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The Redhead Plays Her Hand

The Redhead Plays Her Hand (Redhead #3)(28)
Author: Alice Clayton

Grace Sheridan and Jack Hamilton! Caught! Well, kind of . . . you be the judge. Hamiltoned has obtained exclusive pictures of the perhaps couple snuggling in a corner booth at a private wrap party for Sheridan’s series Mabel’s Unstable? in Los Feliz last night. While grainy at best, we have enhanced the upper-left corner of the shot, which clearly shows Jack’s hand on Grace’s shoulder! Whether you like them as a couple, we here at Hamiltoned thinks it’s great that he’s found someone he is clearly so comfortable with. Here’s hoping being the older one in the relationship she can keep a tighter leash on him! Good luck, Grace! Now who here is kind of excited about this new series she is in?

Jack Hamilton breaks it off with Grace Sheridon’t! In this exclusive shot from her stupid wrap party for her stupid new series about a washed-up beauty queen (beauty is questionable), the two were caught sitting in a corner booth. You totally can’t see it, but if you blow it up (like we did here) you can see he is clearly pushing her away when she tries to sit too close to him. We have long suspected that she’s totally in love with him (how can we blame her?) and using their mutual manager to try and get to him. Puhlease! Girl (Woman!), he was only there to help drum up publicity for your stupid new series! Which will tank. You heard it here first. Remember that! Even though we don’t want him dating anyone, can he at least date someone his own age? And not spend any more nights with this old redheaded hag? Was that bitchy??? Leave your comments here . . .


Reshoots have been ordered for scenes from the new show Mabel’s Unstable?, premiering this summer on cable channel Venue. Sources close to the show have reported that the reshoots are allegedly due to weight gain by the lead actress, Grace Sheridan. The thirty-three-year-old actress has struggled with her weight in the past, as shown in these pictures obtained exclusively by TMZ. Taken several years ago before she moved back to Los Angeles, Sheridan appears at least fifty pounds heavier and as a very different-looking woman than the one who’s been spotted out and about with the hottest actor of his generation. Does Jack know his girlfriend is a former fatty?

While much slimmer now, Sheridan is at the top end size-wise for an actress. Her curves are well noted in these pictures from the Time premiere last fall. Sources from the studio have confirmed that Grace was asked to drop weight before shooting began on Mabel’s Unstable?, and while she complied at the time, by the end of shooting her weight began to creep back up.

“She is significantly larger than the other actresses on the series, and she really worked hard to get her weight down. But it’s noticeable now. The producers noticed, and now we’re in reshoots. You figure it out,” said an unnamed source from the studio.

Responding to a story from ENT on May 25, we at CGG posted an article about Grace Sheridan and her “curvy girl” status. Grace Sheridan is five five, and as close as we can project, she is probably a size 6, maybe a size 8. With an athletically naturally curvy build, Sheridan is larger than most Hollywood actresses. Most the ladies in the fall TV lineup wear a size 2, if not a size 0. Most are petite, many barely over five two. Suddenly Grace Sheridan is a giant!

We asked our readers what they thought about the story ENT put out there, along with the pictures of an admittedly plus-size Sheridan taken several years ago. You responded well. We received more e-mails and more comments on this than any other story this year, combined.

We barely knew who Grace Sheridan was a few months ago. Now we know. And we like. And we will watch. And we will cheer. Thank God there’s a woman on TV that’s a size 8. Still a few sizes smaller than the average American woman, but we’re not too picky. Unlike Hollywood. Go, Sheridan, go!

And while normally we would refrain from commenting on a celebrity’s love life, if reports are in fact true and she is dating Super Sexy Scientist Guy? We. Are. Officially. A. Fan. Of them both.


A heated exchange took place between director David Lancaster and actress Grace Sheridan on the set of the Venue show where the cast and crew were filming reshoots. The director reportedly brought everyone back to restage some scenes after producers were said to be “concerned about the look of the show” once Sheridan put back on the weight she was asked to lose. Arguing outside of her trailer about a wardrobe choice, Sheridan seemed angry and frustrated with the director’s request that she “cover up” for one of the steamier scenes set to be redone. As a new actress to this industry, standing up to a director of Lancaster’s caliber is almost unheard of. A wardrobe consultant on the series, Amber Bigalow, has stated, “I love Grace. I love working with her. It’s great to dress a real woman for a change, instead of the impossibly thin actresses I normally work with. Nothing against other actresses, but she’s a great change of pace from the bodies I normally see. She looks like me, at least she would if I worked my ass off!”

Since this story was first reported, opinions have run rampant on the Internet, both scorning and praising the new actress. Sheridan has not commented, but her manager, Holly Newman, did confirm that while the actress was frustrated that the story was being reported, she was pleased to see that it had opened up a dialogue.

The series is set to debut in two weeks, so let’s hope the scenes are completed by then . . .


Unexpected. That was a word, a word that defined everything that had happened to my life in the last few months. Unexpected.

Unexpected: the idea that my age would continue to be reported whenever Jack and I were mentioned.

Unexpected: the notion that our relationship was routinely the lead story on most entertainment blogs and entertainment TV shows when it was a slow news day, and sometimes when it wasn’t.

Unexpected: that a weight gain of sixteen pounds, only seven pounds more than when I was cast in this role, would yield the media coverage that it had and a possible endorsement deal from California Weight Loss Systems.

Unexpected: that my career as an actress, which I had dreamed of since I was a child, was now being overshadowed by a size 8 pair of jeans and my unconfirmed relationship with the Sexiest Man Alive.

Unexpected: Jack’s behavior and constant partying, particularly when he was on location.

Unexpected: the small but increasingly vocal contingent of fans who had begun to support me, even though my show had yet to premiere and I had yet to comment on the recent reports of my fighting with my director.

Unexpected: the reports were true.

Unexpected: Grace fans?
