Read Books Novel

The Seduction

The Seduction(10)
Author: Carly Phillips

With a groan, he picks me up, and suddenly my back is against the truck, his big, hard body pressing into mine. Warmth that has nothing to do with the summer air rushes through me. This is what I’ve wanted. What I’ve been waiting for. The kiss turns possessive. A tug on my hair tilts my head and positions my mouth so he can dive in. And he does. His tongue thrusts against mine, learns the deep recesses of my mouth. I’m trembling and grab onto his shoulders to steady me.

Touching the muscles in his upper back reminds me there’s more for me to explore. While he devours my mouth, I let my hands roam over him, up his neck, and into his hair. It’s like silk, and I love the feel of the golden strands sliding along my fingertips.

He nips at my lips, and I feel the sensation in my br**sts and between my thighs. My hips buck against him, and I’m needy in ways I’ve never experienced. My sex feels swollen and wanting. Now I understand what it means to feel empty and to want more.

I shake and tremble, my hips grinding against him, seeking relief.

“Easy,” he says as if he knows what I’m feeling. His hand strokes my cheek to calm me.

Not possible when I need him so badly. I reach down and cup his thick erection in my hand.

He lets out a sexy groan. “You do crazy things to me.”

“Yeah, well, you sure managed to hide it.”

He hikes my skirt and slides his hand between us. His fingers begin to stroke me through my damp panties.

Oh God. I arch into his touch.

“You’re wet for me,” he says, sounding pleased.

I whimper as he moves his hand around. “Want me to take the edge off?” Without waiting for a reply, he begins to circle my sex with the heel of his hand.

Sensations spark brighter inside me, and I’m shaking against him. I know the explosion is coming, and I want it more than anything. A small part of me realizes we’re in a parking lot, but it’s dark. Nobody else is around. And the way I’m feeling, with how close I am, I wouldn’t care if we had an audience as long as he makes me come.

I hear a high-pitched moan and realize it came from me. I bite my cheek and press my face into his shoulder. He doesn’t let up the insane rotation of his hand. He’s working me perfectly, and I’m rocking against him. I’m wet, feel myself getting wetter.

“God, Princess, you feel good. So hot.”

“For you,” I manage to say, but my mouth is against his warm neck, and I mumble.

He lets out the male rumble. “That feels good. Bite me there.”

I’m stunned. I’m so close to coming I’m near tears at the intensity of sensations flying through me. And maybe some emotions too.

“Do it,” he says, his hand still swirling around my sex.

Oh God. I press my mouth against the side of his neck and brush his skin with my teeth. And when he gives one final thrust of his hand, I shatter, pulling at his hair, as bright flashes of light hit behind my eyes and my entire body soars.

I’m out of breath, and I don’t know how much time passes before I’m ready to look at him.

Finally I pull my face from the crook of his shoulder and meet his gaze.

“Hottest f**king thing I’ve ever seen,” he tells me with a grin. His eyes are molten on mine.

I duck my chin down. I’m not a sex goddess, contrary to what that tape implies, and this isn’t normal behavior for me. Now that the deep need has passed, I’m embarrassed.

“Hey. Look at me.” He turns my chin with his hand. “That was awesome.”


“Yeah.” He grins.

Just like that, I’m back with him again. “So why didn’t you go for it sooner?” I ask.

He tips his head back, and a full-blown laugh I don’t think I’ve heard before rumbles through him. I like the sound.

“How about we just go with what’s happening now?” he suggests.

“And what is that?” What happens after a guy makes a girl come apart in the parking lot? I wonder.

“Up to you. My place is in Queens. Not far by car.”

I blow out a breath of relief. “Okay.”

He doesn’t wait for more. He lifts me up so I’m forced to wrap my legs around his waist, and he walks around to the passenger side of his truck. Next thing I know, I’m settled into the seat, buckled in, and we’re on our way.

He doesn’t give me time for nerves to kick in. He immediately reaches for my hand and settles it onto his thigh as he drives. It’s possessive and hot, and too many emotions ride through me.

I remind myself not to read more into tonight than hot sex, but it’s hard given how attentive he’s been over the last few weeks. Why would a guy invest so much time and energy into me if there weren’t something meaningful there? If it was just sex he wanted, he could have gone after it weeks ago.

As for me, yeah, this is happening fast. And maybe I have sworn off men. But he’s not just any man. My heart seems to know him. And if I seem too trusting, well, I’m going with my heart. It’s never felt this way before.

He drives uptown and through the Midtown Tunnel. We’re in Queens, not a borough I know well. Soon he pulls up to a small house in what appears to be a fairly decent area.

I’m surprised he’s in a house, not an apartment. “Have you lived here long?” I ask.

“My grandfather owned the place for years. He left it to me when he died a couple of years ago.”

“I’m sorry.”

He shrugs. “Life.”

“Yeah,” I say, not sure how else to acknowledge that sad bit of truth.

He helps me out of the truck and guides me to the front door. “This is it.” He opens the locks with his set of keys and lets us inside.

He flips on lights, and I take in the small house. There’s an entryway and a den with a big-screen television. To one side is a pass-through kitchen.

He tosses his keys onto a table in the den. There’s not much in the way of décor. A leather couch, a table with papers spread all over. A bookshelf lined with mysteries.

I notice a photograph in front of the books and step over for a closer look. In a four-by-six frame, there’s a picture of a woman about my age, her hair about the same color as Zach’s. She has a wide grin on her pretty face, her arm around a younger Zach as he glares for the camera. They look too much alike not to be related.

I feel him come up behind me, his body emanating heat at my back. He clasps my forearms in his hands.

“Your sister?” I ask.
