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The Right Choice

The Right Choice(34)
Author: Carly Phillips

“So do I.” Reaching behind her neck, he opened the two buttons that held the top of her dress in place. He watched, mesmerized, as he drew the top down, inch by tantalizing inch. Since he’d been given a brief sample before dinner, he knew what lay beneath the light material.

The dress fell to her waist and he sucked in a deep breath. Carly, however, closed her eyes. A rosy color tinged her cheeks. He raised one hand to cup her face. “Hell of a time to get shy, sweetheart.”

Personally she couldn’t think of a better one. “Takes an awful long time for the sun to go down, doesn’t it?” she asked, while silently praying for darkness. She raised her arms to cover herself, but he stopped her by grabbing hold of her wrists and pulling them down gently.

“Don’t. I’ve been waiting too long.” His voice sounded rough to her ears.

She allowed him to draw her arms to her sides, but kept her eyes tightly shut. Whatever she had anticipated, it wasn’t this slow perusal. She no longer felt capable of lighthearted banter, not when she felt so vulnerable and exposed.

“Beautiful,” he murmured, just before she felt wet heat on one breast. In shock, she opened her eyes to see him leaning over her, lavishing undivided attention on her hardened nipple. She gasped at the utter intimacy of the act. He suckled her, nipping and soothing with alternate breaths. Heat, which had begun in her chest, traveled with lightning speed to the juncture of her thighs.

Were these wonderful sensations the same ones she had feared hours earlier? Right now, she couldn’t imagine why. She ran her fingers through his thick hair, enjoying the rasp of his day-old beard against the sensitive skin on her chest.

He lifted his head long enough to turn to the other breast, giving it equal attention. She felt only a moment of cool air on the spot his mouth had abandoned, before his hand began equally skillful maneuvers. Muscles in her stomach clenched as he rolled one nipple between his thumb and forefinger, while working the other with his mouth.

Unable to think, let alone feel embarrassment, she lay her head back on the pillow and gave herself up to sensation. She was only dimly aware when he lifted her up to release the back zipper of her dress, of when she raised her hips to help him remove the barrier between them. The bed shifted and swirled beneath them, causing her to giggle at more than one inopportune moment.

At some point, and she couldn’t remember when, he’d shed his shirt, because her hands now buried themselves in the hair on his chest. He groaned as she worked her way outward. She smiled and licked each nipple in turn.

“Carly.” He gasped her name, warning in his voice.

She blew cool air on his wet skin in response. With another groan, he grabbed her wrists and pinned her backward. The bed rocked beneath them. “You don’t play fair.”

She bat her eyelashes at him. “Was I supposed to?”

“Not if you don’t mind my returning the favor.” He paused for a hot, wet kiss, then made brief work of removing her lace panties. Together they got rid of his jeans and briefs. The bed wasn’t nearly as cooperative, however, and he stood to complete the task.

Laughing, Carly grasped the purple cotton from his hands and dangled the briefs from her fingers. “I’d never figured you for plain white, but this?”

“I told you purple was my favorite.” He bounced down next to her. “But I am glad you gave it some thought,” he said with a grin.

She tossed them aside. “More than a little.” Her hand circled his pulsing length. His sheer size stunned her and she gasped aloud.

“I would never hurt you.”

She lowered her gaze. “I know. It’s just that I’ve never…”

“I know.” He silenced her and eased her embarrassment with a kiss before reaching for the night-table drawer. “Help me,” he said, handing her the foil packet.

With shaking hands, she complied. Never had she thought of protection as an erotic act. In the future, she’d never think of it as anything else.

Her fears had long since evaporated under his gentleness. He’d touched a place deep inside her. More than her body was involved in the act that was to come. Much more.

He straddled her with muscular legs. His erection nudged at her, barely easing the throbbing ache of desire. She lifted her hips and he eased into her slowly at first and then harder, pushing inside with one hard thrust. She gasped at the initial shock of pain.

“I’m sorry.”

She shook her head. He had nothing to be sorry for. He waited, poised above her. She felt him deep inside her. Mike filled her body but also her heart. She knew it the same way she knew nothing in her life would ever be the same. He paused to kiss her, working his tongue in her mouth as if searching for something greater than both of them.

He began to move inside her, and soon his gentle movements weren’t enough. She wanted him deeper, wanted more from him than she’d ever dreamed possible.

The bed rocked in time with their movements, making it difficult for Mike to take things slowly. Enclosed in Carly’s warmth, he fought against feelings so intense he thought they might drown him. She murmured his name and wrapped her long legs around his waist, forcing him as hard and as deep as he could reach.

He felt her contract around him, heard her cry out, and any control he had maintained shattered along with her. Surging into her, he drove higher. Mike let go, losing himself inside her the way he had always known—and feared—he would.

* * *

Carly lay in Mike’s arms but sleep eluded her. She listened to his deep breathing and cuddled closer to his warmth. She tried not to think about anything but the miracle of them being together, but reality intruded. Eventually she would have to deal with their parting. She pressed a kiss against the back of his warm hand and tried to sleep.

She came awake with a start. Mike’s body had stiffened and his arms tightened around her until breathing became next to impossible. His own breaths came in short gulps and he groaned. She felt the sheen of perspiration covering his body and realized he was in the throes of a violent nightmare. Should she wake him, or let the dream run its course?

“Mike?” She tried to turn, but his arms constricted her movement. “Mike?” she said, louder this time.

Abruptly he released her. With difficulty, she drew deep breaths and rolled toward him. He looked in her direction and turned away.

Her heart thudded painfully in her chest as she realized that he intended to shut her out. “I can’t help if you won’t talk to me,” she said, drawing the sheet up over her bare chest. “Trust me.” She placed a hand on his still clammy skin.
