Read Books Novel

The Redhead Revealed

The Redhead Revealed (Redhead #2)(20)
Author: Alice Clayton

No, not at all…

I had an early rehearsal, so with the time change I wasn’t able to call her until we took a midmorning break. I knew I’d catch her before she even made it into the office.

“Hey, asshead,” she answered. “How’s that fine oonie this morning? Did Jack leave you able to walk?”

I imagined her in her kitchen, still in her PJs, working her way through her first cup of coffee. She always checked the entertainment sites on her laptop while she had breakfast to make sure none of her clients had been arrested in the night—or caught without panties climbing out of a limo. That had happened several times this year alone. What was with these young starlets and their refusal to wear drawers?

“Yes, dillhole, I can walk. We had a great time. Although we did have a bit of an argument. You want to explain to me why you didn’t tell me about this whole Marcia thing? I know you knew about it. Jack told me your plan,” I said, my voice going icy.

She was quiet for a minute, then I heard her exhale slowly.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you myself. I went back and forth about that one, but I really thought it should come from Jack. Trust me when I say that if he didn’t tell you, I was going to—” she started.

“Holly, he did tell me,” I interrupted. “But only after I saw the pictures on TMZ. Damn, that was awful.” My stomach clenched again as the images played on the inside of my eyelids in Cinemascope.

“Jesus, Grace. I’m so sorry. He promised he would tell you. That’s the only reason I didn’t. He would’ve told you anyway. I know he would. You do believe him that there’s nothing going on, right? I mean, he’s missing you fierce.”

She waited to see if I would thaw.

I wasn’t ready for that yet. “I believe him, I just don’t like it. But I get it. She has a movie, he has a movie—press is press, right?” My lip curled a little.

“It is exactly that. Just press,” Holly said. “Once I thrashed him for hanging out with her, the only thing we could do was use it. The more his fans are discussing her and whether they’re dating, the less attention there will be on anyone else he might be dating, namely the unidentified redhead who was photographed with our Mr. Hamilton in New York a few days ago…” She trailed off.


“What?” I asked.

“Yep, it’s all over TMZ this morning. I can’t believe they waited three whole days to post it. Did you two take a walk in Central Park?” she asked, her tone professional now.

“Yes,” I said quietly.

“Grace,” she sighed.

My anger bubbled over. “Dammit, Holly, there’s no reason I can’t go for a walk with my boyfriend like anyone else! This isn’t fair!” I yelled, frantically grabbing my laptop. I wanted to see these photos for myself.

“Hey, don’t yell at me. We discussed this, and for the record, Jack wants you two public. He doesn’t care what the press says. He thinks it’s ‘bollocks’—or whatever it is he says when I tell him he can’t talk about you. He doesn’t fully understand what that would create for you though, and if you thought the cougar comment was cruel…Man, they would go for the jugular with him dating an older woman. If you’ll recall, you didn’t want the press either. You wanted to remain the unidentified redhead.”

I smiled in spite of my determination to stay angry with her. I could hear Jack saying “bollocks.”

The pictures came up on my computer. Yep, they’d gotten us at the park. Luckily, they weren’t as bad as I thought. I could remember the two of us kissing pretty frequently on that walk…

There were two images posted: one of us holding hands and the other with his hand on my back as I gazed up at him, smiling. They were incredibly sweet pictures, but I had trouble focusing in the sentiment since I noticed right away how giant my ass looked in a few of the shots. Bad angle? Let’s hope so…But I still felt a little sick at the thought of being the unidentified redhead with the large bum. I saw a run in my future.

Once again, the pictures made me happy and sad. I loved seeing the two of us together, and it was oddly reassuring that someone could take these candidly and capture what we were really like—sweet and a little schmaltzy. But is that really what I looked like from the rear? I did also hate that we were on a website I checked daily to get a celebrity fix…and maybe troll a little for flaws. Now someone could be out there trolling for mine. Stupid flaw-trollers…

Luckily, there were no snarky captions this time. Just a mention that Jack Hamilton had been spotted in New York’s Central Park with a redheaded gal pal. Gal pal—snort. Why do they always say gal pal? Who talks like that?

“Grace! You still there?” Holly called through the phone. I had been woolgathering.

“Yes, I’m still here. I’m looking at the pictures. Jesus, Holly. What are we going to do?” I asked, despair creeping into my voice.

“Does this mean you aren’t mad at me anymore?” she asked, her voice equally glum.

“Ah, jeez, f**ko, I was never mad at you, just pissed you didn’t tell me. I know you got my back. I just hate being surprised by this stuff. It was really bad when I saw those pictures. And then when he told me you knew about it—you two had discussed it—I don’t know. It felt like I was being handled or something.”

“I know, I know. Next time I’ll make sure you know as soon as I know. Deal?” she asked.


“As for what we’re going to do? We’re not going to do anything. He’ll continue to deny he has a girlfriend, and if any other pictures of him and Marcia surface, who cares? You know which side his bread is buttered on—and his crumpet, for that matter. It’s probably a good thing you’re not in the same city right now. I’d get a call that you’d been caught going at it under the Hollywood sign.” She laughed dryly.

I paused a moment. “Holly?”


“Are you sure there’s nothing going on between them?”

“Grace, if I thought for a second there was, he would be short one manager. And two nuts. One manager and two nuts.”

“No, no, don’t remove the nuts. I’ve grown rather fond of them,” I warned, grateful to be reminded she would always have my back, first and foremost.

“Pervert. And, girl, you should see how much his fans are hating on her! They can’t stand Marcia. They’re crucifying her online. Poor thing. I wonder if her management team will rethink this—although more people definitely know who she is now.”
