Read Books Novel

The Redhead Revealed

The Redhead Revealed (Redhead #2)(63)
Author: Alice Clayton


He spied the open door and came to stand in the doorway, squinting into the darkness. “Gracie?” he asked quietly.

“Hey,” I answered, stretching in the chair as he walked toward me.

“Hey yourself,” he said, settling on the ottoman in front of me. I placed my feet in his lap, and he took off my flip-flops without thought. He began to rub my feet, and my toes curled.

“How was the interview?” I asked.

He smiled a knowing grin and said, “It was good. Holly’s going to kill me, though.”

“No filter?” I asked, arching my eyebrow.

“No filter,” he confirmed, winking at me like the devil himself.

“Good party?” I asked, leaning up a little, but keeping my feet in his lap.

“Eh, it was fine. These L.A. parties are just not my thing, but it was pretty cool, I guess. How was dinner with Holly?”

“It was fun. I know a secret…” I said in a teasing voice, offering my glass of wine to him.

He took a large swallow and handed it back. “About Holly? A secret? Is it that she and Lane are having the sex?” he asked, winking again.

“You knew? And you didn’t tell me?” I cried, slapping him lightly. He increased the pressure on my feet and began to work his way up my calves. His long fingers slipped underneath my legs, rubbing circles and kneading my muscles.

“I knew, but it wasn’t my secret to tell,” he replied, lowering his gaze and looking at me from beneath his lashes. I could feel my heartbeat speed up as the green darkened, almost imperceptibly.

“Well, she seems to be enjoying herself,” I said, rubbing my legs together slightly as he continued his massage, working his hands now to the backs of my knees. My skin tingled and warmed under his fingers, and he knew it.

“I should think so. Lane says they’re having quite a good time. He wonders why we didn’t start dating older women years ago.”

His hands slipped higher on my legs. His palms rubbed in between my knees, parting them slightly. He wrapped his hands under my thighs, and suddenly pulled me closer to him, bringing me to the edge of the chair.

“You two are pretty funny, ya know? We love taking young pups and training them. You’re so much more moldable when you’re young, ripe for the picking. And the recovery time is reason alone…” I teased back, trying not to moan as he pushed my legs open further.

“Recovery time, you say?” He laughed, his eyes staying on mine as he pushed my skirt up higher, his hands now inches away from my panties. He continued to watch me as he scooped underneath me and pulled me into full recline in the chair. With precision, he flipped my skirt up and removed my panties slowly. His breath quickened as he brushed against me and felt how he had already affected me, how he always affected me. My body never, ever failed to respond to him.

“Jack,” I breathed, opening my legs to him and arching my back in invitation. He grinned that f**king half grin that was mine alone and, without another word, stood and unzipped his jeans. The sight of him bringing himself forward from his boxers was insanely stimulating. I leaned forward and pushed him back down on the ottoman. I imagined he’d been mentally f**king me since I heard his car pull into the driveway. He sighed heavily at the sight of me, and I peeled off my shirt and straddled him, skirt still on, but now bare beneath.

There was no sound except the crickets, the occasional car, the music, and our breathing as I sank down onto him, taking him inside me. No matter how many times I felt this, it never failed to stop my breath as I felt him within me, perfectly. We both exhaled as I rose up, my feet flat against the flagstone, controlling this completely. I lifted, then lowered again, increasing the sweet friction between us. His hips drove into me, uniquely positioning him to hit that spot, both inside and out, every time I brought myself down onto him. His mouth found mine, our kisses frantic as I tasted the wine on his tongue. He unclasped my bra, his hands and mouth each finding one breast and addressing them equally. He rained kisses on my skin as my hands clung tightly to his shoulders.

“You feel amazing…how can you feel this good…every…single…time…God…” I struggled to speak, continuing to maneuver myself above him, legs shaking in exertion as I gave him everything I had.

He watched me move above him, teeth biting his lower lip as he groaned and closed his eyes at my words. I breathed in his ear, nibbling on his earlobe and kissing the space just below, the way I knew drove him crazy.

“I love feeling you around me, Grace. So warm…so f**king warm…” He moaned, his hips increasing speed and pressure, and I could feel myself tightening, my stomach clenching, toes curling, hands fisting, then fingers turning into little daggers as I dug into his back.

“So good…please…please…please…” I cried, and I screamed his name as I shook and shivered on top of him. He drove into me, holding me tightly against him, grabbing my legs to push deeper into me. I let him have me. He made me come a second time, the first rolling right into the next as he burst into me, sinking against my chest and calling my name.

“Jesus, Grace.” He sighed, and I cradled his head, running my fingers through his hair and scratching his scalp. We stayed like this for a few moments, and then I laughed. Laughing in this position was a little uncomfortable, and so he lifted me easily, and as we replaced our clothing, he looked at me curiously.

“Why are you laughing, Crazy?”

“I was just thinking that if any paparazzi followed you home, this would be all over the world tomorrow.”

“Not funny,” he said, slapping me on the ass as I tried to put my panties back on.

“And that right there? With that shot they’d say you’re into rough sex, you deviant, you!” I laughed, dodging his next swat.

I ran into the house and turned to see him pulling up his pants. “Now you look like you had a little solo love out there all alone. Poor lonely Brit,” I sang out, still laughing.

He turned to me, eyes twinkling. “What was it you said about recovery time, love?” he asked, striding toward me.

“Oh man…” I laughed and ran into the house. With Jack right on my heels.


The next morning we had to get up and move. Jack had a photo shoot, and I still had quite a bit to get done for our dinner party the following night. Jack had invited Rebecca and Lane, and I was very interested to see how things would go down between Lane and Holly, although I was not so sure about Rebecca.
