Read Books Novel

The Redhead Plays Her Hand

The Redhead Plays Her Hand (Redhead #3)(20)
Author: Alice Clayton

This was pure industry, pure Hollywood. And Jack was at the center of it. Normally shy in crowds, the months of constant attention and media appearances had thickened his skin and made him a pro. He shone now when lit from the outside. I still saw the nervous here and there, the hand in the hair, the tapping of the shoe, but as he mingled with actors, producers, directors, writers, he was a movie star. But still a secret Golden Girls fan.

He winked at me from across the patio as I sat in one of the comfy chairs with one of my favorite people on the planet, Nick.

“So glad to see you. I missed you!” I cried, squeezing his hand as we sipped our dirty martinis.

“I missed you too, of course, but you know I missed looking at your boy the most.”

“Yes, I know this. I know my friendship with you is based solely on the ability to look at the pretty.” I laughed.

“As long as we’re clear, we’re good!”

We sipped and gossiped. I shared stories with him about the series, and he told me how much he was missing Los Angeles. As we chatted, I felt a pair of large, meaty hands wrap around my eyes from the back.

“Lane!” I cried, turning to find Jack’s costar.

“Hey, gorgeous!” He swept me up into a tight hug. Lane was a dear, a giant teddy bear who loved nothing more than to tease Jack about my sweet rack.

“I was hoping to see you here tonight. How are things?” I asked as he set me down. Nick petted his biceps like a cat, and Lane slung an arm around his shoulders. Sighing into his dirty martini, Nick was a happy camper.

“Things are good. Where’s that idiot boyfriend of yours?” Lane asked. I swiveled in my chair, tracking him through the crowd.

“He’s over by the bar with Adam Kasen,” a voice piped up, and Rebecca joined the group.

“Good night, nurse! It’s like a Christmas special. Where are all of you coming from?” I laughed as she sat down next to me and clinked her glass to mine.

“I just snuck in, saw Jack over by the bar, and kept moving,” she replied, sipping from her cocktail.

We all turned toward the bar and watched as Jack and Adam entertained the ladies who were clustered about. I knew better than to be jealous. We were solid now, and it wasn’t a concern. But as I watched, that same feeling that I had when we were at the restaurant came over me. Something just didn’t sit right when it came to Adam.

“What do you know about Adam? Anything?” I asked Rebecca, leaning in. Which wasn’t hard, since she’d decided to share my chair.

“That guy’s a dick,” she replied immediately, rolling her eyes.


“That’s kind of what I got too.”

“Worked with him on my first movie. Slept with him once and never again.”

“Wait, wait, wait, what? You slept with him?” I whisper-yelled.

Lane and Nick were occupied with tales of how much Lane could bench-press.

“Sure. Have you seen him? He’s gorgeous. And great in bed. But he’s a dick.”

“I don’t like him.”

“I don’t like that he’s hanging out with Jack.” She drained the rest of her drink.

The crowd parted just enough that I caught Jack’s eye, and he grinned. That panty-dropping grin. He leaned over to Adam and then, like in a music video, he started across the patio toward me. Dressed in a red vintage concert tee, leather jacket, low-slung jeans, and my favorite blessed Doc Martens, he made my heart go pitter pat.

Other parts are pittering and pattying as well . . .

As he walked, eyes followed. It was like walking  p**n , and all the ladies and more than a few guys turned their heads to watch his progress. And he was just walking, for pity’s sake. But like a star, his gravity impacted everything around him.

“Wow,” I heard Nick breathe. But I couldn’t see him. All I could see was my Sweet Nuts.

Giving the guy handshake–half hug to Lane, he leaned down to press a hello kiss on Rebecca’s cheek. And then to stop the huffing, he did the same for Nick. Leading me by the hand out of my chair, he walked me to the opposite seat. Sitting down, he pulled me onto his lap, wrapped his arms around my waist, and claimed me without question. Eyes were still on us from every direction, and I pondered the timing of such a public display, but sometimes, a guy needed you on his lap. Who was I to argue with that? I scratched at the back of his head as he pressed a quick kiss on the side of my neck. I could see the women from the party giving me the evil eye, but for a moment, just one moment, I didn’t care.

We all continued to talk, laughing and chatting into the night. I sighed at one point, unable to keep the contentment inside.

“You seem happy,” Jack whispered, pushing a piece of curly hair behind my ear.

“I am. It’s nice being out and about with our friends.” I leaned into his hand.

“It’s nice to be able to snog my girlfriend in public for a change.” He looked me straight in the eye, licking at his lips.

“Shouldn’t we behave? Don’t you think we’ve pushed it enough tonight?”

“I haven’t pushed it at all.”

“Where’s your hand, Jack?”

“On your knee.”

“In public. I’d say you’ve made your point. Why push it?”

He tensed underneath me. “My point? You think I’m making a point?”

“No, I think you’re hanging out at a party with your friends and your very cute girlfriend. And she’s sitting on your lap, looking all kinds of cozy. But the thing is, just by doing that? You’re making a point. Maybe not one you’re meaning to make, but a point just the same. So let’s just enjoy, and not push.” I slipped my hand back up and stroked the back of his neck. As I did, I casually looked around at the rest of the party. Camera phone—there it was. Did I stop? Did I continue?

He must have felt me freeze, because he looked in the same direction I was, and we both saw the flash go off.

“There, someone got it. Now can you kiss your boyfriend?” he demanded, looking back at me.

His eyes had gone dark green, but not in the way I normally liked to see them.

Swooping in like a bird of prey with the most fantastic timing ever, Holly appeared. “Grace, can you help me get some things brought out from the kitchen?” she asked, eyeing us.

Sighing heavily, Jack helped me off his lap, and he and Lane headed back to the bar. Holly asked me all kinds of questions with her eyes. We clicked across the patio, smiling and interacting with other guests. Once we made it to the kitchen, however, she rounded on me.
