Read Books Novel

The Right Choice

The Right Choice(41)
Author: Carly Phillips

How could she be angry with Mike when he put her feelings first, always? She knew she had overreacted earlier, but with his leaving imminent, and his return as uncertain as their future, her nerves were on edge.

Inside the bag she discovered a large vanilla shake, a burger and fries. Apparently Mike had reworked the old adage, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. He had certainly reached this woman’s heart with his kind gesture.

Actually he had reached hers long before this. She munched on a french fry, pausing to lick the salt and grease off her fingers. She had decided not to fight the attraction for the short time they had left.

“Coast is clear.” Mike’s voice sounded through the bedroom door along with a loud knock. Startled, she glanced at her watch. Hours had passed. It was half past seven.

“Come in,” she called without looking up.

“I thought Pete would never leave,” Mike said. And if he hadn’t threatened bodily harm, he might still be hanging around.

Carly didn’t answer. She had changed into a flowered dress that wrapped around her body and reminded him of sunshine and happiness. Her head bent, she tapped away on her laptop computer keys. “I wasn’t hiding out,” she said at last, still without looking up.

“Could have fooled me.” A quick glance around the room revealed piles of documents, reference books and the crumpled brown lunch bag. “You get a lot done today?” he asked.

She glanced up. “Pretty much.” Her gaze darted around the room, but she had yet to look him in the eye.

“Maybe I should have Pete come by more often. His presence seems to stimulate you.”

“What?” Her startled gaze met his.

“Your mind,” he said with a grin. “Stimulate your mind.” He tapped his head and laughed. At least she’d finally looked him straight on.


She flushed, a reaction that inevitably reminded him of their first meeting. And their first kiss. Which led to even more intimate memories. “How was the burger?” he asked, more to distract himself than anything else.

“Greasy.” Her face turned a darker shade of pink. “I mean good. Thanks for thinking of me.”

He shrugged. “Not a problem. I’m always thinking of you.” He crossed the room until he stood next to her.

Her eyes locked with his. Every time he looked into that brown-eyed gaze, her vulnerability hit him hard.

“I’m sorry about what happened earlier,” she said. “I have no excuse and I apologize. We both know where things stand. I have no right to toss it back in your face.”

He crouched down and took her hand in his. “Our first fight is nothing to apologize for.” His thumb methodically worked the pulse point in her wrist, massaging in slow but deliberate circles. When her pulse rate jumped, he smiled in satisfaction.

“Why not?”

“An occasional argument is a healthy sign. Any good psychologist knows that.”

He raised his eyes in time to catch her grin and flick her tongue over her lips. Nervous energy radiated from her and he waited for the gesture he associated with Carly. Any minute now, he thought. She brushed her bangs out of her eyes. Bingo. He suppressed a laugh. Never having had such an emotional connection before, it still amazed him that he could read another person so well.

“Is that the only reason?” she asked.


“What’s the other?” Her voice sounded unusually husky and he guessed she had figured out reason number two.

Their mental connection amazed him. “I’m not above relying on old standbys. Making up is half the fun.” He tugged on her arm and yanked her toward him. She came forward fast, and together they toppled to the floor.

Carly landed on top of him in an indelicate sprawl. He brushed his mouth over hers.

“Mike.” Her breath was as moist and sweet as his name on her lips.

“What?” he asked, trailing kisses along her jaw-line.

“Have you given any thought to when you’ll…” Before she could voice the question that had been plaguing him, he silenced her with his lips. His tongue plunged into her warm mouth and he savored the heated sensation.

But even their intimate joining couldn’t stop the remnants of her question from nagging at him. Have you given any thought to when you’ll be leaving? The notion was almost more than he could bear. He would go because he had to… but not without leaving a part of himself behind.

Surprising him, she took an aggressive role, her tongue slipping between his lips. She greedily drew from him as much as she gave. His lower body responded in kind. Given their positions, she had to notice. Apparently she did. She wriggled off him and began unfastening his jeans with trembling hands.

Mike took a moment to study her. Her face was flushed and her lips glistened with moisture. His gaze slid lower. Her ni**les puckered against the light flowered fabric. The evidence of her desire fueled his own.

“I never thought I’d agree to this again,” she murmured.

“Oh, sweetheart, we’re inevitable.”

Her slender fingers shook as they grasped his zipper. That small involuntary movement hit him like a body blow. She was frantic, yes, but something more was involved. Something she’d been reluctant to admit.

He realized that he’d been more on target than he thought that afternoon. Like him, she too cared more than she wanted to. More than she was even conscious of.

He covered her fingers with his own, steadying the tremors in her hand. Together they made quick work of his jeans and briefs, sending them to a pile on the floor.

Mike didn’t kid himself. His self-control had deserted him long ago. Only one thought occupied his mind—burying himself so deep inside her, he wouldn’t know where he left off and she began. He lifted her dress and yanked the small scrap of lace down around her legs.

She gasped and Mike forced himself to stop. Their eyes met. If he’d frightened her, he’d pull back now. Somehow.

“I…” She hesitated.

“You what?” His words sounded more like a groan. If she wanted to stop, now was the time. A few seconds more and he doubted he’d be capable. “Say it.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I want you,” she whispered. “Now.”

After that there was no need for words. He rolled on his back, pulling her on top of him. Though he lacked the restraint necessary to move to a bed, he’d be damned if he’d bruise her soft body against the hard floor.
