Read Books Novel

The Redhead Plays Her Hand

The Redhead Plays Her Hand (Redhead #3)(56)
Author: Alice Clayton

Holly wasn’t with him. No one was running interference.

The reporter leaned in, a vapid grin on her face. Her body language was predatory, eager. Every reporter after her was also looking at him, jockeying for position. Jack moved on to the next stop, smiling nervously, but almost immediately he looked defensive again. He crossed his arms over his chest and rubbed at his face.

What the hell were they asking him? He looked miserable.

I looked back at Michael, glowing at having let the cat out of the bag, happiness oozing out of every pore. The look on his face was every bit as dazzling as all the borrowed bling on this red carpet. I looked back to Jack, unglued and under attack.

I took off, my feet carrying me as fast as they could move in my fancy shoes, dodging famous faces and hungry hangers-on. I could see photographers take notice, and several began moving along with me as I got closer. I was close enough to hear the reporter ask, “So, Jack, we’ve heard about the drinking, the gambling, the wild nights out on the town, and now you’ve been hit with numerous lawsuits. What’s going on? What can you tell us?”

Just as he flinched, his entire posture tightening as he fought between fight and flight, I reached his side. I placed my hand on his shoulder, then ran it down his arm. As I reaching the crook of his elbow, I turned him toward me ever so slightly. When he realized it was me, his eyes widened, eyebrows raising in surprise. Taking the opportunity, I slid my hand farther down his arm to thread my fingers with his, and I grasped his hand firmly. Dropping my gaze from his for only a second, I smiled at the reporter. She seemed to be just now realizing who I was and what she’d gotten on tape.

Stifling a laugh, I looked back at Jack, who was now biting down on his lower lip, his entire face lit up. I winked at him, tugged on his hand, and led him away.

We walked down the red carpet together, and the fans in the stands lost their minds. As the cameras whirled and photographers almost fell over one another, I looked up at him, grinning as he relaxed and squeezed my hand. We stopped in front and let the press get their shot.

“Grace! Jack! Jack and Grace, look over here! Over here!”

For three solid minutes, I saw nothing but flashes—except when I looked to my left and saw Jack. And each time we looked at each other and smiled, the photographers went even more crazy. Their shouts growing even more frenzied. I laughed as Jack tucked me in to his side. The smile on his face bloomed even wider as his arm went around my waist. In public.

He leaned in to whisper in my ear. “Do you have any idea what you just did, Crazy?”

I grinned as he brushed a curl behind my ear. “Pretty quick thinking for a girl who isn’t even wearing panties.”

The shot on the cover of almost every magazine for the next week was me laughing, with Jack’s mouth hanging wide open.

twenty one

Entertainment Tonight

The stars were out in Hollywood last night at the annual Emmy Awards show, but it was one couple in particular who stole the night. Perennial are-they-or-aren’t-they couple, megastar Jack Hamilton and newcomer television actress Grace Sheridan, silenced all questions about the status of their relationship last night when they walked the red carpet together, surprising everyone as they acknowledged themselves as a couple for the first time anywhere.

So how did this happen? Let’s break this down for you.

Grace arrived before Jack, walking the carpet with Michael O’Connell, the head writer and creator of her hit TV show Mabel’s Unstable?, which is now in production on its second season. Scheduled to present an award, the seating chart showed Grace sitting several rows behind Jack, who was also scheduled to present. On an earlier broadcast we were able to show you where he would be sitting, which was to be in the front row next to his manager, Holly Newman, who happens to be Grace Sheridan’s manager as well.

Cut to last night when Jack Hamilton arrived just before the show began. Speculation had been that he would do just that—arrive close to the beginning of the show so he could skip most of the press line, avoiding questions about his recent legal troubles. But when he arrived, he arrived solo, signed a few autographs, and was ushered into the press line.

And shortly after that is when Grace suddenly appeared at his side and the two of them posed for pictures. Holding hands, whispering to each other, after that moment the two appeared to be very much a couple. They smiled for photographers as they walked inside, and Grace sat next to Jack in the front row for the entire show.

Even as the show began, the couple remained the topic on everyone’s lips. The evening’s host even remarked that it was great to see Jack back out on the town, and with such a sexy redhead. The two each presented an award and stayed close together the entire evening. The pair were later spotted heading into an after-party accompanied by O’Connell and their shared manager, Holly Newman, who turned heads of her own by wearing a white oxford over what appeared to be a designer red sequined gown.

So, ladies, your Super Sexy Scientist Guy seems to be spoken for . . . what say you?

He’s back! He’s back! He’s back! After being out of the limelight and off the radar for weeks now, last night we got to see our favorite boy, Jack Hamilton, and even got to see him being sweet with his now finally confirmed girlfriend, Grace Sheridan.

Jack looked amazing in a black suit and black tie. He’s still handsome as ever. He can never go away for that long again! And even hotter was his arm around Grace. We think we got a shot where you can see him alllmost touch her butt! OMG!

We love . . .

Once again, Grace Sheridan has made sure she is all over our boy, just when he was trying to talk about what’s been going on! After being gone for, like, ever, our sexy Englishman showed up at the Emmys last night, and that cow made it all about her, again!

She was all over him, holding his hand, draping his arm around her. He looked so uncomfortable. You could totally tell he was just trying to be nice.

Let it be known, now and forever, that we will never buy it. He could never love someone like her. And even if they are together, which we don’t believe for a second, it would never last. What could he possibly have in common with a woman so much older than him?

Glad you’re back, Jacky boy, but lose the redhead. Seriously.

As you knew we would, we have your annual best and worst fashions from the Emmy Awards, and making her first appearance on this year’s Best Dressed list is actress Grace Sheridan. Sure, everyone was talking about who she was with, but we were just as interested in what she was wearing! Stunning in green silk, her curves slinked down the red carpet. Her hourglass figure is an inspiration.
