had apparently gotten her attention.

I’d known Turner briefly, on a professional basis years ago, and we’d become friendly again recently due to the weekly barbecues, but my knowledge of him was still superficial at best, and mostly came from what Iris shared with me.

Turner was one of Dair’s closest friends and colleagues, though they couldn’t have been more opposite if it’d been their goal.

Turner was sarcastic, snarky, and arrogant.  A total and unapologetic womanizer.  He was very vocal about the fact that he never intended to settle down.

Apparently Iris had a problem with that.

“Help with what?” I asked her, just to clarify.  Sadly, though, I knew her well enough to guess with some baffled accuracy the strange and gleeful inner workings of her brain.

“Finding the right woman.  I have a plan.”

I sent her a sideways glance.  Her smile was positively diabolical.

Well hell.

I wondered if I should warn Turner, but I quickly decided against it.

When Iris made plans, woe betide any poor soul that got in her path.
