Read Books Novel

The Redhead Revealed

The Redhead Revealed (Redhead #2)(38)
Author: Alice Clayton

“Are you the redhead we’ve seen with Jack?” he yelled over the noise.

I tried to shake my head, not willing to say anything.

He looked at me carefully. His eyes widened as he put it together. “Fuck me, you are! You’re the redhead! Jesus, how old are you?” He snapped a few more pictures as I almost ran inside.


Once in the lobby, I found the bar directly. Now I could breathe a little easier. This was exactly what I’d been afraid of—that someone would recognize me from the pictures taken of us over the summer and in New York. I was shaking. It was naïve of me to think I could come here and not ruin this for Jack. Fuck.

I ordered a double dirty martini, light on the dirty.

I tried to calm down, foolishly thinking maybe the photographer would forget my name in the chaos quickly developing outside. So what if he had my name? No one knew who I was. But he had my picture, and he’d identified me as the redhead.

Shit, this was bad.

And clearly there was no question about whether I looked older than Jack. I sucked down the booze. I was usually not much of a drinker—strictly a two-cocktail limit—but tonight I needed all the liquid courage I could get.

I watched from my vantage point as the venue became more and more crowded. There were movie posters everywhere, and the mob was growing more and more wound.

I was working through my second double martini (to say nothing of at least three shots on the drive over) when I heard the crowd hit fever pitch. Nick had found me by then, and we made our way to the window to watch the show before the show.

The cast was arriving, actors with smaller roles first. It was a carefully orchestrated event. Rebecca soon appeared, and I was happy I’d get to spend time with her. She was a very cool chick. And then Lane was so cute. He was a natural on the red carpet, chatting with reporters and fans alike.

Suddenly, everyone got quiet. There was only one star not there, and one last limo had just pulled up.

And then Jack opened his door.

Utter. And. Total. Pandemonium. Ensued.

Women cried. Women fainted. Women yelled. Women screamed.

Jack stood and took it all in.

He was my Jack, and he was their Jack. He was Hollywood’s Jack. He was a movie star.

He worked the red carpet with a mix of self-deprecation and cocky strut. He owned that freaking crowd. He was a natural because he was not a natural.

He took pictures with the cast and kept really close to Rebecca. These two were going through something so specific and stylized—I was glad they had each other. I was grateful to her for helping him. And I had a feeling he calmed her as well.

Eventually he made it inside. I watched him work the room, looking around. For me? For his dad? Before I had a chance to get to him, someone else found him.


She was beautiful in person. She was poured into a gorgeous black dress, and her legs may have been six feet in length. She was radiant, she was stunning, she was young.

I was feeling no pain.

I watched her make eye contact with him from across the room. It was like freaking West Side Story. His eyes lit up as he saw her. They walked through the crowd toward each other, and I was frozen to the spot, unable to tear my eyes away.

Just friends. Just friends. Just friends.

My Aunt Fannie.

You don’t even have an Aunt Fannie…

Shut it.

Have another cocktail, why don’t you?

Great idea.

I was kidding.

They hugged like old friends. Old friends who’d shared something profound.

He caught my eye over her shoulder, and I raised my glass and an eyebrow to him.

He flinched and actually had the decency to look a little embarrassed.

I saw him talking to her, and I saw her turn to meet my eyes. She smiled warmly, and I smiled back. What is the opposite of warmly?


Yeah, yeah. I like that.

This is going to end badly, isn’t it?

Saddle up.

Chapter 13

As Jack walked Marcia over to meet me, I set my empty glass down and tried hard not to fidget. But I was a fidgeter from way back. Even Jack had noticed it, and he knew when I was nervous.

Upon arrival, he immediately took my hand and squeezed it. “Don’t fidget, Crazy. You look beautiful,” he whispered.

I smiled at him and turned to Marcia. She was still smiling brightly at me.

“Marcia, this is Grace,” he said, and my heart actually stopped when I heard him say her name. At one point he’d probably said it the way he said mine.

“Grace, I’m so happy to finally meet you. He talks about you all the time,” she said, and leaned into kiss both my cheeks.

Ah, shit. I don’t want to like this bitch.

Jack smiled. He was enjoying this.

I kissed her back and smiled.

“Yes. I’ve heard a lot about you recently as well,” I said, and she blushed a little.

“I know. Can you believe the rumors that get started?” she said.

Jack smirked as if to say “I told you so.” I gave him a sharp look, and he just rolled his eyes.

“I need to talk to you,” I whispered in a low voice, trying to convey urgency. I needed to tell him what had happened with the photographer.

“Oh, I already know what you want to talk about. That was the topic of conversation on the carpet out there,” he whispered back, arching an eyebrow and staring down at me.

“I don’t know what happened. I was just trying to get inside and—” I started, then Marcia interrupted me.

“Your dress is beautiful. Where’d your stylist find it?” she asked.

“Oh, I, uh, I found it myself. Bergdorf’s. New York. No stylist,” I stammered. This child was freaking me out, and I hated that. I wished I had another drink.

“Oh, that’s right. How are you enjoying Manhattan? It’s a wonderful place to live, isn’t it? Are you planning to sell your house here?” she asked, locking eyes with me.

Hmmm. She knew an awful lot about my plans.

“I don’t know yet what I’m going to do. It all depends on what happens with the show, doesn’t it, Sweet Nuts?” I asked, leaning further into his arm as he wrapped it around my waist.

“Sweet Nuts?” she asked, wrinkling her nose.

“Private joke,” I said, kissing on Jack’s neck.

With radar as good as the military, Holly swooped in just at that moment and took Jack’s arm. “I need you for a few minutes before the film starts,” she said to Jack. “Come with me please? Ladies,” she said in parting, shooting me the hairy eyeball.

“Ladies, I’ll see you in there,” Jack echoed. “Grace, we’ll talk about this later. Don’t worry,” he said. He tried to lean to in to kiss me, but Holly Go-Cockblocker was right there.
