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The Redhead Revealed

The Redhead Revealed (Redhead #2)(5)
Author: Alice Clayton

“Then, love, you’ll be happy when I tell you my news,” he said.

“What is it, please?” I asked, not daring to hope for what I wanted.

“I’m coming to see you,” he whispered.

I closed my eyes, leaned my head against the door, and said a silent thank you.

“Gracie? Are you there?” he asked, chortling.

“I’m here, George,” I whispered, my throat tight.

“What do you think?”

“I couldn’t have gotten better news. I’m thrilled!” I sighed happily, a grin breaking across my face that rivaled Jack Nicholson’s Joker. Then I broke out in a fit of giggles, unable to stop. I laughed so hard I began to cry, and I could only imagine what it must sound like on the other end of the line. Jack laughed along with me, indulging my outburst with the patience of a saint. Truly, no other twenty-four-year-old man on the planet had his tolerance, especially when dealing with me.

When I finally calmed enough to form sentences again, I sighed deeply, making my way toward the couch from where I’d collapsed in front of the door. I didn’t actually make it off the floor—my tummy hurt too much from laughing to let me up. I had truly gone fetal.

“What the hell was that, Sheridan?” he asked, laughing again as he heard me moan dramatically when I finally lifted myself back onto the coach.

“Just a little emotional breakdown, Hamilton. They happen, you know. When are you getting here? Don’t tell me you’re in the hallway! I can’t handle that.” I smiled into the phone, my heart leaping at the thought he might be that close.

“No, sorry. I will be there this Friday night, though. Soon enough for you?”

My heart now leaped out of my chest. I quickly did the math. “You’ll be here in four days?” I squealed, arching my ass off the couch as every muscle in my body clenched involuntarily.

“Yes, ma’am. Will you be ready for all that lovin’?” he teased, voice getting lower.

“Oh, God, Sweet Nuts, I’m gonna work you over so good, you won’t be able to get back on that plane. How long will you be here?” I asked, my voice getting husky as well.

“What if I said you get to keep me until Tuesday night?”

I actually closed my eyes and bit down on my knuckles to keep the shrieking inside. “Five days? Do you have any idea the kind of damage we can do to each other in five days?”

“I have some idea. What do you want me to do first?” he asked, indicating the beginning of the sex. I smiled contentedly, and as my hands began to work their way down, I imagined all the ways I could answer that question. They were spectacular in their promise.

Chapter 2

“So what do you two plan on doing this weekend, as if I didn’t already know?” Even over the phone from L.A., Holly’s voice made me smile.

“Believe it or not, we actually did make some plans,” I said. “We’re seeing a show Saturday night and a new exhibit at the MOMA on Sunday. And between my rehearsal schedule and his interviews, we’ll barely have any quiet time at all.” I sighed, stretching out across the old couch in the back of the rehearsal studio.

Holly had called in between early-morning phone meetings. Being both my best friend and my manager—not to mention Jack’s manager—was a multifaceted role she was so far handling really well. She was great at her job, especially with new talent like Jack. She was crafting his career with precision—keeping him visible, but not overexposed.

And speaking of Jack, he was due in tonight! His flight got in around five, and I was meeting him at his hotel. We were strategic that way—we didn’t want to waste any time. I was hoping our hellos would be quickly followed by my panties’ removal.

“Why do I think quiet times aren’t on the menu this weekend anyway? More like screaming times,” she chuckled, no doubt remembering the caterwauling she’d had to endure all those weeks at her house in L.A.

I blushed. He did get me to scream louder than any man before him, and then there were the nights when he stunned me silent. Oh, God. Is there a way to speed up time?

“So how’s the show going? You and Michael still getting along, or have you scratched his eyes out?”

“No, actually things are going surprisingly well. I forgot how damn funny he is, and we’re really having a good time together. It’s like we never stopped being friends,” I said. I was so glad we’d put the past behind us.

“Uh-huh,” she said.

“What does that mean?” I asked.

“Nothing. Just saying ‘uh-huh’,” she said, the smile back in her voice.

“Holly, you never say anything without meaning something. Now give it up, bitch.”

“It’s nothing. I’m just glad you guys are friends again. It isn’t weird at all? No old chemistry knocking around, nothing coming up between you two?” she asked.

“No, none at all. Thanks for asking, though, you scandal whore.” I laughed, hoping to change the subject quickly. There was nothing going on. However, while Michael and I had spent plenty of time reminiscing, we hadn’t addressed the feelings we’d had for each other back then, or any impact they might have on the present. I thought briefly of his eyes locked on mine during the eggroll standoff, but I brushed this aside.

“So when are you coming to visit, you dumb bitch?” I segued smoothly.

“Nice talk. I’m trying to get out there before Thanksgiving. And by the way, where are you planning on spending the holiday? Can you get back here, or will you still be in rehearsal?”

“I don’t know, but my guess is I’ll be here. Hey, I’ll get to see the parade up close and personal. That’ll be kind of cool!” I said. I hadn’t really thought about the upcoming holidays.

“Maybe I’ll wait and come out then. Can’t have my best friend alone on Turkey Day,” she said, laughing.

“Aw, that’s sweet, babe. You know there’s no one I’d rather share yams with than your bad-ass self.” I chuckled.

“So when’s he getting in?” she asked.

I ignored the obvious double entendre. “Around five-ish. I have to be here all day for rehearsal, but that’s good. It’s keeping my mind off things. I’m so freaking excited! I really didn’t expect to miss him as much as I do.”

I sighed, leaning back on the couch again and sipping my coffee. It was still early—not even lunch yet, and I knew this day would positively drag.
